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Who We Fund: Publication Detail

PI: Li, Wentao
Institution: University Of Georgia
Grant Number: R00ES030015

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Viewing 6 publications
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Publication Title Authors Grant Number(s) Journal (Pub date) PubMed Link Pub Year
UV damage induces production of mitochondrial DNA fragments with specific length profiles.   Waneka, Gus; Stewart, Joseph; Anderson, John R; Li, Wentao; Wilusz, Jeffrey; Argueso, Juan Luc ... R00ES030015 Genetics (2024 Jul 08) 38722894 Exiting the NIEHS site 2024 
Molecular Mechanisms of Transcription-Coupled Repair.   Selby, Christopher P; Lindsey-Boltz, Laura A; Li, Wentao; Sancar, Aziz R00ES030015, R01ES033414 Annu Rev Biochem (2023 Jun 20) 37001137 Exiting the NIEHS site 2023 
Nucleotide Excision Repair of Aflatoxin-induced DNA Damage within the 3D Human Genome Organization.   Wu, Yiran; Adeel, Muhammad Muzammal; Sancar, Aziz; Li, Wentao R00ES030015, R01ES033414 bioRxiv (2023 Sep 29) 37808841 Exiting the NIEHS site 2023 
UV damage induces production of mitochondrial DNA fragments with specific length profiles.   Waneka, Gus; Stewart, Joseph; Anderson, John R; Li, Wentao; Wilusz, Jeffrey; Argueso, Juan Luc ... R00ES030015 bioRxiv (2023 Nov 11) 37986892 Exiting the NIEHS site 2023 
Epigenetic Regulation of Nucleotide Excision Repair.   Li, Wentao; Jones, Kyle; Burke, Tyler J; Hossain, Md Akram; Lariscy, Leah R00ES030015 Front Cell Dev Biol (2022) 35465333 Exiting the NIEHS site 2022 
Super hotspots and super coldspots in the repair of UV-induced DNA damage in the human genome.   Jiang, Yuchao; Li, Wentao; Lindsey-Boltz, Laura A; Yang, Yuchen; Li, Yun; Sancar, Aziz R00ES030015 J Biol Chem (2021) 33771559 Exiting the NIEHS site 2021 
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