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Principal Investigator: Marsit, Carmen Joseph
Institute Receiving Award Emory University
Location Atlanta, GA
Grant Number T32ES012870
Funding Organization National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Award Funding Period 01 Jul 2004 to 30 Jun 2029
DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): SUMMARY/ABSTRACT The Training Program in the Environmental Health Sciences and Toxicology has as its vision to assure that trainees gain the skills they need to develop as successful independent, transdisciplinary, ethically engaged environmental health researchers and practitioners in a program informed by and aligned with the NIEHS mission - to learn how the environment affects people in order to promote healthier lives and to conduct and translate research that meets individual and community needs. This renewal builds on the 20 years of success in training environmental health scientists, a commitment to innovation to meet the evolving needs of environmental health and toxicology, and a robust and broad portfolio of environmental health sciences research led by 41 training faculty and supported by nearly 140 research projects and grants, a NIEHS P30 Core Center, a NIEHS Children’s Translational Research Center, as well as collaboration with numerous other centers and programs throughout the University. Predoctoral trainees take rigorous coursework in their first two years to gain a comprehensive base of knowledge aligned around four Core Training Elements: (1) exposure science, (2) biological mechanisms of susceptibility and disease, and (3) environmental determinants of population health, and (4) environmental justice. For both pre- and postdoctoral trainees, mentored research sits at the center of this training program, allowing trainees to gain an in-depth understanding of a specific topic through their chosen mentor and project, aligned with the Core Training Elements, and trainees have developed projects in molecular and neurotoxicology, environmental epidemiology, exposure science, environmental determinants of infectious and chronic disease, genomics, and metabolomics. This is supplemented by training in the responsible conduct of research and ethics, rigor and reproducibility of research, communication and grant-writing skills, teaching, and numerous opportunities for professional development and management training. We propose to continue the support of six predoctoral and three postdoctoral trainees. Predoctoral trainees hold bachelor’s and often master’s degrees in basic science, public health, or engineering disciplines, and postdoctoral trainees must hold a doctoral degree in environmental health, epidemiology, toxicology, environmental engineering, or related basic or public health science disciplines. All trainees must demonstrate a commitment to research and a career in the environmental health sciences and/or toxicology. Our program has had success in recruiting and retaining individuals historically under-represented in science, and we have numerous programs in place to continue and increase these opportunities. Trainees completing this program are entering research intensive positions academic, government, non-profit, and for-profit sectors. We aim to continue the tradition of excellence in providing trainees a multidisciplinary training experience to successfully pursue complex problems in the environmental health sciences and toxicology and make an impact on community health.
Science Code(s)/Area of Science(s) Primary: 87 - Institutional Training/Institutional Career Development Grants
Secondary: 01 - Basic Cellular or Molecular processes
Publications No publications associated with this grant
Program Officer Carol Shreffler
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