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Superfund Research Program

This list features recent publications from SRP grant recipients highlighted in the monthly e-Posted Notes newsletter. For a database of grantee-authored publications from currently funded and previously funded centers and programs dating back to 1995, see the grant recipient publications page.

November 2024

SRP-funded researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) found that heavy metal exposure disrupts a network of lipids in lung and airway cells called sphingolipids. Nestled in the cellular membrane, sphingolipids are one of the most abundant and complex types of lipids found across the human body, playing a role in cell growth, stress response, signaling, and survival.

“Although previous studies have linked sphingolipid dysregulation with asthma and other respiratory diseases, the effects of high-dose heavy metal exposure on the lungs needs further exploration,” said Mohammad Athar, professor of dermatology at UAB.

In the lab, the scientists exposed both human lung cells and human lung tissue to arsenic, manganese, and cadmium, which are heavy metals found in fine particulate matter in polluted air. As the cells and tissue were treated with increasing levels of the metals, cell viability waned and sphingolipid metabolic pathways were increasingly altered.

When looking at human lung tissue exposed to heavy metals, the scientists noted that the exact method of sphingolipid disruption was distinct, which the team attributed to different heavy metals having specific mechanisms for dysregulation.

The study confirms that environmental exposure to fine particulate matter is a major risk factor for the development of lung diseases, including asthma, according to Athar.

“These observations have important implications for asthma,” he said. “Injury to lung cells from environmental exposures and consequent dysregulation of sphingolipid metabolism may exacerbate inflammatory responses and impair lung function.”

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Ahmad S, Single SL, Liu Y, Hough KP, Wang Y, Thannickal V, Athar M, Goliwas KF, Deshane J. 2024. Heavy metal exposure-mediated dysregulation of sphingolipid metabolism. Antioxidants (Basel) 13(8):PMID:39199224
October 2024

SRP-funded researchers at Villanova University identified specific molecular structures that improve the ability of biochar to trap and destroy the groundwater contaminant 1,2,3-trichloropropane (TCP). These structures are called N groups, because they contain nitrogen and behave in similar ways.

“Cleaning up TCP is difficult, because it moves easily through the environment and is resistant to degradation,” said study leader Wenqing Xu. “Previous research suggests that adding N groups to biochar can help break down TCP, so we wanted to test that.”

To identify which N groups are most effective at degrading TCP, the team attached various N groups to synthetic polymers similar to biochar and tested their ability to degrade TCP at different temperatures.

They found two N groups were particularly good at breaking down TCP, because they lowered the energy needed for the degradation reaction. N groups that are more reactive to TCP may explain the better performance, said the team. Their analysis also revealed that the ideal temperature for TCP degradation was 45–60 °C.

“These findings suggest modifying polymers with specific N groups can capture and destroy TCP at lower temperatures than current industry methods, which typically require temperatures of 100 °C or higher” Xu said. “This approach may offer a more efficient solution for contaminant removal.”

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Cao H, Mao J, Tratnyek PG, Xu W. 2024. Role of nitrogenous functional group identity in accelerating 1,2,3-trichloropropane degradation by pyrogenic carbonaceous matter (PCM) and sulfide using PCM-like polymers. Environ Sci Technol 58(24):10752-10763. doi:10.1021/acs.est.3c11010 PMID:38848107
September 2024

Adding two widely available fertilizers can form minerals that may remove arsenic from underground water reservoirs, according to a study by researchers from Columbia University SRP Center. The method uses chemical reactions to filter out arsenic, a naturally occurring element that can leach into aquifers and contaminate groundwater.

Previous studies found that combining a solution of iron and nitrate – compounds commonly used as fertilizers – may react to form magnetite, a mineral that can adsorb arsenic. The researchers wanted to see if adding iron and nitrate could remove arsenic in the field. They used field push-pull tests – a method of groundwater research which involves injecting and extracting a test solution from an underground water source – to test the method on an arsenic-contaminated aquifer.

First, the team took samples of groundwater from the contaminated aquifer to measure pre-treatment levels of arsenic. Using an underground pump, the team then injected four cycles of iron and nitrate solution into the aquifer. After allowing the solution to sit for 25 days, the researchers extracted and analyzed samples of the groundwater for arsenic levels. They also analyzed aquifer sediment samples for their magnetite and arsenic content before and after the tests. The push-pull test was repeated after five months.

The scientists found that arsenic levels in the aquifer decreased significantly after injecting the iron and nitrate mixture into the water, before slowly returning to base levels as the solution reacted completely. Sediment samples taken after the tests contained more magnetite than sediment before the test, suggesting that the solution encouraged magnetite formation. Additionally, injecting the solution in the second test caused arsenic levels to decrease again, indicating that this method remains effective after repeated treatment.

According to the researchers, these findings suggest that iron and nitrate injections can be an effective way to remove arsenic from contaminated aquifers. This method could be scaled up to treat large volumes of groundwater at a relatively low cost, they added

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Sun J, Sun Y, Prommer H, Bostick BC, Liu Q, Ma M, Li Z, Liu S, Siade AJ, Li C, Han S, Zheng Y. 2024. Sustaining irrigation supplies through immobilization of groundwater arsenic in situ. Environ Sci Technol 58(28):12653-12663. doi:10.1021/acs.est.4c03225 PMID:38916402
August 2024

TAMU SRP Center researchers created a new method to identify points of departure (PODs), or the lowest dose of a chemical that triggers a biological response.

Regulatory agencies use PODs to assess health risks from chemical exposures. However, most chemicals lack PODs due to insufficient toxicity data. To address this challenge, the team created a machine learning model to predict the biological activity of chemicals based on their physical and chemical properties.

The model performs in two stages. The first stage identifies the structural, physical, chemical, and toxicological properties of chemicals, from a variety of databases. The second stage uses those properties and data on health effects to predict chemicals’ biological activity.

