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Person Details: Eric A. Betterton

Superfund Research Program

Eric A. Betterton

University of Arizona
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Physics & Atmospheric Sciences 514
P.O. Box 210081
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0081
Phone: 520-621-6832
Fax: 520-621-6833


Research Briefs

Hazardous Waste Sites

Asarco Hayden Plant

  • University of Arizona: Prediction and Properties of Airborne Dust Arising from Mining Sites

Broadway-Pantano Landfill

  • University of Arizona: New Technologies for the Destructive Remediation of Halogenated Organics

Iron King Mine and Humboldt Smelter

  • University of Arizona: Prediction and Properties of Airborne Dust Arising from Mining Sites

Page Ranch Landfill

  • University of Arizona: New Technologies for the Destructive Remediation of Halogenated Organics

Park- Euclid, WQARF site

  • University of Arizona: New Technologies for the Destructive Remediation of Halogenated Organics




  • Heusinkveld D, Ramirez-Andreotta M, Rodriguez-Chavez TB, Saez AE, Betterton EA, Rine K. 2021. Assessing children's lead exposure in an active mining community using the integrated exposure uptake biokinetic model. Expo Health 17:doi:10.1007/s12403-021-00400-0 PMID:34532608 PMCID:PMC8439183
  • Rodriguez-Chavez TB, Rine K, Almusawi RM, O'Brien-Metzger R, Ramirez-Andreotta M, Betterton EA, Saez AE. 2021. Outdoor/indoor contaminant transport by atmospheric dust and aerosol at an active smelter site. Water Air Soil Pollut doi:10.1007/s11270-021-05168-2


  • Gil-Loaiza J, Field JP, White SA, Csavina J, Felix O, Betterton EA, Saez AE, Maier RM. 2018. Phytoremediation reduces dust emissions from metal(Ioid)-contaminated mine tailings. Environ Sci Technol 52:5851-5858. doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b05730 PMID:29701964


  • Stovern M, Guzman HM, Rine K, Felix O, King M, Ela WP, Betterton EA, Saez AE. 2016. Windblown dust deposition forecasting and spread of contamination around mine tailings. Atmosphere (Basel) 7(2):16. doi:10.3390/atmos7020016 PMID:29082035 PMCID:PMC5658141
  • Youn J, Csavina J, Rine K, Shingler T, Taylor MP, Saez AE, Betterton EA, Sorooshian A. 2016. Hygroscopic properties and respiratory system deposition behavior of particulate matter emitted By mining and smelting operations. Environ Sci Technol 50(21):11706-11713. doi:10.1021/acs.est.6b03621 PMID:27700056 PMCID:PMC5089925


  • Crosbie E, Youn J, Balch B, Wonaschutz A, Shingler T, Wang Z, Conant W, Betterton EA, Sorooshian A. 2015. On the competition among aerosol number, size and composition in predicting CCN variability: a multi-annual field study in an urbanized desert. Atmos Chem Phys 15:6943-6958. doi:10.5194/acp-15-6943-2015 PMID:26316879 PMCID:PMC4548966
  • Felix O, Csavina J, Field JP, Rine K, Saez AE, Betterton EA. 2015. Use of lead isotopes to identify sources of metal and metalloid contaminants in atmospheric aerosol from mining operations. Chemosphere 122:219-226. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.11.057 PMID:25496740 PMCID:PMC4277909
  • Moreno Ramirez D, Ramirez-Andreotta M, Estrella-Sanchez R, Wolf AM, Kilungo A, Spitz AH, Betterton EA. 2015. Pollution prevention through peer education: a community health worker and small and home-based business initiative on the Arizona-Sonora border. Int J Environ Res Public Health 12(9):11209-11226. doi:10.3390/ijerph120911209 PMID:26371028 PMCID:PMC4586670



  • Youn J, Wang Z, Wonaschutz A, Arellano A, Betterton EA, Sorooshian A. 2013. Evidence of aqueous secondary organic aerosol formation from biogenic emissions in the North American Sonoran Desert. Geophys Res Lett 40:3468-3472. doi:10.1002/grl.50644 PMID:24115805 PMCID:PMC3792583


