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Publication Detail

Title: Mutperiod: Analysis of periodic mutation rates in nucleosomes.

Authors: Morledge-Hampton, Benjamin; Wyrick, John J

Published In Comput Struct Biotechnol J, (2021)

Abstract: Nucleosomes modulate DNA damage and repair, resulting in periodic mutation rates in nucleosomal DNA. Previous research has characterized these patterns in many sequenced tumor genomes; however, computational tools to identify and quantify these periodicities have not been developed for the broader scientific community. Here, we describe mutperiod, a Python and R based toolset that quantifies nucleosome mutational periodicities and compares them across different genetic and cellular backgrounds. We use mutperiod to demonstrate that DNA mismatch repair contributes to the nucleosome mutational periodicity observed in esophageal adenocarcinomas, and that the strength of this mutational periodicity varies in different chromatin states.

PubMed ID: 34527191 Exiting the NIEHS site

MeSH Terms: No MeSH terms associated with this publication

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025