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word cloud: Human Health, Global Warming, Sea Level Rise, Climate Change, Infectious Disease, earth,weather, desert Disaster Research Response (DR2) Resources Portal
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the NIH Disaster Research Response (DR2) Resources Portal?

    The NIH Disaster Research Response Resources Portal (DR2 Portal) provides access to a publicly available, curated repository of data collection tools and resources including research protocols, survey instruments, guidance manuals, data dictionaries, common data elements (CDEs), and other supporting materials. The DR2 Portal and its companion program website support the DR2 Program’s goals of empowering timely, highly relevant human health research in response to disasters and public health emergencies; protecting the rights of affected individuals and communities— especially those of health disparate and environmental justice populations—as research subjects; promoting the development and use across disciplines of environmental health tools and approaches, including those that improve data harmonization and interoperability; and improving societal preparedness, resilience, and recovery related to disasters and public health emergencies. For more background, see the DR2 About the Program page.

  2. How often is the DR2 Portal updated?

    Resources are identified, approved for inclusion, and curated on an ongoing basis. Details for the date each resource was published/updated on the DR2 Portal are available in the Resource Details.

  3. How do I search the DR2 Portal?

    Search the portal by entering a keyword(s) in the search box on the homepage. On the results page, you can refine search results using filters such as Resource Type, Study Population, Event Type, etc. There is also an Advanced Search feature accessible from the home page that allows you to apply filters when you begin your search.

    Users can also access predetermined search results for the topics in the Questions and Collections section of the homepage by clicking on the title in the tile. For example, the COVID-19 Collection will return more than 100 resources tagged for applicability to research on the COVID-19 pandemic. A separate page of COVID-19 Related Resources is also available through the navigation bar on the left side of the page.

    Criteria Document for more information on definitions and case examples for the keyword tags assigned to resources.

    Search term rules:

    • Search terms are not case-specific. A search for pacific is the same as for PACIFIC.
    • Use quotation marks to search for a phrase instead of separate words (e.g.,"first responder") for more focused results.

    Filtering: Use the Filter/Option checkboxes in the panel on the left of the Search Results page to narrow results.

    • Checkboxes within a group have an "OR" relationship. For example, select both Children and Elderly in the Study Population group, to find resources relating to either one or both groups.
    • Checkboxes in separate groups have an "AND" relationship. For example, select Elderly in the Study Population group, and Survey/Questionnaire in the Resource Type group to find data collection surveys/questionnaires with a focus on elderly populations.

  4. How are resources identified for inclusion in the DR2 Portal?

    The DR2 Program, in coordination with NLM, initially identified relevant resources by surveying the peer-reviewed literature and repositories such as DisasterLit, as well as websites of various Federal agencies including CDC, HHS/ASPR, FEMA, DHS, and others. Additional resources were identified by the NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences. Lastly, individual scientists have—and are encouraged—to submit resources for consideration for inclusion. For more details on how to submit, see Question 10 below.

    Individual resources have not been independently validated by the DR2 Program, and the level of scientific validation of resources in the DR2 Portal may vary widely. The source of each instrument has been verified, however, and contact information is provided in case additional information is needed. Investigators are encouraged to perform their own validation studies of resources in relation to their intended use.

  5. What are the criteria for inclusion of a resource in the DR2 Portal?

    The DR2 Program considers a resource to be appropriate for inclusion in the DR2 Portal if:

    • It was created specifically for use in human health research (including biomedical, behavioral, and social) in response to a disaster or public health emergency, OR
    • It has been used in research on human health impacts in the immediate aftermath of a disaster/public health emergency AND it is applicable for use in future such events

  6. How are DR2 Portal resources curated?

    Resources are curated by subject matter experts using a combination of the DR2 Portal Criteria Document, descriptive information supplied by the submitter in the Resource Submission Form, and individual judgment of the content of the resource itself. Although efforts are made to be as complete as possible, information may not be available for every field/filter. New filters and options will be added to the DR2 Portal as the field evolves and user need indicates.

  7. How do I export search results?

    In a search results window, mark the checkbox next to the resource titles you would like to download or export. Once you have selected your resources, use the "View Selected Items" button to compile the list of resources you wish to export. Several export options are offered:

    • Download Results as CSV
    • Download All Details as PDF
    • Email

    You can also print the search results using the print icon on the right side of the screen under the social media options.

    Download Citations as CSV: All the citation data for your selected resources will be included in a single CSV file. CSV files can be opened by most spreadsheet and text editing programs.

    Download All Details as PDF: The source and curation data for your selected resources will be bundled into one PDF file. Each page in the PDF file will look very similar to the detail pages displayed in this online portal.

    Print: The source and curation data for your selected resources will be formatted for printing directly in your browser.

    Email: Links to the Resource Details pages for your selected resources will be included in an email message. If you select this option, you will be asked to provide one or more email addresses to receive your message. You can also customize the message before sending it.

  8. How can I share search results?

    Share a list of selected resources or individual resources by email or social media using the instructions below:

    Email a list of selected portal results: Once you have selected one or more resources, use the "View Selected Items" button at the top of the results list. Links to the portal detail pages for your selected resources will be included in an email message. If you select this option, you will be asked to provide one or more email addresses to receive your message. You can also customize the message before sending it.

    Share the Resource Details page for a single resource: Sharing buttons are available on the individual resource detail pages. Links are provided to share via Facebook, Twitter LinkedIn, or email.

  9. What if I have additional questions?

    For technical difficulty or questions, please use Contact Us (also located at the bottom of each DR2 Portal page). Someone from the DR2 Portal will respond to you as quickly as possible.

  10. Can I suggest a resource?

    Yes! Please submit suggested resources using the Resource Submission Form. Please provide as complete information as possible to enable full consideration.

  11. How do I cite resources on the DR2 Portal?

    Cite portal resources as you would an article published on a website. Website citations usually include the author, the publication date, the title of the article, the website name, and the URL. If there is no author, start the citation with the title of the resource. For resources that have not been published previously, use the resource title in place of article title. If the webpage is likely to change over time, add a retrieval date. You may want to contact the resource Contact for clarity on authorship.

Files within the Disaster Research Response (DR2) Resources Portal may not be 508-compliant. If you need help accessing a specific file please contact NIEHS is working to make all files fully accessible and conformant.

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025