The researchers tested their model on over 34,000 chemicals and found that it accurately predicted PODs for chemicals that already had them available. The model also identified PODs for chemicals that previously lacked PODs. The results identified several thousand chemicals of moderate concern and several hundred of high concern for health effects.

This new approach significantly increases the number of chemicals that can be evaluated for health risks, according to the authors.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Kvasnicka J, Aurisano N, von Borries K, Lu E, Fantke P, Jolliet O, Wright FA, Chiu WA. 2024. Two-stage machine learning-based approach to predict points of departure for human noncancer and developmental/reproductive effects. Environ Sci Technol doi:10.1021/acs.est.4c00172 PMID:38693844
July 2024

Scientists at the Columbia University SRP Center reported a link between arsenic in drinking water and type 2 diabetes. According to the authors, the findings underscore the need for considering type 2 diabetes as an adverse health outcome when developing arsenic standards for drinking water.

Arsenic is a highly toxic, naturally occurring element commonly found in contaminated drinking water. Previous research by the Columbia SRP Center reported that Tribal and Hispanic communities across the U.S. are disproportionately exposed to high arsenic concentrations in their drinking water. These communities also have a high prevalence of diabetes.

Researchers recruited participants from the Strong Heart Family Study, a cohort of American Indians, and the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA), which includes racially and ethnically diverse urban U.S. communities. Strong Heart Study and MESA participants primarily receive their drinking water from private wells and community water systems, respectively.

The team identified participants’ exposure to arsenic based on zip codes and state-reported water-arsenic levels. They measured participants’ glucose and insulin levels — biological markers of diabetes — over five years or used self-reported physicians’ diagnoses to determine type 2 diabetes occurrence. Next, they conducted statistical analyses to determine the link between arsenic in drinking water and risk of developing diabetes.

Their analysis revealed that, for both research cohorts, exposure to arsenic at levels below current federal drinking water regulatory standards was associated with type 2 diabetes incidence. The researchers also found a significant association between arsenic in drinking water and diabetes in participants with a low body mass index. According to the scientists, this finding might indicate that individuals with a low body mass index might be at high risk of experiencing adverse health outcomes from arsenic exposure.

These results highlight disparities in type 2 diabetes risk in communities with high levels of arsenic contamination, which often face additional challenges, including racial and socioeconomic inequities, said the authors. Water-arsenic standards should be reassessed given that type 2 diabetes was associated with arsenic levels below the current standard, they added.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Spaur M, Galvez-Fernandez M, Chen Q, Lombard M, Bostick BC, Factor-Litvak P, Fretts A, Shea S, Navas-Acien A, Nigra AE. 2024. Association of water arsenic with incident diabetes in U.S. adults: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and the Strong Heart Study. Diabetes Care doi:10.2337/dc23-2231 PMID:38656975
June 2024

Exposure to newer PFAS compounds, often assumed to be less toxic than their older counterparts because they accumulate less in the body, may still harm the liver, according to a study in mice from the NC State SRP Center. Newer PFAS compounds, like GenX and Nafion byproduct 2 (NBP2), are not well studied but are increasingly detected in the environment and in drinking water.

The researchers exposed male and female mice to GenX or NBP2 and evaluated changes in liver size. Then, they used an advanced laboratory technique to simultaneously evaluate PFAS accumulation in the liver and metabolic changes related to liver lipids — fats and fat-like substances that play crucial roles in various bodily functions.

Mice exposed to either PFAS chemical had enlarged livers compared to unexposed mice, with more pronounced changes in males. NBP2 accumulated more in the liver than GenX. While GenX did not significantly accumulate in the liver, exposure to either PFAS compound was linked with drastic changes to lipids — particularly those linked to inflammation, oxidative stress, and disrupted cell signaling — in both sexes. Interestingly, female mice exposed to GenX had more unique lipid changes than males, while mice of both sexes had similar lipid changes following exposure to NBP2.

According to the authors, these findings suggest that lower PFAS accumulation in the liver does not necessarily protect against harm. They emphasized the importance of combining different types of data to comprehensively evaluate the potential health effects of PFAS exposure.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

May 2024

Researchers from the University of Arizona SRP Center revealed how cadmium and arsenic, two toxic metals that frequently occur in soils together, may interact inside the human body. The effects of each individual metal on the digestive system have been studied, but little is known about how the contaminants behave when ingested simultaneously.

The team used an artificial gastrointestinal (GI) tract, developed in a lab, to measure the amount of arsenic or cadmium that could enter the bloodstream, called bioaccessibility. They exposed the GI tract to cadmium only, arsenic only, and a mixture of both contaminants. They also added ferrihydrite, an iron mineral commonly found in dust, and pepsin, an enzyme responsible for protein digestion, as variables to better capture realistic conditions in the human body.

The team reported that cadmium bioaccessibility increased with the addition of arsenic, while arsenic bioaccessibility decreased with the addition of cadmium. However, arsenic transformed into a more toxic form in the presence of cadmium.

Using advanced spectroscopy techniques, the researchers found that each metal formed complexes with ferrihydrite. However, the presence of both metals promoted the release of cadmium from ferrihydrite complexes but inhibited the release of arsenic. Bioaccessibility of both metals increased when pepsin formed soluble, or dissolvable, complexes with the metals.

By improving understanding of interaction between metal contaminants, the study could inform health risk assessments, according to the authors. The study may also inform regulatory strategies for soils and dust contaminated with toxic metal mixtures.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

April 2024

In a new study, researchers at the TAMU SRP Center developed a three-dimensional cell culture model of a placenta and gained insights into the effects of certain endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), compounds that mimic hormones in the body, on maternal and fetal health. The team adapted a new technology called organ-on-chip (OOC) — interconnected human cells grown inside a small device — to represent the tissues of a second-trimester placenta.

