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Who We Fund: Application Of Technology To Disease - Bioinformatics / BISTI Related

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Title Principal Investigator Institution Grant Number RFA PA Number Program Officer Pubs Primary Science Code Secondary Science Code
ACCELERATING DATA AND METADATA STANDARDS IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCES STUDY OF EMERGING WATER CONTAMINANTS cheung, kei-hoi Yale University R24ES036135 ES23-002 Duncan, Christopher 0 73 - Bioinformatics/BISTI Related 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
COMMUNITY-DRIVEN SENSOR METADATA ECOSYSTEM FOR EXPOSURE HEALTH gouripeddi, ramkiran University Of Utah R24ES036134 ES23-002 Duncan, Christopher 0 73 - Bioinformatics/BISTI Related 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
DATA STANDARDS TO SUPPORT INTEGRATED SOURCE TO OUTCOME MODELING hines, david Research Triangle Institute R24ES036127 ES23-002 Duncan, Christopher 0 73 - Bioinformatics/BISTI Related 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF AN ADVERSE OUTCOME PATHWAY-FOCUSED MECHANISTIC INFERENCE TOOL FOR 'OMICS DATA USING SEMANTIC KNOWLEDGE GRAPHS shah, ruchir Sciome, Llc R43ES035677 PA22-176 Ravichandran, Lingamanaidu 0 73 - Bioinformatics/BISTI Related 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
SCH: PENNSYLVANIA ASTHMA-COPD SYNDROMIC SURVEILLANCE (PASS) choi, hyunok Lehigh University R01ES037163 PAR24-002 Joubert, Bonnie 0 73 - Bioinformatics/BISTI Related 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
SCH: SYNERGIZING TOPOLOGICAL DEEP LEARNING AND SPATIO-TEMPORAL CAUSAL INFERENCE TO UNPACK HEALTH dominici, francesca Harvard School Of Public Health R01ES037156 PAR24-002 Cui, Yuxia 0 73 - Bioinformatics/BISTI Related 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
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