Title: Wind-driven development and transport of Gymnodinium catenatum blooms along the coast of Fujian, China.
Authors: Zhang, Caiyun; Lim, Po-Teen; Li, Xueding; Gu, Haifeng; Li, Xing; Anderson, Donald M
Published In Reg Stud Mar Sci, (2020 Sep)
Abstract: Gymnodinium catenatum is a cosmopolitan, bloom-forming dinoflagellate known to produce a suite of potent paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins. Here, we revisit two major blooms of G. catenatum along the Fujianese Coast, China, in 2017 and 2018. The impact area of the 2017 bloom was larger than that of the 2018 event. Field sampling and remote satellite sensing revealed that alongshore transport driven by the southwest wind, as well as physical accumulation driven by the northeast wind, played important roles in the development and distribution of the two bloom events. The relationship between wind-induced hydrodynamic conditions and the unprecedented HAB events established in this study adds greatly to our understanding of algal bloom dynamics along the Fujianese coast. These results improve our ability to detect, track, and forecast G. catenatum blooms, thereby potentially minimizing the negative impacts of future HAB events.
PubMed ID: 33241099
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