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PI: Lund, Amie Kathleen
Institution: University Of North Texas
Grant Number: R15ES026795

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Viewing 10 publications
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Publication Title Authors Grant Number(s) Journal (Pub date) PubMed Link Pub Year
Inhalation exposure to silver nanoparticles induces hepatic inflammation and oxidative stress, assoc ...   Nayek, Subhayu; Lund, Amie K; Verbeck, Guido F R15ES026795, R15ES026795 Environ Toxicol (2022 Mar) 34792841 Exiting the NIEHS site 2022 
Inhaled diesel exhaust particles result in microbiome-related systemic inflammation and altered card ...   Phillippi, Danielle T; Daniel, Sarah; Pusadkar, Vaidehi; Youngblood, Victoria L; Nguyen, Kayla ... R15ES026795, R15ES026795 Part Fibre Toxicol (2022 Feb 09) 35135577 Exiting the NIEHS site 2022 
Probiotics Function as Immunomodulators in the Intestine in C57Bl/6 Male Mice Exposed to Inhaled Die ...   Phillippi, Danielle T; Daniel, Sarah; Nguyen, Kayla N; Penaredondo, Bea Angella; Lund, Amie K R15ES026795, R15ES026795 Cells (2022 Apr 25) 35563751 Exiting the NIEHS site 2022 
Traffic-generated air pollution - Exposure mediated expression of factors associated with demyelinat ...   Adivi, Anna; Lucero, JoAnn; Simpson, Nicholas; McDonald, Jacob D; Lund, Amie K R15ES026795, R15ES026795 Neurotoxicol Teratol (2022) 35016995 Exiting the NIEHS site 2022 
Exposure to diesel exhaust particles results in altered lung microbial profiles, associated with inc ...   Daniel, Sarah; Phillippi, Danielle; Schneider, Leah J; Nguyen, Kayla N; Mirpuri, Julie; Lund, ... R15ES026795, R15ES026795 Part Fibre Toxicol (2021 Jan 08) 33419468 Exiting the NIEHS site 2021 
Exposure to traffic-generated air pollution promotes alterations in the integrity of the brain micro ...   Adivi, Anna; Lucero, JoAnn; Simpson, Nicholas; McDonald, Jacob D; Lund, Amie K R15ES026795, R15ES026795 Toxicol Lett (2021 Mar 15) 33373663 Exiting the NIEHS site 2021 
Traffic generated emissions alter the lung microbiota by promoting the expansion of Proteobacteria i ...   Daniel, Sarah; Pusadkar, Vaidehi; McDonald, Jacob; Mirpuri, Julie; Azad, Rajeev K; Goven, Art; ... R15ES026795, R15ES026795 Ecotoxicol Environ Saf (2021 Apr 15) 33581487 Exiting the NIEHS site 2021 
Effects of inhaled air pollution on markers of integrity, inflammation, and microbiota profiles of t ...   Fitch, Megan N; Phillippi, Danielle; Zhang, Yan; Lucero, JoAnn; Pandey, Ravi S; Liu, June; Bro ... R01ES014639, R01ES014639, R15ES026795, R15ES026795 Environ Res (2020 02) 31753468 Exiting the NIEHS site 2020 
Exposure to Traffic-Generated Pollutants Exacerbates the Expression of Factors Associated with the P ...   Armstrong, Tyler D; Suwannasual, Usa; Kennedy, Conner L; Thasma, Akshaykumar; Schneider, Leah J ... R15ES026795, R15ES026795 J Alzheimers Dis (2020) 33164937 Exiting the NIEHS site 2020 
Mixed Vehicle Emissions Induces Angiotensin II and Cerebral Microvascular Angiotensin Receptor Expre ...   Suwannasual, Usa; Lucero, JoAnn; Davis, Griffith; McDonald, Jacob D; Lund, Amie K R15ES026795, R15ES026795 Toxicol Sci (2019 08 01) 31132127 Exiting the NIEHS site 2019 
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