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Who We Fund: Publication Detail

PI: Castner, Jessica
Institution: Castner Incorporated
Grant Number: R25ES033452

These search results have not been confirmed by NIEHS and are therefore, not official. They are to be used only for general information and to inform the public and grantees on the breadth of research funded by NIEHS.

Viewing 7 publications
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Publication Title Authors Grant Number(s) Journal (Pub date) PubMed Link Pub Year
Cognitive Interview Validation of a Novel Household Hazard Vulnerability Assessment Instrument.   Amberson, Taryn; Ndayishimiye, Olive; Cloud, Quanah Yellow; Castner, Jessica R25ES033452 West J Nurs Res (2024 Feb) 38146257 Exiting the NIEHS site 2024 
Farmworker Acceptability of Backpack Hydration Systems.   Mizelle, Elizabeth; Modly, Lori A; Smith, Daniel J R25ES033452 J Agromedicine (2024 Jul) 38704610 Exiting the NIEHS site 2024 
Tailoring Household Disaster Preparedness Interventions to Reduce Health Disparities: Nursing Implic ...   Shukla, Meghna; Amberson, Taryn; Heagele, Tara; McNeill, Charleen; Adams, Lavonne; Ndayishimiye ... R25ES033452 Int J Environ Res Public Health (2024 Apr 23) 38791736 Exiting the NIEHS site 2024 
Flexible Resources Key to Neighborhood Resilience for Children: A Scoping Review.   Beese, Shawna; Drumm, Kailie; Wells-Yoakum, Kayla; Postma, Julie; Graves, Janessa M R25ES033452 Children (Basel) (2023 Nov 07) 38002882 Exiting the NIEHS site 2023 
Public health nursing workforce and learning needs: A national sample survey analysis.   Castner, Jessica; Stanislo, Kimberly; Castner, Martin; Monsen, Karen A R25ES033452 Public Health Nurs (2023) 36683284 Exiting the NIEHS site 2023 
Social support, educational, and behavioral modification interventions for improving household disas ...   Amberson, Taryn; Heagele, Tara; Wyte-Lake, Tamar; Couig, Mary Pat; Bell, Sue Anne; Mammen, Man ... R25ES033452 Front Public Health (2023) 38596429 Exiting the NIEHS site 2023 
Generating Data Visualizations of Longitudinal Cohort Ambient Air Pollution Exposure: Report-Back In ...   Castner, Jessica; Huntington-Moskos, Luz; May, Andrew P30ES030283, R25ES033452 Comput Inform Nurs (2022 Jan 01) 34412083 Exiting the NIEHS site 2022 
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