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Who We Fund: Publications associated with Application Of Technology To Disease - Biosensors / Biomarkers

These search results have not been confirmed by NIEHS and are therefore, not official. They are to be used only for general information and to inform the public and grantees on the breadth of research funded by NIEHS.

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Publication Title Authors Grant Number(s) Journal (Pub date) PubMed Link Pub Year
Wide Voltage Swing Potentiostat with Dynamic Analog Ground to Expand Electrochemical Potential Windo ...   Ashoori, Ehsan; Goderis, Derek; Inohara, Anna; Mason, Andrew J R01ES033515 Sensors (Basel) (2024 May 01) 38733006 Exiting the NIEHS site 2024 
Gene expression response in target organ and whole blood varies as a function of target organ injury ...   Lobenhofer, Edward K; Auman, J Todd; Blackshear, Pamela E; Boorman, Gary A; Bushel, Pierre R; C ... R01ES033515 Genome Biol (2008) 18570634 Exiting the NIEHS site 2008 
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