Connection Failure Developmental Neurotoxicity of Organophosphate and Novel Brominated Flame Retardants in Children Connection Failure Skip Navigation

Developmental Neurotoxicity of Organophosphate and Novel Brominated Flame Retardants in Children

Grant Number:
Principal Investigator:
Chen, Aimin
University of Cincinnati
Most Recent Award Year:
Lifestage of Participants:
Exposure: Prenatal; Infant (0-1 year); Youth (1-18 years, specifically at 1-12 years of age); Adulthood (mother, specifically 16 and 26 weeks of gestation and delivery)
Assessment: Adulthood (mother); Youth (1-18 years, specifically at 12 years of age)
Flame Retardants: Organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs)
Novel brominated flame retardants:
Health Outcomes:
Metabolic Outcomes: Thyroid dysfunction
Neurological/Cognitive Outcomes: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); Neurobehavioral outcomes; Neurodevelopmental outcomes
Biological Sample:
Cord blood; Serum (mother, child); Urine (mother, child)
Other Participant Data:
Repeated measures of child cognitive function, language skills, and memory function; child externalizing and internalizing behaviors, executive function including symptoms of ADHD; neuroimaging for brain anatomical structure, neurochemistry, organization of white matter tracts, and neural network connectivity; thyroid hormone levels from mother and child

Related NIEHS-Funded Study Populations

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Principal Investigator:
Lanphear, Bruce; Yolton, Kimberly; Cecil, Kim; Braun, Joseph; Chen, Aimin | Study Population Page Study Population c64
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
Number of Participants::
468 Mothers and 479 children
Brief Description::
This is a pregnancy and birth cohort study in Cincinnati to evaluate the impact of low-level fetal and childhood chemical exposures on health, developmental, and neurobehavioral outcomes. The study recruited over 400 pregnant women between 2003 to 2006. Offspring have been followed to age 12 years.
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