Historically, scientists have used mouse studies to study the placenta. However, mice are often poor representations of human pregnancy because their placentas are structured differently to accommodate their litters. OOCs may be a more accurate representation of human organs and organ systems than traditional models, allowing for more human-relevant discoveries.

The team designed and produced an OOC consisting of six chambers, each containing one type of placental cell. The chambers were stacked on top of each other, mimicking the layers of the placenta, and connected with miniature channels to allow molecules to move around the system. The scientists also added a seventh chamber at the bottom of the OOC as a fetal circulation chamber, to measure if chemicals can pass through the placenta to the fetus.

The researchers added bisphenol A, an EDC, into the topmost chamber and measured the pollutant concentration in each chamber, as well as the concentrations of certain hormones and antioxidants. This process was repeated for three other EDCs: bisphenol S and polybrominated diphenyl ethers 47 and 99.

The scientists found that the EDCs could flow throughout all the chambers of the OOC placenta model, and the chemicals affected the placenta similarly. All EDCs mildly disrupted hormone regulation and suppressed antioxidant production. However, the team also found that immune cells migrated between chambers in an anti-inflammatory response. Additionally, nutrient transport to the fetal circulation chamber was unaltered. This may indicate that the placenta is protecting the fetus from EDC-related damage, said the researchers.

According to the authors, the results demonstrate the utility of their OOC as a human-relevant, non-animal model of the second-trimester placenta.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Vidal MS, Richardson L, Kumar Kammala A, Kim S, Lam P, Cherukuri R, Thomas T, Bettayeb M, Han A, Rusyn I, Menon R. 2024. Endocrine-disrupting compounds and their impact on human placental function: evidence from placenta organ-on-chip studies. Lab Chip doi:10.1039/d3lc00998j PMID:38334486
March 2024

Researchers at the University of Rhode Island SRP Center used innovative sampling methods to document PFAS sources along the Pawcatuck River in Westerly, Rhode Island. They found that PFAS are ubiquitous in the river, retired and active textile mills are believed to be major contributors, and river dynamics may influence the amount of PFAS entering the Atlantic Ocean.

Typical methods of measuring PFAS in water only document PFAS concentrations at one specific point in time. In this study, the scientists used an environmental monitoring technique called passive sampling, which allows pollutants to accumulate within the sampler over time, providing a more comprehensive picture of PFAS concentrations.

They installed passive samplers at seven locations along the Pawcatuck River, which is adjacent to several active and retired textile mills that used PFAS to impart water and oil repellence and stain resistance to garments.

Researchers found PFAS in every sample collected, suggesting PFAS are ubiquitous in the river across long periods of time. After an increase in river flow, the team recorded a sharp increase in PFAS entering the Atlantic Ocean, indicating that river dynamics may influence PFAS output.

A greater concentration of FTCA, a particular PFAS compound rarely found in other parts of the river, was found near an active textile mill, suggesting that the air emissions or wastewater discharges of the active mill may be a constant source of PFAS. Researchers also identified waste lagoons of retired mills as large sources of PFAS and as ideal locations for PFAS remediation efforts.

According to the authors, passive samplers are a good way to investigate PFAS sources and transport in other aquatic systems in the U.S. Results from the passive samplers can be used to guide how and where to best use PFAS remediation funds, they added.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

February 2024

Prenatal exposure to the environmental contaminant benzene may have dose- and sex-dependent effects on several gene pathways in the brain and gonads, or sex organs, of adult zebrafish, according to research partly funded by SRP at Wayne State University. Because zebrafish and humans share certain genes, these findings may point to ways that prenatal benzene exposure affects humans.

First, the team immersed zebrafish embryos in water with low or high levels of benzene. They also placed a control group in water without benzene. After five days, they rinsed all embryos with water and allowed them to grow past sexual maturity in a tank of water. Next, the team extracted brain and gonad tissue from five male and five female fish from the control and experimental groups.

The researchers sequenced RNA from the tissues to analyze the zebrafishes’ transcriptome, the set of all RNA molecules coded by an organism’s genome. By comparing transcriptomes, they could determine if prenatal benzene exposure increased or decreased the expression of certain genes.

The team found that exposure to benzene during development affected the expression, or activation, of certain genes related to neurological development and disorders, reproductive ability, and cancer outcomes in both male and female zebrafish, regardless of benzene exposure level.

Within the low-benzene group, males showed more genes expression changes in gonad tissue, while females had more gene expression changes in brain tissue. However, in the high-benzene group, males demonstrated more gene expression changes than females in gonad and brain tissue alike.

The findings indicate that sex-dependent effects are associated with benzene exposure, even at low environmental levels, according to the authors. The study may also provide insight into long-term effects of benzene on human health and disease, they added.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Connell ML, Wu C, Blount JR, Haimbaugh A, Kintzele EK, Banerjee D, Baker B, Baker TR. 2023. Adult-onset transcriptomic effects of developmental exposure to benzene in zebrafish (Danio rerio): evaluating a volatile organic compound of concern. Int J Mol Sci 24(22):16212. doi:10.3390/ijms242216212 PMID:38003401 PMCID:PMC10671089
January 2024

Taking a page from culinary arts, researchers at the Harvard University SRP Center, led by Paul Westerhoff, developed a new method inspired by French cooking to improve the ability of carbon block filters to remove arsenic from water. This technique may offer a cheaper and more practical solution for people to reduce arsenic exposure at the tap.

Carbon block filters are commonly used to treat water for pathogens or to remove unwanted tastes and odors. They are also used to remove organic contaminants from water but have not been effective at removing arsenic until now.

The study builds on earlier findings showing that adding titanium hydroxide to the carbon filters could trap arsenic. However, the earlier approach did not evenly distribute titanium within the filter and negatively affected water flow. To overcome these challenges, the researchers used an approach inspired by sous vide cooking techniques — which entail cooking food in a water-filled, vacuum-sealed container — to infuse commercially available carbon blocks with titanium hydroxide. In short, they removed air from the carbon block using a flexible pouch, added the titanium solution, sealed the pouch, and slowly heated the assembly in a water bath.

