Title: Social injustice in environmental health: A call for fortitude.
Authors: Aschner, Michael; Paoliello, Monica M B; Tsatsakis, Aristides; Bowman, Aaron B; Dorea, Jose G; Hartung, Thomas; Domingo, Jose L; Barbosa Jr, Fernando
Published In Environ Res, (2021 03)
Abstract: The objective of this short paper is to call upon the scientific community to channel its attention to the duty and heedfulness of social justice issues. While recognized for decades the impact of social injustice on public health and its disproportionate effects on poorer communities, little has been done to systematically address it. Here, we provide several examples pertinent to the health outcomes associated with social injustice and call upon the scientific community to attend to the issue and antagonize those who attempt to subvert science and its role in ensuring social justice in health.
PubMed ID: 33373610
MeSH Terms: Environmental Health*; Public Health; Social Justice*