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Principal Investigator: Harrison, Fiona Edith
Institute Receiving Award Vanderbilt University
Location Nashville, TN
Grant Number T32ES007028
Funding Organization National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Award Funding Period 10 Jul 1975 to 30 Jun 2029
DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT The Training Program in Environmental Toxicology is a long-standing research training program that emphasizes molecular toxicology. The long-term objectives of the program are to provide rigorous training in molecular toxicology through didactic approaches, while concurrently providing resources and support to permit full and vibrant development of trainees’ research skills and careers. We will support a total of eight predoctoral and four postdoctoral fellows annually. Our Specific Aims are to 1) Identify and recruit a diverse group of faculty that allows trainees maximal choice in research topics, approaches, and mentoring styles; 2) Identify and recruit strong trainees interested in pursuing a career in toxicology-related research and support their development during critical periods of their predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships; 3) Provide clear instruction in the principles of molecular toxicology and ensure that this education addresses fundamental principles of toxicology and also reflects developing themes in research in toxicology and environmental health in general. These aims are realized through the clear program plan, the strong faculty of preceptors, and the robust training environment and resources at Vanderbilt. Our preceptor list includes 25 faculty with diverse research interests and strong extramural support, with research programs having current year direct costs for NIH and VA funded research totaling over $17 million. Faculty preceptors are identified whose research bears a strong relevance to the NIEHS mission of understanding environmental drivers of human health and disease, and preceptors are required to have attended formal mentoring training programs. In addition to the highly experienced and successful mentors, inclusion of more junior faculty ensures continuation of our strong tradition in investing in our trainees and their faculty to maximize potential. Predoctoral trainees are nominated to the program at the end of their first year in graduate school following entry via one of the Vanderbilt ‘umbrella’ (interdisciplinary) programs. A series of three or four rotations during labs within the first year allows trainees to select mentors and laboratories that are the best fit for them intellectually and according to topic and allows mentors to identify students with a passion for toxicology-relevant research. In addition to hands-on lab-based training and personalized mentorship, trainees receive comprehensive training in molecular toxicology through one semester of didactic teaching (offered annually) and continued educational opportunities and career development seminars in monthly meetings. In the present application the training approach has been updated to reflect best practices in teaching and trainee feedback. Novel aspects in this project period include introduction of new preceptors and a new multi-PI model. We have also refined our training program to including a stronger focus on multiple aspects of career development suitable for those continuing to academia, administrative, and industry positions.
Science Code(s)/Area of Science(s) Primary: 87 - Institutional Training/Institutional Career Development Grants
Secondary: -
Publications No publications associated with this grant
Program Officer Carol Shreffler
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