Dr. Philip Aisen |
Simulation of rhombic spectra with hyperfine couplings |
Anisotropic, Simulation |
Dr. Judith Arber |
Measurement of alanine dosimeter spectra |
Analysis |
Prof David P. Ballou |
A: Display routines for stopped-flow kinetic spectra |
Kinetics, Utilities |
Thomas Behner |
ROTC - Rotational diagrams of single crystal spectra. |
Analysis, Crystal |
Thomas Behner |
TOMAS: spectral manipulation routines |
Interface, Manipulation |
Dr Virgilio Beltran-Lopez |
Powderspec3: Analytical solution to calculation of powder pattern of S>1/2 ions in axial fields |
Anisotropic, Simulation, Transition-ion |
Nikolas P. Benetis |
XANI: simluation of powder spectra with hyperfine and exchange couplings |
Anisotropic, Crystal, Hyperfine, Motion, Simulation, Spin-spin |
Professor Patrick Bertrand |
Simulation of g-strain broadened EPR spectra |
Anisotropic, Simulation, Spin-spin, Transition-ion |
Dr. Igor G. Botsan |
Simulation of anti-ferromagnetic trinuclear exchange clusters |
Cluster, Simulation |
Dr. Rolf Bottcher |
Powder spectrum simulation |
Anisotropic, ENDOR, Simulation |
Dr. Michael K. Bowman |
Data processing routines: |
ESEEM, Manipulation, Utilities |
Prof. Gary W. Brudvig |
Pulsed and cw Spectrometer controller |
Interface, Pulsed |
Bruker Spectrospin |
ESP 1600: control software for ESP300 series spectrometers |
Interface, Manipulation |
Bruker Spectrospin |
Simfonia: powder spectrum simulations |
Anisotropic, Isotropic, Simulation |
Bruker Spectrospin |
WIN-EPR, WIN-EPR 2D: Off-line spectral manipulation |
Manipulation |
Dr Steven Brumby |
E123: spectrum acquisition and analysis |
Analysis, Simulation |
Calleo Scientific Software Publishers |
ESR, ESR II, ESR^a, ESR^a II: anisotropic first order simulations |
Anisotropic, Isotropic, Simulation |
Dr. Claude Chachaty |
BRDF: Dynamics of spin probes |
Isotropic, Motion, Simulation, Spin-probe |
Dr. Claude Chachaty |
ESRAPL: suite of programs for applications of magnetic resonance |
Anisotropic, Isotropic, Motion, Simulation, Spin-probe |
Dr. N.D.Chasteen |
EPRPOW: Simulates powder EPR spectra for S = 1/2 systems with hyperfine interactions |
Anisotropic, Simulation |
Dr. David Collison |
DIA: Diagonalize matrices for analysis of single crystal data |
Analysis, Crystal |
Dr. David Collison |
LSIM: Simulation of powder (& single orientation) spectra for S=1/2 with metal hyperfine |
Anisotropic, Simulation, Transition-ion |
Dr. David Collison |
LSQ: Least squares fitting to single crystal data |
Analysis, Crystal |
Dr. David Collison |
MANIP: Relates g & A tensors to molecular structure for single crystal data |
Analysis, Crystal |
Dr. David Collison |
SSIM: Simulation of powder (& single orientation) spectra for S>1/2 |
Anisotropic, Simulation, Transition-ion |