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Environmental and Molecular Epidemiology of Childhood Leukemia

Grant Number:
Principal Investigator:
Buffler, Patricia
University of California, Berkeley
Most Recent Award Year:
Lifestage of Participants:
Exposure: Prenatal; Infant (0-1 year); Youth (1-14 years); Adulthood (mother); Adulthood (father)
Assessment: Infant (0-1 year); Youth (1-14 years)
Air Pollutants: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Chlorinated Compounds: Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
Other: Benzene
Pesticides: Organophosphates
Health Outcomes:
Cancer Outcomes: Childhood leukemia
Biological Sample:
Blood (mother, child); Newborn dried blood spots; Bone marrow; Saliva/buccal cells (mother, child); Urine (mother)
Environmental Sample:
Indoor air; Dust
Other Participant Data:
Interview to collect demographic, medical, and epidemiologic data
Genes or Other DNA Products Studied:
Major histocompatability genes; Genes involved in xenobiotic transport and metabolism
Epigenetic Mechanisms Studied:
DNA Methylation

Related NIEHS-Funded Study Populations

California Childhood Leukemia Study (CCLS)

Principal Investigator:
Metayer, Catherine (Buffler, Patricia) | Study Population Page Study Population c79
University of California, Berkeley
Number of Participants::
3,523 (2,213 cases and 1,310 controls)
Brief Description::
This is a population-based case-control study to examine the relationship between environmental exposures, genetic factors, and childhood leukemia. The study has undergone multiple phases of enrollment since 1995 and and now includes over 2,000 leukemia cases.
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