Compared to traditional autoclave heating methods, this approach uses 70% fewer chemicals, the researchers reported. Their technique also resulted in more uniform and stable distribution of titanium and did not affect water flow.

Next, they tested the ability of their modified carbon block filter to remove two common forms of arsenic from water — arsenate and arsenite. The team reported that the filter removed both types of arsenic from tap water containing either 10 or 100 micrograms per liter of the contaminant.

According to the authors, the new approach is particularly effective for removing arsenite, the more toxic of the two forms, and performs better than alternative filters when arsenic levels are low. Removing arsenic from water even when it is present at low levels is particularly important as there is no known safe level of arsenic exposure, they noted.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Farsad A, Marcos-Hernandez M, Sinha S, Westerhoff P. 2023. Sous vide-inspired impregnation of amorphous titanium (hydr)oxide into carbon block point-of-use filters for arsenic removal from water. Environ Sci Technol 57(48):20410-20420. doi:10.1021/acs.est.3c06586 PMID:37948748
December 2023

Researchers at the University of Iowa SRP Center identified specific PCB compounds, or congeners, associated with diabetes risk. The authors also calculated the lowest concentration, known as threshold, that resulted in a biological change related to diabetes.

Although PCBs were phased out in 1978, the compounds can still be found in the environment and in old building materials and continue to be manufactured as byproducts of certain industrial processes. PCBs have been associated with a myriad of adverse health effects, including cancer and diabetes.

The team obtained data on PCB concentrations in serum and diabetes status from 1244 adults who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2002 and 2004. Then, they used a machine learning tool called decision tree analysis to identify PCB congeners and their thresholds associated with diabetes. Their analysis showed that PCB 126, at serum concentrations as low as 0.025 nanograms per gram, was the congener that was most consistently associated with diabetes.

Since people are often exposed to multiple PCB congeners at the same time, the scientists also estimated the combined associations of several serum PCB congeners with diabetes. They found that low levels of PCB 101 combined with high levels of PCB 126 decreased diabetes risk and that adding PCB 49 to the mixture increased the risk. The authors suggested that the metabolism of different PCBs may play a role in the interaction between PCB mixtures and diabetes.

According to the research team, these findings provide new insights into the combined association of PCBs and diabetes. However, further research to reveal the mechanisms of disease development is needed.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

November 2023

Researchers from the Louisiana State University SRP Center reported sophisticated methods to improve how environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs) are generated in the lab and used to study potential health consequences.

Particulate matter containing highly reactive EPFRs can be formed when organic waste or contaminated soils are burned as a remediation strategy, and the chemical components of EPFRs can vary based on their source. Inhaling these particles has been associated with inflammation and oxidative stress in the lungs; however, studying the potential health effects relevant to humans has been challenging in laboratory settings.

The team sought to develop and validate laboratory-based methods to generate EPFRs that are like those in urban environments, more closely mimic exposure conditions relevant to humans, and assess impacts on the heart and lungs as an understudied target of EPFR exposure.

The researchers used a novel two-stage combustion reactor to generate two groups of EPFRs with specifically controlled radical compositions at different concentrations. They verified that both groups of EPFRs had similar properties and estimated that the pollutants would deposit similarly within the lungs when inhaled. The chemical composition of the EPFRs were also similar to those found in particulate matter air pollution in the environment.

The team compared mice exposed to filtered air with those exposed to aerosolized EPFRs with either high or low concentrations of free radicals. Mice exposed to EPFRs with higher free radicals had reduced lung function and increased markers of vascular dysfunction. These mice also showed increased gene expression related to aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation – known to play an important role in detecting and responding to pollutants – and increased expression of genes involved in antioxidant response.

The approach will enable other researchers to produce consistent EPFR aerosols and explore more refined dose-response relationships, according to the authors. They added that their work could inform studies investigating how the source of EPFRs influence health outcomes.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Aryal A, Noel A, Khachatryan L, Cormier SA, Chowdhury PH, Penn A, Dugas TR, Harmon AC. 2023. Environmentally persistent free radicals: Methods for combustion generation, whole-body inhalation and assessing cardiopulmonary consequences. Environ Pollut 334:122183. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2023.122183 PMID:37442324
October 2023

Exposure to lead mixtures with other chemicals can impair mitochondrial function, according to Duke University SRP Center researchers. Mitochondria, special compartments found in the cells of most organisms, play a large role in energy production and metabolism. While it is known that lead can disrupt mitochondrial function by replacing calcium in cellular processes, there has not been much research on co-exposures with other environmental contaminants.

Lead was historically used in paint, gasoline, and water distribution systems. While the use of lead in paint and gasoline is now banned, and lead service lines are being phased out, people can still be exposed from the paint of older homes, older water distribution lines, and some industrial processes. There is no safe exposure level for lead in children, as it is known to affect neurodevelopment and is associated with behavioral disorders.

To understand the mechanisms of lead toxicity on mitochondria, the scientists exposed human liver cells to lead alone and in mixtures with the compounds carbonyl cyanide-p-tri-fluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) and Ruthenium Red (RuRed) — which are representative of other environmental chemicals that can damage mitochondria. Then, they established dose response curves for lead, lead and FCCP, lead and RuRed, and a combination of the three chemicals together.

Results showed that exposure to a combination of FCCP and RuRed without lead was not toxic to cells. However, nontoxic levels of lead became more toxic when cells were exposed to combinations of lead and FCCP and lead, FCCP, and RuRed. This suggests that FCCP and RuRed, while not toxic on their own, increase lead toxicity.

