Title: Time-activity and daily mobility patterns during pregnancy and early postpartum - evidence from the MADRES cohort.
Authors: Yi, Li; Xu, Yan; Eckel, Sandrah P; O'Connor, Sydney; Cabison, Jane; Rosales, Marisela; Chu, Daniel; Chavez, Thomas A; Johnson, Mark; Mason, Tyler B; Bastain, Theresa M; Breton, Carrie V; Dunton, Genevieve F; Wilson, John P; Habre, Rima
Published In Spat Spatiotemporal Epidemiol, (2022 Jun)
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Pregnant women's daily time-activity and mobility patterns determine their environmental exposures and subsequently related health effects. Most studies ignore these and assess pregnancy exposures using static residential measures. METHODS: We conducted 4-day continuous geo-location monitoring in 62 pregnant Hispanic women, during pregnancy and early post-partum then derived trips by mode and stays, classified by context (indoor/outdoor, type). Generalized mixed-effect models were used to examine whether these patterns changed over time. RESULTS: Women spent on average 17.3 h/day at home. Commercial and service locations were the most popular non-home destinations, while parks and open spaces were seldom visited. Women made 3.5 daily trips (63.7 min/day and approximately 25% were pedestrian-based). Women were less likely to visit commercial and services locations and make vehicle-based trips postpartum compared to the 3rd trimester. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest time-activity patterns vary across pregnancy and postpartum, thus assessing exposures at stationary locations might introduce measurement error.
PubMed ID: 35691658
MeSH Terms: Cohort Studies; Environmental Exposure*; Female; Humans; Postpartum Period*; Pregnancy