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Who We Fund: Publication Detail

PI: Hossain, Muhammad M
Institution: Florida International University
Grant Number: R01ES027481

These search results have not been confirmed by NIEHS and are therefore, not official. They are to be used only for general information and to inform the public and grantees on the breadth of research funded by NIEHS.

Viewing 8 publications
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Publication Title Authors Grant Number(s) Journal (Pub date) PubMed Link Pub Year
The Preventive Effects of Salubrinal against Pyrethroid-Induced Disruption of Adult Hippocampal Neur ...   Toltin, Abigail C; Belkadi, Abdelmadjid; Gamba, Laura M; Hossain, Muhammad M R01ES027481 Int J Mol Sci (2023 Oct 26) 37958604 Exiting the NIEHS site 2023 
Deltamethrin-Evoked ER Stress Promotes Neuroinflammation in the Adult Mouse Hippocampus.   Hossain, Muhammad M; Toltin, Abigail C; Gamba, Laura M; Molina, Maria A R01ES027481 Cells (2022 Jun 18) 35741090 Exiting the NIEHS site 2022 
Effects of DDT on Amyloid Precursor Protein Levels and Amyloid Beta Pathology: Mechanistic Links to ...   Eid, Aseel; Mhatre-Winters, Isha; Sammoura, Ferass M; Edler, Melissa K; von Stein, Richard; Hos ... P30ES005022, R01ES027481 Environ Health Perspect (2022 Aug) 35946953 Exiting the NIEHS site 2022 
Exposure to deltamethrin at the NOAEL causes ER stress and disruption of hippocampal neurogenesis in ...   Hossain, Muhammad M; Belkadi, Abdelmadjid; Zhou, Xiaofeng; DiCicco-Bloom, Emanuel R01ES027481 Neurotoxicology (2022 Dec) 36228753 Exiting the NIEHS site 2022 
Deltamethrin Exposure Inhibits Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Causes Deficits in Learning and Me ...   Hossain, Muhammad M; Belkadi, Abdelmadjid; Al-Haddad, Sara; Richardson, Jason R R01ES027481 Toxicol Sci (2020 12 01) 32976580 Exiting the NIEHS site 2020 
Nerve Growth Factor Protects Against Pyrethroid-Induced Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Stress in Primary ...   Hossain, Muhammad M; Richardson, Jason R R01ES027481 Toxicol Sci (2020 03 01) 31841155 Exiting the NIEHS site 2020 
Regional Susceptibility to ER Stress and Protection by Salubrinal Following a Single Exposure to Del ...   Hossain, Muhammad M; Sivaram, Ganeshraj; Richardson, Jason R R01ES027481 Toxicol Sci (2019 Jan 01) 30247739 Exiting the NIEHS site 2019 
Tributyltin-induced Ca(2+) mobilization via L-type voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels in PC12 cells.   Unno, Toshihiro; Iida, Ryoko; Okawa, Masashi; Matsuyama, Hayato; Hossain, Muhammad Mubarak; Kob ... R01ES027481 Environ Toxicol Pharmacol (2009 Jul) 21783984 Exiting the NIEHS site 2009 
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