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University of Washington: Dataset Details, ID=GSE12140

Superfund Research Program

Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics Core Laboratory

Project Leader: Theodor K. Bammler
Co-Investigator: James W. MacDonald
Grant Number: P42ES004696
Funding Period: 2000-2023
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Title: Gene expression profiles in zebrafish brain after acute exposure to domoic acid at symptomatic and asymptomatic doses

Accession Number: GSE12140

Link to Dataset:

Repository: Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)

Data Type(s): Gene Expression

Experiment Type(s): Expression profiling by array

Organism(s): Danio rerio

Summary: Domoic acid (DA) is a neuroexcitatory amino acid that is naturally produced by some marine diatom species of the genus Pseudo-nitzschia. Ingestion of DA-contaminated seafood by humans results in a severe neurotoxic disease known as amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP). Clinical signs of ASP include seizures and neuronal damage from activation of AMPA and kainate receptors. However, the impacts of DA exposure at levels below those known to induce outward signs of neurobehavioral exicitotoxicity have not been well characterized. To further understand the mechanisms of neurotoxic injury associated with DA exposure, we examined the transcriptome of whole brains from zebrafish (Danio rerio) receiving intracoelomic (IC) DA at both symptomatic and asymptomatic doses. A majority of zebrafish exposed to high-dose DA (1.2 µg DA/g) exhibited clinical signs of neuroexcitotoxicity (EC50 of 0.86 µg DA/g) within 5 to 20 minutes of IC injection. All zebrafish receiving low-dose DA (0.47 µg DA/g) or vehicle only maintained normal behavior. Microarray analysis of symptomatic and asymptomatic exposures collectively yielded 306 differentially expressed genes (1.5-fold, p = 0.05) predominately represented by signal transduction, ion transport, and transcription factor functional categories. Transcriptional profiles were suggestive of neuronal apoptosis following an overwhelming of protective adaptive pathways. Further, potential molecular biomarkers of neuropathic injury, including Nrdg4, were identified and may be relevant to DA exposure levels below that causing neurobehavioral injury. Our results validate zebrafish as a vertebrate model to study mechanisms of DA neurotoxicity and provide a basis for identifying pathways of DA-induced injury as well as biomarkers of asymptomatic and symptomatic DA exposure levels.

Publication(s) associated with this dataset:
  • Lefebvre KA, Tilton SC, Bammler TK, Beyer RP, Srinouanprachanh SL, Stapleton PL, Farin FM, Gallagher EP. 2009. Gene expression profiles in zebrafish brain after acute exposure to domoic acid at symptomatic and asymptomatic doses. Toxicol Sci 107(1):65-77. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfn207 PMID:18936300 PMCID:PMC2735419
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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025