According to the authors, these findings suggest that studying exposures to mixtures has increasing importance as contaminants continue to interact both in the environment and within the human body.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Lalwani P, King DE, Morton KS, Rivera NA, Huayta J, Hsu-Kim H, Meyer JN. 2023. Increased cytotoxicity of Pb2+ with co-exposures to a mitochondrial uncoupler and mitochondrial calcium uniporter inhibitor. Environ Sci Process Impacts doi:10.1039/d3em00188a PMID:37503664
September 2023

Domestic animals like horses and dogs may help provide insight into PFAS exposure outside and inside the home, according to NIEHS-funded researchers at North Carolina State University SRP Center. Known as sentinel animals, horses and dogs are sensitive to environmental hazards like PFAS and can act as effective monitors for contaminants. PFAS are a class of chemicals linked to many health issues, including diabetes and immune dysfunction.

The team recruited participants with well water PFAS contamination from a neighborhood near a PFAS production facility in Cumberland County, North Carolina. Then, they took blood samples from the participants’ animals — 31 dogs and 32 horses total — to test levels of 33 types of PFAS in blood serum.

The scientists found the types of PFAS and concentrations of the chemicals in serum differed between dogs and horses. While horses had lower overall PFAS concentrations than dogs, PFAS composition in dog serum was more closely aligned with PFAS composition in humans. The authors believe this is because the animals inhabit different environments and encounter different PFAS sources.

These findings support previous studies regarding the use of dogs to monitor PFAS exposure in the home and introduce horses as a sentinel animal for PFAS exposure outside the home, say the researchers.

Additionally, the team found changes in biological molecules, known as biomarkers, related to kidney and liver function in the animals’ blood, indicating these organs may be sites of PFAS toxicity. According to the authors, future studies should explore the association between biomarker changes and PFAS exposure in dogs and horses.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Rock KD, Polera ME, Guillette TC, Starnes HM, Dean K, Watters M, Stevens-Stewart D, Belcher SM. 2023. Domestic Dogs and Horses as Sentinels of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance Exposure and Associated Health Biomarkers in Gray's Creek North Carolina. Environ Sci Technol 57(26):9567-9579. doi:10.1021/acs.est.3c01146 PMID:37340551
August 2023

Researchers at the OSU SRP Center uncovered the ability of Rhodococcus bacteria — microorganisms with bioremediative properties — to remove contaminants from drinking water under different environmental conditions.

Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) are environmental pollutants, often found at the same contaminated sites, that are associated with cancer, neurotoxicity, and reproductive effects. BTEX can enter water sources through forest fires, combustion of petroleum products, and the manufacturing of solvents, paints, and rubbers. MTBE is a gasoline additive and, despite its replacement by ethanol in the U.S., is still used in gasoline in many countries.

Previous studies have shown that Rhodococcus bacteria are able to break down BTEX and MTBE. However, this is the first study to investigate how growth substrates — materials that provide nutrients to support microorganism growth — affect the bacteria's ability to degrade the chemicals, both individually and in mixtures.

The researchers grew the bacteria on three different alcohol-based substrates — isobutane, 1-butanol, and 2-butanol — and then exposed them to the contaminants. In separate experiments, the team exposed the bacteria to BTEX and MTBE while they were still growing to determine how early exposure impacted their remediation abilities.

They found that bacteria grown on isobutane had the greatest ability to break down BTEX and MTBE, alone and in mixtures, followed by 2-butanol and 1-butanol. However, in conditions where BTEX and MTBE were present during microbial growth, 1-butanol was the most effective substrate for enhancing bacterial growth and contaminant degradation.

According to the researchers, alcohol-based substrates are effective in supporting Rhodococcus bacteria’s bioremediation of BTEX and MTBE, indicating a potential approach to prevent environmental exposures to the contaminants.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Huizenga JM, Semprini L. 2023. Influence of growth substrate and contaminant mixtures on the degradation of BTEX and MTBE by Rhodococcus rhodochrous ATCC strain 21198. Biodegradation doi:10.1007/s10532-023-10037-2 PMID:37329399
July 2023

Researchers at the Wayne State University SRP Center developed a new technique that couples the Internet of Things sensor network with Edge Computing (IoTEC) to improve environmental monitoring.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology that allows researchers to monitor environmental parameters onsite, gathering and transmitting data over the internet so it can be analyzed remotely. While this technology has improved onsite monitoring and data processing, it is limited by its high energy usage, internet bandwidth, and data storage requirements. To address this challenge, the research team incorporated edge computing — a hybrid data model that uses edge servers and cloud computing to keep data analysis close to the source while still allowing data processing on the cloud when needed.

The researchers tested their sensor packages in two pilot applications to monitor:

  • (1) Vapor intrusion — when pollution moves from air spaces in soil to indoor air.
  • (2) Algae cultivation in wastewater.

In the first pilot study, researchers found that, compared to conventional IoT-based monitoring, IoTEC reduced unnecessary data transmission and data latency, or how long it takes for data to be stored or retrieved. Additionally, the authors estimated that IoTEC resulted in a cost reduction of 55-82% for vapor intrusion monitoring that covered five houses.

In the second pilot study, the team coupled machine learning tools with IoTEC to monitor and predict system performance of wastewater-based algae cultivation. As a result of implementing different machine learning algorithms at edge servers, data processing and analysis improved.

According to the authors, IoTEC, compared to more conventional sensor monitoring methods, can lower the energy and bandwidth needs for data transmission, shorten response times, and reduce costs, overall alleviating current challenges to real-time environmental monitoring.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

June 2023

Exposure to PFAS can make it harder to keep weight off after dieting, according to NIEHS-funded researchers at The University of Rhode Island SRP Center. PFAS are widespread in the environment and have been linked to a large range of serious health issues, including harming metabolism and increasing obesity.

The team used data from a European cohort of nearly 1,800 individuals that first lost at least 8% of their body weight, and then completed a specific diet for at least 26 weeks. The researchers then examined the levels of five different PFAS in plasma samples from a subset of the group taken at the beginning of the study.

