Superfund Research Program
Administrative Core
Project Leader: Norbert E. Kaminski
Grant Number: P42ES004911
Funding Period: 1995-2021
Project-Specific Links
Final Progress Reports
Year: 2012 2004
The Administrative Core continues to provide support for the research and outreach activity of this program. It is located within the offices of the Center for Integrative Toxicology (formerly named the Institute for Environmental Toxicology) at Michigan State University, which coordinates campus-wide activities in environmental toxicology. The Core organizes and supports regularly scheduled meetings and video-conferences for exchange of research and administrative information. It exercises fiscal responsibility for the research effort. The Core encourages and supports communication within the research teams supported by the grant and acts as an interface to administrators at the NIEHS/NIH. The only significant change in the administration of the grant that has occurred in the last grant year is that Dr. Norbert Kaminski has assumed the leader of the Administrative Core and has also assumed the role of Principal Director for the grant. Meetings of the investigators supported by the grant have occurred on a regular basis this year. Co-investigators working in the same project met monthly. In addition, planning meetings for the upcoming competing renewal application of all investigators, including selected research staff, have occurred on a quarterly basis during this present funding period.