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Climate Change and Human Health Literature Portal Scrambling for safety in the eye of Dorian: Mental health consequences of exposure to a climate-driven hurricane


Climate Change and Human Health Literature Portal

Shultz JM, Sands DE, Holder-Hamilton N, Hamilton W, Goud S, Nottage KM, Espinel Z, Friedman S, Fugate C, Kossin JP, Galea S
Health Affairs. 39 (12): 2120-2127

As climate change alters the behavior of Atlantic hurricanes, these storms are trending stronger, wetter, and slower moving over coastal and island populations. Hurricane Dorian exemplified all three attributes. Dorian's destructive passage over the Abaco Islands, Bahamas, on September 1, 2019, exposed residents of its capital, Marsh Harbour, to a prolonged encounter with the storm's core. After Dorian's fierce front eyewall and towering storm surge tore apart shanty town habitats and eviscerated concrete homesites, residents desperately sought refuge during the brief respite when Dorian's eye passed directly overhead. The category 5 winds then resumed abruptly and Dorian continued its relentless destruction. This article focuses on the storm's mental health consequences, drawing on observations of on-site clinicians as well as findings from previous research on the mental health effects of Atlantic hurricanes and the transformation of hurricane hazards resulting from climate change. To protect island and coastal populations against climate-driven storms, disaster planning policy should emphasize resilience-focused prevention and mitigation strategies. In the aftermath of these events, health system response should include community outreach, case finding, and evidence-based interventions that optimize the use of mental health professionals.

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Resource Description

    Extreme Weather-Related Event or Disaster
    • Extreme Weather-Related Event or Disaster: Hurricane
    Island, Ocean/Coastal
    Non-United States
    • Non-United States: Non-U.S. North America
    Mental Health and Well-Being
    • Mental Health and Well-Being: General Mental Health and Well-Being, Mood Disorder, Stress Disorder
    Review Article
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