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Who We Fund: Application Of Technology To Disease - Statistics / Statistical Methods/Development

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Title Principal Investigator Institution Grant Number RFA PA Number Program Officer Pubs Primary Science Code Secondary Science Code
EXTREME HEAT EVENTS AND PREGNANCY DURATION: A NATIONAL STUDY chang, howard h Emory University R01ES028346 PA16-160 Joubert, Bonnie 0 81 - Statistics/Statistical Methods/Development -
FLEXIBLE BAYESIAN HIERARCHICAL MODELS FOR ESTIMATING INHALATION EXPOSURES banerjee, sudipto University Of California Los Angeles R01ES030210 PA18-484 Joubert, Bonnie 0 81 - Statistics/Statistical Methods/Development 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
GEOSTATISTICAL SOFTWARE FOR MERGING MULTIVARIATE DATA WITH VARIOUS SPATIAL SUPPORTS goovaerts, pierre e Biomedware R44ES031875 PA20-260 Shaughnessy, Daniel 0 81 - Statistics/Statistical Methods/Development 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
NEW STATISTICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL TOOLS FOR OPTIMIZATION OF PLANARIAN BEHAVIORAL CHEMICAL SCREENS collins, eva-maria schoetz Swarthmore College R03ES034545 PA20-200 Joubert, Bonnie 0 81 - Statistics/Statistical Methods/Development 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
SEMIPARAMETRIC METHODS FOR MODELING OF TIME-DEPENDENT ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURES liu, mengling New York University School Of Medicine R01ES032808 PA20-185 Joubert, Bonnie 0 81 - Statistics/Statistical Methods/Development 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
STATISTICAL METHODS FOR ANALYSIS OF HIGH-DIMENSIONAL MEDIATION PATHWAYS song, peter xuekun University Of Michigan At Ann Arbor R01ES033656 PA20-185 Joubert, Bonnie 0 81 - Statistics/Statistical Methods/Development 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
STATISTICAL METHODS TO CHARACTERIZE CAUSAL MECHANISMS BY WHICH AIR POLLUTION AFFECTS THE RECURRENCE OF CARDIOVASCULAR EVENTS ertefaie, ashkan University Of Rochester R01ES034021 PA20-185 Joubert, Bonnie 0 81 - Statistics/Statistical Methods/Development 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
SUPPORTING BIOMEDICAL DISCOVERY WITH THE ROBOKOP GRAPH KNOWLEDGEBASE. tropsha, alexander Univ Of North Carolina Chapel Hill U24ES035214 PAR20-097 Duncan, Christopher 0 81 - Statistics/Statistical Methods/Development 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
TIME SERIES CLUSTERING TO IDENTIFY AND TRANSLATE TIME-VARYING MULTIPOLLUTANT EXPOSURES FOR HEALTH STUDIES marian, brittney University Of Southern California F31ES035618 PA21-052 Joubert, Bonnie 0 81 - Statistics/Statistical Methods/Development 03 - Carcinogenesis/Cell Transformation
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