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Climate Change and Human Health Literature Portal Evaluating the prospects for sustainable energy development in a sample of Chinese villages


Climate Change and Human Health Literature Portal

Mortimer ND, Grant JF
Journal of Environmental Management. 87 (2): 276-286

This paper describes the methods used to evaluate the potential for achieving sustainable energy development in six Chinese villages included in the Sustainable Users' Concepts for China Engaging Scientific Scenarios (SUCCESS) Project by examining energy efficiency potential and local renewable energy prospects. The approaches needed to obtain and analyse information on possible energy efficiency measures and renewable energy resources are summarised. Results are presented in terms of cumulative net savings in primary energy consumption, as an indicator of energy resource depletion, and associated carbon dioxide emissions, as an indicator of global climate change. Options for sustainable energy development are ranked in order of likely implementation and practical actions which could be considered in each village are identified.

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Resource Description

    Non-United States
    • Non-United States: Asia
    General Health Impact
    Cost/Economic Impact Prediction, Methodology
    Research Article
    • Mitigation : Mitigation Co-Benefit/Co-Harm
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