  • Csavina J, Field JP, Taylor MP, Gao S, Landazuri A, Betterton EA, Saez AE. 2012. A review on the importance of metals and metalloids in atmospheric dust and aerosol from mining operations. Sci Total Environ 433:58-73. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.06.013 PMID:22766428 PMCID:PMC3418464
  • Sorooshian A, Csavina J, Shingler T, Dey S, Brechtel FJ, Saez AE, Betterton EA. 2012. Hygroscopic and chemical properties of aerosols collected near a copper smelter: Implications for public and environmental health. Environ Sci Technol 46(17):9473-9480. doi:10.1021/es302275k PMID:22852879 PMCID:PMC3435440


  • Csavina J, Landazuri A, Wonaschutz A, Rheinheimer P, Barbaris B, Conant W, Saez AE, Betterton EA, Rine K. 2011. Metal and metalloid contaminants in atmospheric aerosols from mining operations. Water Air Soil Pollut 221:145-157. doi:10.1007/s11270-011-0777-x PMID:23441050 PMCID:PMC3576728
  • Sorooshian A, Wonaschutz A, Jarjour EG, Hashimoto BI, Schichtel BA, Betterton EA. 2011. An aerosol climatology for a rapidly growing arid region (southern Arizona): major aerosol species and remotely sensed aerosol properties. J Geophys Res Atmos 116(D19):16. doi:10.1029/2011jd016197 PMID:24707452 PMCID:PMC3975630




  • Ju XM, Hecht M, Galhotra RA, Ela WP, Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Saez AE. 2006. Destruction of gas-phase trichloroethylene in a modified fuel cell. Environ Sci Technol 40(2):612-617. PMID:16468410


  • Li H, Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Ela WP, Barbaris B, Grachane C. 2005. Convenient new chemical actinometer based on aqueous acetone, 2-propanol, and carbon tetrachloride. Environ Sci Technol 39(7):2262-2266. PMID:15871262


  • He J, Arnold RG, Saez AE, Betterton EA, Ela WP. 2004. Removal of aqueous phase trichloroethylene using membrane air stripping contactors. J Environ Eng (New York) 130(11):1232-1241.
  • He J, Ela WP, Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Saez AE. 2004. Reductive dehalogenation of aqueous-phase chlorinated hydrocarbons in an electrochemical reactor. Ind Eng Chem Res 43(25):7965-7974.
  • Ju XM, Saez AE, Ela WP, Arnold RG, Betterton EA, Wallen M, Candillo K, Barbaris B, Orbay O. 2004. Reductive and oxidative destruction of chlorinated hydrocarbons in gas-phase catalytic reactors: Packed-beds and modified fuel cells. Abstr Pap Am Chem Soc 228:U612.
  • Li H, Arnold RG, Betterton EA, Ela WP, Barbaris B. 2004. Comment on "the mechanisms of rate enhancing and quenching of trichloroethene photodecay in the presence of sensitizer and hydrogen sources". Water Res 38(11):2791-2792. PMID:15207610


  • Chen G, Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Ela WP. 2003. Electrolytic reduction of trichloroethylene and chloroform at a Pt- or Pd-coated ceramic cathode. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 33(2):161-169.


  • Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Ela WP, Grachane D, Samorano D, Orbay O, Ju XM, Berry L. 2002. Two new technologies for the treatment of groundwater polluted with halogenated organic solvents. In: Proceedings of the Canadian Chemical Society, 85th Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver. Vancouver, Canada.


  • Barbaris B, Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Ela WP, Berry L, Ju XM, Kerry KE, Samorano D. 2001. Photo-treatment of perchloroethylene in soil vapor at the Harrison landfill, Tucson, AZ. In: Proceedings of the 2000 Conference on Hazardous Waste Research. Denver, CO. pp.55-68.
  • Liu Z, Arnold RG, Betterton EA, Smotkin E. 2001. Reductive dehalogenation of gas-phase chlorinated solvents using a modified fuel cell. Environ Sci Technol 35(21):4320-4326. PMID:11718349


  • Arnold RG, Betterton EA. 2000. Innovative technologies for the destruction of chlorinated solvents. In: Treatment of perchloroethene in soil vapor at the Harrison Road Landfill, (Interim Report). Tucson, AZ.
  • Betterton EA, Hollan N, Arnold RG, Gogosha S, McKim K, Liu Z. 2000. Acetone-photosensitized reduction of carbon tetrachloride by 2-propanol in aqueous solution. Environ Sci Technol 34(7):1229-1233.
  • Liu Z, Betterton EA, Arnold RG. 2000. Electrolytic reduction of low molecular weight chlorinated aliphatic compounds: structural and thermodynamic effects on process kinetics. Environ Sci Technol 34(5):804-811.


