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Nanosepex, Inc.

Superfund Research Program

Development of Microwave Induced Membrane Distillation with Carbon Nanotube Immobilized Membranes: A Sustainable Solution for Solvent Recovery from Aqueous Wastes

Project Leader: Cheng Li
Grant Number: R43ES036050
Funding Period: Phase I: June 2024 - May 2025
View this project in the NIH Research Portfolio Online Reporting Tools (RePORT)


This project focuses on recovering solvents from waste streams with low concentrations of solvents, such as chlorinated and aromatic solvents, DNAPL, MTBE, tetrahydro furan, among others. These waste streams are typically produced by Superfund sites, and the primary objective is to recover the solvents from them. Currently, these wastes are treated as hazardous waste for disposal, which is an expensive and wasteful approach. This project aims to offer a sustainable solution by concentrating dilute (1 to 10%) solvent waste to 60 or 70%, which can then be sent to a distillation column or purified through membrane separations such as pervaporation and nanofiltration to generate pure solvents (95-99%). These recycled solvents can be resold in the market or repurposed for other applications. To achieve these goals, the development of Microwave Induced Membrane Distillation (MIMD) with Carbon Nanotube Immobilized Membrane (CNIM) or MIMD-CNIM is proposed. In this system, a hydrophobic porous membrane with immobilized carbon nanotubes separates a hot feed waste stream from a cold permeate. The membrane prevents the aqueous solution from entering the pores, while the solvent vapor passes through and is condensed on the permeate side. The major advantage of CNIM is its ability to selectively transport solvents by increasing the partitioning on the nanotube surface. The waste stream is heated using a microwave heater, which enhances recovery via non-thermal effects such as localized superheating, breakdown of hydrogen-bonded structures in aqueous environments, and the creation of nanobubbles. The project has three specific aims:
  • Membrane development
  • Testing of MIMD for different solvent streams
  • Testing with real-world wastes
By developing this technology, the project aims to provide a sustainable solution for recovering solvents from aqueous solvent wastes, reducing the amount of hazardous waste generated by Superfund sites and other industries. Moreover, this approach can contribute to the circular economy by promoting the recycling and reuse of solvents.
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Last Reviewed: December 05, 2024