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Who We Fund: Exposure Research - Counter-Terrorism

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Title Principal Investigator Institution Grant Number RFA PA Number Program Officer Pubs Primary Science Code Secondary Science Code
ADVANCED TRPA1 INHIBITOR FOR THE TREATMENT OF CHLORINE INHALATION INJURY jordt, sven-eric Duke University U01ES030672 PAR16-331 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
ANTIDOTES AGAINST HCI-INDUCED CHRONIC LUNG INJURY catravas, john d Old Dominion University U01ES030674 PAR19-039 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
CATIONIC CAMKIIN NANOPARTICLES THAT REDUCE CHLORINE-INDUCED AIRWAY OXIDATIVE STRESS salem, aliasger k University Of Iowa R21ES032937 PAR20-253 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
CHARACTERIZING CHEMICAL THREAT AGENT EXPOSURES USING A LUNG-ON-A-CHIP PLATFORM AND MULTI-OMIC ANALYSIS OF COMMON PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS murphy, sean vincent Wake Forest University Health Sciences R01ES034416 ES21-006 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
DISCOVERY OF PHOSGENE AND CHLORINE GAS MODES OF ACTION AND THERAPEUTIC TARGETS USING CHEMOPROTEOMIC PROFILING STRATEGIES lin, vivian s Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories R56ES035364 ES21-006 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
EXTRACELLULAR VESICLES AS MEDIATORS OF INJURY IN INHALED EXPOSURES TO TOXIC CHEMICALS. ahmad, aftab University Of Alabama At Birmingham R56ES034423 ES21-006 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
HALOLIPID-NEUTROPHIL EXTRACELLULAR TRAP AXIS IN HALOGEN LUNG INJURY ford, david a. Saint Louis University R01ES034383 ES21-006 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
IDENTIFICATION OF AMD3100 (PLERIXAFOR) AS A POTENTIAL LEAD COMPOUND FOR CHLORINE TOXICITY aggarwal, saurabh University Of Alabama At Birmingham U01ES033265 PAR19-039 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
INHIBITION OF SOLUBLE EPOXIDE HYDROLASE PROTECTS AGAINST PHOSGENE-INDUCED LUNG INJURIES achanta, satyanarayana Duke University R21ES033020 PAR18-721 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
LIPID AND METABOLIC MECHANISMS RESPONSIBLE FOR PHOSGENE AND PHOSPHORUS TRICHLORIDE EXPOSURE TOXICITY ford, david a. Saint Louis University R01ES035365 ES21-006 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
MAST CELL ACTIVATION AS A COMMON MECHANISM OF PULMONARY TOXICITY BY CHEMICAL THREAT AGENTS brown, jared michael University Of Colorado Denver R56ES034386 ES21-006 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
NOVEL LEAD COMPOUND ADVANCEMENT FOR MITIGATING HALOGEN-INDUCED MORTALITY AND MORBIDITY. ahmad, shama University Of Alabama At Birmingham U01ES033263 PAR19-040 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
OPTIMIZATION OF AEOL10150 TREATMENT OF SULFUR MUSTARD-INDUCED LUNG TOXIDROME IN A PIG MODEL day, brian j National Jewish Health U01ES029430 PAR16-331 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism -
PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS OF CHEMICAL-INDUCED ACUTE LUNG INJURY leikauf, george douglas University Of Cincinnati R01ES034490 ES21-006 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
PULMONARY CELL FATE AND LUNG REPAIR IN RODENT AND PORCINE MODELS OF CHLORINE AND PHOSGENE INHALATION INJURIES jordt, sven-eric Duke University R01ES034387 ES21-006 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
PULMONARY PATHOPHYSIOLOGIC MECHANISMS OF CHLOROPICRIN AND PHOSGENE van winkle, laura s University Of California At Davis R01ES034419 ES21-006 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
REPURPOSING THIOSULFATE FOR CHLORINE GAS EXPOSURE day, brian j National Jewish Health R21ES032951 PAR18-721 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
SICKLE CELL TRAIT MICE ARE MORE SUSCEPTIBLE TO CHLORINE EXPOSURE AND HAPTOGLOBIN IMPROVES THE OUTCOMES alishlash, ammar University Of Alabama At Birmingham R21ES034226 PAR21-209 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
UAB RESEARCH CENTER OF EXCELLENCE IN ARSENICALS athar, mohammad University Of Alabama At Birmingham U54ES030246 PAR16-329 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
VASCULAR INJURY AND REPAIR PREDICT DIVERGENT LATE ONSET CARDIOVASCULAR MORBIDITIES AFTER CHLORINE AND SULFUR MUSTARD EXPOSURE veress, livia agnes University Of Colorado Denver R01ES035431 ES21-006 Nadadur, Srikanth 0 37 - Counter-Terrorism 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
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