The researchers found significant links between weight gain and PFAS levels, regardless of the diet that participants followed. After a year of adhering to the diets, the researchers found that the participants with the highest level of PFAS in their blood had gained about 11 pounds more than those with lower PFAS levels.

These findings support mounting evidence that exposure to certain environmental toxins could explain the variable success of diets. The researchers suggest that the impact of PFAS chemicals on weight gain should be considered in future dietary studies to avoid confounding variables.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

May 2023

Exposure to volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is associated with increased risk of high blood pressure among Black adults, according to a study from the University of Louisville SRP Center. High blood pressure can contribute to heart disease, and both are more prevalent among Black adults in the U.S. than among any other race or ethnic group in the world. This is the first study to shed light on the potential underlying environmental exposures that might contribute to such health disparities.

VOCs are common urban air pollutants from vehicle exhaust, industrial emissions, and household products, as well as found in cigarette smoke. Nearly all major emission sources disproportionately affect people of color, and socioeconomic and ethnic disparities in pollution exposure have persisted despite an overall decrease in air pollution in the U.S.

The study included a subgroup of about 1,200 participants in the Jackson Heart Study — a cohort of Black adults aged 35-84 in the Jackson, Mississippi area. The team used urine samples to estimate exposure to 17 VOCs and then evaluated associations with blood pressure. They also compared individuals who smoke with those who have never smoked to further identify sources of VOC exposure.

Among smokers, higher blood pressure was associated with higher estimated VOC exposure, particularly for the chemical crotonaldehyde. Interestingly, they also reported a strong relationship between VOCs and higher blood pressure in non-smokers, driven primarily by acrolein and styrene.

According to the researchers, higher blood pressure in Black individuals may be attributed in part to VOC exposure from the environment, and interventions to reduce VOC exposure may improve cardiovascular health in this population.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • McGraw KE, Konkle S, Riggs DW, Rai SN, DeJarnett N, Xie Z, Keith RJ, Oshunbade A, Hall ME, Shimbo D, Bhatnagar A. 2023. Exposure to volatile organic compounds is associated with hypertension in Black adults: The Jackson Heart Study. Environ Res 223:115384. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2023.115384 PMID:36796615 PMCID:PMC10134439
April 2023

Northeastern University SRP Center researchers developed a novel system to remove the contaminant p-nitrophenol (PNP) from wastewater. Center Director Akram Alshawabkeh and trainee Patrick Compton led the team.

PNP, a toxic organic compound commonly used in manufacturing and agriculture, can be found in industrial wastewater and is associated with adverse health outcomes, including harmful effects to the nervous system. The contaminant’s chemical characteristics make it hard to break down in the environment, so robust and effective water treatment technologies are needed.

The team designed an electrochemical reactor — a device that uses electricity to facilitate chemical reactions — composed of activated carbon encased in a stainless-steel mesh to remove and degrade PNP from water. When an electrical current flows through the reactor, electrons are transferred between reacting species, generating hydroxyl radicals, a chemical species known for its ability to destroy organic compounds. As wastewater flows through the reactor, activated carbon adsorbs PNP onto its surface, where it is decomposed by the formed hydroxyl radicals.

The system also allows for the carbon to be regenerated after it has been used, making the technology more environmentally friendly and cost effective than traditional remediation approaches, says the team.

The researchers conducted several tests under changing conditions, including water pH and flow rate, contaminant concentration, and the amount of activated carbon used, to fine tune their system and assess its performance. They found that their technology was more effective at removing PNP and could be used over longer periods of time compared to traditional methods, such as using activated carbon alone.

According to the authors, their technology holds great promise for removing organic contaminants, as well as contaminant mixtures, from wastewater efficiently and without the need for extensive maintenance of the system.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Compton P, Dehkordi NR, Sarrouf S, Ehsan MF, Alshawabkeh AN. 2023. In-situ electrochemical synthesis of H2O2 for p-nitrophenol degradation utilizing a flow-through three-dimensional activated carbon cathode with regeneration capabilities. Electrochim Acta 441:141798. doi:10.1016/j.electacta.2022.141798 PMID:36874445 PMCID:PMC9983606
March 2023

A nationwide analysis by researchers at the Columbia University Northern Plains SRP Center found racial and ethnic inequalities associated with exposure to uranium and arsenic in public drinking water systems.

Arsenic and uranium are naturally occurring elements that can contaminate groundwater used by public water systems. Exposure to these toxic metals is associated with cancer and cardiovascular, respiratory, and neurological diseases, among a variety of other health problems. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) notes that there is no known safe level of exposure to either contaminant.

The team gathered nationwide estimates from over 2,000 counties of arsenic and uranium concentrations based on the most recent publicly available monitoring data compiled by the EPA. Using racial, ethnic, and sociodemographic data from the 2010 U.S. Census, they generated maps to visualize racial and ethnic compositions of communities and their level of exposure to arsenic and uranium in drinking water at the county level.

Researchers found higher concentrations of toxic metals in community water systems serving Hispanic, American Indian, Alaskan Native, and Black communities, compared to areas with higher proportions of non-Hispanic White residents.

According to the authors, these findings likely reflect the effect of structural environmental racism in the U.S. The team concluded that their research may advance environmental justice initiatives by informing regulatory action and financial and technical support to protect racial and ethnic minorities.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Martinez-Morata I, Bostick BC, Conroy-Ben O, Duncan DT, Jones MR, Spaur M, Patterson KP, Prins SJ, Navas-Acien A, Nigra AE. 2022. Nationwide geospatial analysis of county racial and ethnic composition and public drinking water arsenic and uranium. Nat Commun 13(1):7461. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-35185-6 PMID:36460659 PMCID:PMC9718774
February 2023

Researchers at the TAMU SRP Center showed that advancements in human liver cell-based experiments can reduce uncertainties when assessing the health risk of contaminants.

