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Who We Fund: Publication Detail

PI: Ghassabian, Akhgar
Institution: New York University School Of Medicine
Grant Number: R01ES032826

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Viewing 6 publications
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Publication Title Authors Grant Number(s) Journal (Pub date) PubMed Link Pub Year
Exposure to organophosphate esters and maternal-child health.   Shahin, Sarvenaz; Medley, Eleanor A; Naidu, Mrudula; Trasande, Leonardo; Ghassabian, Akhgar P2CES033423, R01ES032826 Environ Res (2024 Jul 01) 38640988 Exiting the NIEHS site 2024 
Prenatal phthalate exposure and fetal penile length and width.   Salvi, Nicole B; Ghassabian, Akhgar; Brubaker, Sara G; Liu, Hongxiu; Kahn, Linda G; Trasande, ... R01ES032826 Pediatr Res (2024 May) 38057576 Exiting the NIEHS site 2024 
Gender Diversity and Brain Morphology Among Adolescents.   Xerxa, Yllza; White, Tonya; Busa, Samantha; Trasande, Leonardo; Hillegers, Manon H J; Jaddoe, ... R01ES032826 JAMA Netw Open (2023 May 01) 37171820 Exiting the NIEHS site 2023 
Prenatal exposure to common plasticizers: a longitudinal study on phthalates, brain volumetric measu ...   Ghassabian, Akhgar; van den Dries, Michiel; Trasande, Leonardo; Lamballais, Sander; Spaan, Suza ... P30ES010126, R01ES029779, R01ES029779, R01ES032826 Mol Psychiatry (2023 Nov) 37644173 Exiting the NIEHS site 2023 
Determinants of phthalate exposures in pregnant women in New York City.   Liu, Hongxiu; Wang, Yuyan; Kannan, Kurunthachalam; Liu, Mengling; Zhu, Hongkai; Chen, Yu; Kahn ... R00ES030403, R00ES030403, R01ES032826 Environ Res (2022 Sep) 35358547 Exiting the NIEHS site 2022 
Prenatal Exposure to Nonpersistent Chemical Mixtures and Offspring IQ and Emotional and Behavioral P ...   van den Dries, Michiel A; Ferguson, Kelly K; Keil, Alexander P; Pronk, Anjoeka; Spaan, Suzanne; ... R01ES029779, R01ES029779, R01ES032826 Environ Sci Technol (2021 Dec 21) 34878787 Exiting the NIEHS site 2021 
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