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Who We Fund: Organ Systems Or Disease Processes Research - Kidney and Bladder

These search results have not been confirmed by NIEHS and are therefore, not official. They are to be used only for general information and to inform the public and grantees on the breadth of research funded by NIEHS.

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Title Principal Investigator Institution Grant Number RFA PA Number Program Officer Pubs Primary Science Code Secondary Science Code
AIR POLLUTANTS, HEAT EXPOSURE, AND KIDNEY HEALTH: A LONGITUDINAL STUDY IN WOMEN IN CENTRAL AMERICA newman, lee s University Of Colorado Denver R01ES034042 PA20-185 Joubert, Bonnie 0 54 - Kidney and Bladder 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
DEFINING THE HARMFUL EFFECTS OF MICROPLASTICS ON GASTROINTESTINAL HEALTH castillo, eliseo f University Of New Mexico Health Scis Ctr R01ES032037 PA19-056 Shreffler, Carol 9 54 - Kidney and Bladder 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
DEVELOPMENTAL ORIGINS OF KIDNEY FUNCTION IN EARLY LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS trasande, leonardo New York University School Of Medicine R01ES032214 PA19-056 Joubert, Bonnie 4 54 - Kidney and Bladder 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
EFFECT OF AMBIENT HEAT ON CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE AND END-STAGE KIDNEY DISEASE AMONG US VETERANS titu, abu mohammed naser University Of Memphis R15ES035227 PAR22-060 Joubert, Bonnie 0 54 - Kidney and Bladder 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
PARTICULATE EXPOSURE AND KIDNEY HEALTH adgate, john l. University Of Colorado Denver R01ES031585 PA19-056 Joubert, Bonnie 1 54 - Kidney and Bladder 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
PCB INDUCED NEUROGENIC INFLAMMATION MEDIATES BLADDER DYSFUNCTION stietz, kimberly preston keil University Of Wisconsin-Madison R00ES029537 PA16-193 Shreffler, Carol 14 54 - Kidney and Bladder -
THE NINOS COHORT: CHILDREN'S KIDNEY HEALTH IN A HIGH-RISK REGION FOR CKDU leibler, jessica h Boston University Medical Campus R01ES031606 PA20-185 Joubert, Bonnie 1 54 - Kidney and Bladder 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
WOMEN'S AIRBORNE EXPOSURE AND KIDNEY HEALTH IN GUATEMALA butler-dawson, jaime University Of Colorado Denver K01ES032015 PAR18-291 Joubert, Bonnie 0 54 - Kidney and Bladder 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
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