The team studied trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE), chemicals used in dry cleaning and metal degreasing that are detected widely at Superfund sites, making them high priorities for risk assessment. Prior studies have shown that TCE and PCE can cause liver cancer, but the extent of their metabolism in the body remained unclear.

The researchers worked to resolve these uncertainties using human, rat, and mouse liver cells in special platforms called micropatterned cocultures (MPCCs), which surround the liver cells with connective tissue cells to form a structurally stable system that mimics conditions in the human body. They then exposed the cells to TCE and PCE and measured the formation of metabolites, or substances that form from the breakdown of chemicals in the body.

After comparing results from the MPCC liver models to conventional cell models, as well as to results of previous studies, the team found that their MPCC model was the closest match to metabolism estimates of living organisms. They explained that their data may be used to inform the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s toxicity assessments.

According to the authors, these findings suggest that that novel engineered liver platforms, like MPCCs, can provide relevant estimates of metabolic rates for toxic chemicals, improving efforts to quantify their health effects.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Valdiviezo A, Brown GE, Michell AR, Trinconi CM, Bodke VV, Khetani SR, Luo Y, Chiu WA, Rusyn I. 2022. Reanalysis of trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene metabolism to glutathione conjugates using human, rat, and mouse liver in vitro models to improve precision in risk characterization. Environ Health Perspect 130(11):117009. doi:10.1289/EHP12006 PMID:36445294 PMCID:PMC9707501
January 2023

Researchers from the University of Rhode Island (URI) SRP Center identified and quantified PFAS in fish. The team aimed to better understand the ability of the chemicals to build up, or bioaccumulate, in freshwater fish to inform fish consumption advisories and decrease human exposure.

PFAS are a large group of human-made chemicals associated with many adverse health effects. PFAS parent compounds, or precursors, can degrade into terminal PFAS, which do not break down further under normal environmental conditions. In this study, researchers investigated precursors of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAA), which have been widely found in commercial products and environmental samples, such as fish.

The URI scientists used a toolbox of analytical and statistical methods to detect and measure 37 PFAS and their precursors in fish tissue samples from nine freshwater ecosystems in New Hampshire. They also screened for the presence of other precursors in fish muscle tissue.

The researchers found perfluorobutane sulfonamide (FBSA), a PFAA precursor, in all fish samples. They also found perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) — a highly bioaccumulative PFAS that was phased out in 2002 — in most fish samples at high levels. Specifically, all but two fish samples analyzed PFOS levels exceeding the daily recommended consumption limit for adults and about a fifth of samples exceeded the weekly consumption limit.

The authors note that fish consumption advisories are primarily developed for PFOS, but their work indicates that regulatory efforts should consider additional bioaccumulative PFAS, including PFAA precursors like FBSA.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Pickard HM, Ruyle BJ, Thackray CP, Chovancova A, Dassuncao C, Becanova J, Vojta S, Lohmann R, Sunderland E. 2022. PFAS and precursor bioaccumulation in freshwater recreational fish: implications for fish advisories. Environ Sci Technol 56(22):15573-15583. doi:10.1021/acs.est.2c03734 PMID:36280234 PMCID:PMC9670858
December 2022

In a recent study, researchers at the University of Iowa found that polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-degrading microorganisms can reduce PCBs emitted from contaminated sediment into the air. PCBs are widespread environmental pollutants and evidence has shown that exposure to PCBs increases the risk of developing adverse health effects, such as poor birth outcomes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and diabetes.

In this study, researchers hypothesized that PCB emissions from contaminated sediment could be minimized by adding microorganisms that naturally degrade PCBs, a process called bioaugmentation. They tested this in lab-scale bioreactors — devices that support microbial growth in controlled microenvironments — using PCBs from contaminated sediments and Paraburkholderia xenovorans strain LB400, a type of bacteria which was isolated from PCB-contaminated landfill soil in 1985.

To test whether the microorganisms could minimize emissions from sediment to air, they measured the concentration of PCBs in the sediment and air in bioreactors with PCB-degrading microorganisms added and in those without over 35 days. The results showed that bioaugmented treatments decreased total PCB mass in the vapor phase by an average of 57% in comparison to non-bioaugmented controls. The microorganisms preferentially degraded PCBs with lower numbers of chlorine atoms, which are more likely to volatize from soil than other PCBs.

They also tested the effect of saponin, a compound found in plants that may make PCBs more bioavailable for microorganisms. They found that saponin allowed for a stable abundance of a gene responsible for PCB degradation. This suggests that saponin could aid in biodegradation, the authors noted.

According to the researchers, their results show that PCB-degrading microorganisms can lower PCB emissions from contaminated sediments, potentially reducing human exposure.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Bako CM, Martinez A, Ewald JM, Hua J, Ramotowski DJ, Dong Q, Schnoor JL, Mattes TE. 2022. Aerobic bioaugmentation to decrease polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) emissions from contaminated sediments to air. Environ Sci Technol 56(20):14338-14349. doi:10.1021/acs.est.2c01043 PMID:36178372 PMCID:PMC9583607
November 2022

Researchers from the University of New Mexico (UNM) SRP Center reported on a series of experiments to optimize specialized materials that can remove uranium from water and better understand the mechanisms behind how they work. The UNM SRP Center focuses on understanding and reducing exposures to members of the Navajo Nation living near abandoned uranium mines. 

The team looked at polymer sorbent materials made with nanofibers, which give them a high surface area and porosity, and added phosphonate functionalized groups. These functional groups help to bind uranium over a wide range of pH in the environment.

First, they tested which materials removed the most uranium from the water and found that phosphonate groups with longer alkyl chains performed best. The researchers attributed this to the fact that longer chains are better integrated and retained within the material, which create sites for uranium to bind.

Next, they sought to understand how realistic environmental conditions in water — specifically the presence of minerals calcium and carbonate — affect uranium uptake. They found that both calcium and carbonate reduced the ability of the sorbent to take up uranium, which they suggested may be related to interactions with the minerals that change the oxidation state of uranium in water.