  • Chen G, Betterton EA, Arnold RG. 1999. Electrolytic oxidation of trichloroethylene using a ceramic anode. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 29:961-970.
  • Liu Z, Arnold RG, Betterton EA, Festa KD. 1999. Electrolytic reduction of CCl4-Effects of cathode material and potential on kinetics, selectivity, and product stoichiometry. Environ Eng Sci 16:1-13.


  • Chen G, Betterton EA, Arnold RG. 1998. Electrolytic oxidation of solvent-contaminated water. In: Proceedings of the Superfund Basic Research Program: A Decade of Improving Health through Multi-Disciplinary Research. Chapel Hill, NC.
  • Hollan N, Betterton EA, Liu Z, Arnold RG. 1998. Photolytic reduction of short-chain chlorinated aliphatics in acetone/isopropanol mixtures. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds: Designing and Applying Treatment Technologies. Monterey, CA.
  • Liu Z, Arnold RG, Betterton EA. 1998. Electrolytic reduction of chlorinated solvents - kinetics, electrode selectivity, and electrode materials. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds: Designing and Applying Treatment Technologies. Monterey, CA.
  • Liu Z, Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Hollan N, Diaz I, Finstad C. 1998. Reductive dehalogenation of chlorinated solvents using a pilot-scale electrolytic reactor. In: Proceedings of the Superfund Basic Research Program: A Decade of Improving Health through Multi-Disciplinary Research. Chapel Hill, NC.


  • Chen G, Betterton EA, Arnold RG. 1997. Mechanism of anodic oxidation of trichloroethylene to carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide on ceramic electrodes. In: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Arizona Environmental Studies Conference. Flagstaff, AZ.


  • Arnold RG, Betterton EA, Festa KD, Kuhler RJ, Santo GA. 1996. Abiotic analogs to biochemical systems for catalytic reductive dehalogenation of carbon tetrachloride. In: Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress of Chemical Engineering.
  • Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Festa KD, Liu Z, Gogosha S, Hollan N, Morse JL. 1996. Abiotic systems for the catalytic treatment of solvent-contaminated water. In: 1996 Pacific Basin Conference on Hazardous Waste. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Gogosha S, Arnold RG, Betterton EA. 1996. Photocatalytic reductive dehalogenation of trichloroethylene and carbon tetrachloride using optical fibers coated with TiO2-CoTSP. In: Proceedings of the Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC) / Waste-Management Education & Research Consortium Joint Conference on the Environment.
  • Hollan N, Finstad C, Arnold RG, Betterton EA. 1996. Photocatalytic dehalogenation of chlorinated compounds with 2-propanol and acetone solvents. In: Proceedings of the Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC) / Waste-Management Education & Research Consortium Joint Conference on the Environment.
  • Liu Z, Arnold RG, Betterton EA. 1996. Electrochemical reduction of chlorinated methanes. In: Proceedings of the 4th Arizona Student Conference on Environmental Engineering. Tempe, AZ.
  • Liu Z, Arnold RG, Betterton EA. 1996. Reductive dechlorination of carbon tetrachloride using zero-valent metallic electrodes. In: Proceedings of the Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC) / Waste-Management Education & Research Consortium Joint Conference on the Environment.


  • Arnold RG, Betterton EA, Festa KD, Kuhler RJ, Santo GA. 1995. Abiotic analogs to biochemical systems for catalytic reductive dehalogenation of carbon tetrachloride. In: Proceedings of the 1995 AICHE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers ) Meeting. Miami Beach, FL.
  • Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Kuhler RJ, Santo GA. 1995. Reductive dehalogenation of bromoform in aqueous solution. Environ Health Perspect 103(S5):89-91. PMID:8565919
  • Cao Y, Conklin MH, Betterton EA. 1995. Competitive complexation of trace metals with dissolved humic acid. Environ Health Perspect 103(1):29-32. PMID:7621794
  • Warren KD, Arnold RG, Bishop TL, Lindholm LC, Betterton EA. 1995. Kinetics and mechanism of reductive dehalogenation of carbon tetrachloride using zero-valence metals. J Hazard Mater 41(2-3):217-227. doi:10.1016/0304-3894(94)00117-Y
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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025