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Climate Change and Human Health Literature Portal Rediscovering nature in everyday settings: Or how to create healthy environments and healthy people

Climate Change and Human Health Literature Portal

Maller CJ, Henderson-Wilson C, Townsend M
Ecohealth. 6 (4): 553-556

It is estimated that half of the world's population now live in urban environments. Urban living necessitates a removal from nature, yet evidence indicates that contact with nature is beneficial for human health. In fact, everyday urban places, such as where people live, study, and work, provide opportunities to bring nature back into cities to contribute to positive, healthy environments for people and to foster the human-nature connection. The inclusion of more nature in cities could have additional environmental benefits, such as habitat provision and improving the environmental performance of built environments. In the context of climate change, outcomes such as these assume further importance. This article explores how common urban places can foster links between people and nature, and generate positive health and well-being outcomes. We achieve this by exploring nature in the everyday settings of schools and residential housing.

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Resource Description

    Other Exposure, Specify
    • Other Exposure, Specify: Access to natural environments
    Non-United States
    • Non-United States: Australasia
    Mental Health and Well-Being, Other Health Impact, Specify
    • Mental Health and Well-Being, Other Health Impact, Specify: Well-being
    Research Article
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