Finally, they explored the mechanism by which the functionalized materials bound uranium. The team reported that uranium largely bound to phosphonate with a negative surface charge, and that the presence of minerals may influence uranium uptake by shifting its charge from positive to negative, making it repel from the polymer rather than bind to it.

According to the researchers, these findings will help in designing materials that are even better suited for detecting and removing uranium from water.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

October 2022

Researchers at the URI SRP Center demonstrated that passive samplers can better capture PFAS concentrations over time in diverse aquatic environments.

PFAS are a class of widely used and extremely persistent chemicals found globally in air, soil, and water. As PFAS are increasingly associated with negative health effects in humans, it is important to understand their distribution throughout the environment.

Typical water sampling methods for PFAS are discrete, meaning they provide a snapshot of PFAS concentrations at one point in time. Passive sampling — an environmental monitoring technique that allows pollutants to collect and accumulate on a sampler over time — may provide a more representative picture of average PFAS levels. It may also reduce costs by eliminating the need for frequent sampling trips.

In this study, the researchers tested the ability of a new passive sampler, consisting of a hollow plastic tube filled with adsorbent powder, to take up PFAS in a variety of surface water environments. They deployed the passive samplers for one month in water discharged from two wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), as well as at nine sites throughout Rhode Island’s Narragansett Bay. The researchers also collected daily water samples from the WWTP locations to measure actual PFAS concentrations that could be compared to the samplers.

After extracting and analyzing the samples for 24 common PFAS, they found good agreement between the discrete samples and estimated passive sampler concentrations, mostly within 50% of the measured concentrations. The highest PFAS levels were detected in the northern part of the Bay, closest to the largest cities and industrial sites, but the team noted PFAS concentrations varied over time.

According to the authors, passive samplers may be useful for understanding contaminant concentrations in dynamic surface waters, and they may provide a suitable long-term monitoring tool for PFAS.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Gardiner C, Robuck AR, Becanova J, Cantwell MG, Kaserzon S, Katz D, Mueller JF, Lohmann R. 2022. Field validation of a novel passive sampler for dissolved PFAS in surface waters. Environ Toxicol Chem doi:10.1002/etc.5431 PMID:35833595
September 2022

Most environmental studies that assess health risks from chemical exposures have focused on evaluating relationships between individual, well-known chemicals and health effects. A new study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) SRP Center identified understudied chemicals that frequently occur in the same products as those linked to breast cancer, which could inform studies on how exposure to chemical mixtures influences disease risk.

Breast cancer — the leading cause of cancer-related death in women — has increasingly been linked to chemicals commonly found in the environment, from consumer products to food and water sources. The researchers used databases containing chemical inventories and cancer information to efficiently categorize chemicals based on their association with breast cancer. They sifted through data on thousands of chemicals to identify compounds that frequently occur in the environment and are understudied in their relation to breast cancer risk.

The team then used the data to determine which of the understudied chemicals most often occur alongside chemicals with known breast cancer associations. They compared the chemical and structural similarities between the understudied group and the breast cancer chemicals to identify those that should be prioritized in future toxicological studies.

The researchers selected 50 understudied chemicals and organized them based on their patterns of co-exposure and similarities to breast cancer chemicals. According to the authors, these chemicals — on their own and in mixtures — may warrant further investigation to understand how everyday exposures may influence breast cancer risk.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Koval L, Dionisio KL, Friedman KP, Isaacs KK, Rager JE. 2022. Environmental mixtures and breast cancer: identifying co-exposure patterns between understudied vs breast cancer-associated chemicals using chemical inventory informatics. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol doi:10.1038/s41370-022-00451-8 PMID:35710593
August 2022

Researchers at the UNC SRP Center have demonstrated an innovative method for identifying components of chemical mixtures and health outcomes associated with exposures. Combining a data-driven approach with cell-based studies allowed the team to determine chemical combinations that are potentially harmful.

Humans regularly encounter an enormous number of chemical combinations in consumer products, food, and water. Because it is not feasible to test the toxicity of all possible combinations through lab experiments, the authors employed computer-based data-mining techniques to characterize frequently co-occurring chemicals that could then be further evaluated in the lab.

Using chemical exposure information from a publicly available database, the research team analyzed and identified chemicals that frequently appear in the household environment. They homed in on chemical mixtures that affect PPAR?, a well-studied protein involved in liver metabolism. Increases in PPAR? activity can alter expression of genes critical to insulin regulation.

The researchers assessed the effects of five understudied chemicals on liver cells. They tested the chemicals in vitro for changes in the expression of insulin-related genes. Individual exposure to each chemical yielded little to no effect on cell health. When the chemicals were combined, however, insulin-related gene expression significantly increased.

According to the authors, these findings suggest that exposure to chemical mixtures may intensify biological changes in the liver, compared to single-chemical exposures.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Carberry C, Turla T, Koval L, Hartwell HJ, Fry RC, Rager JE. 2022. Chemical mixtures in household environments: In silico prediction and in vitro testing of potential join action on PPARy in human liver cells. Toxics 10(5):199. doi:10.3390/toxics10050199 PMID:35622613 PMCID:PMC9146550
July 2022

New membranes synthesized by researchers at the University of Kentucky SRP Center can improve the removal of PFAS in drinking water.

PFAS are a class of widely used and extremely persistent chemicals associated with a variety of negative health outcomes in humans. The removal of PFAS presents a challenge for drinking water providers.

Commonly used water filtering technologies, such as those that rely on carbon or resins to capture contaminants, cannot remove smaller PFAS molecules and can also potentially produce harmful byproducts. In addition, typical adsorption materials become saturated and need to be replaced frequently, impacting their sustainability.

In this study, the researchers synthesized microfiltration membranes that can hold materials within their pores. A synthetic polymeric nanofiltration membrane allows the pores to decrease in size and trap even small PFAS particles. This water purification method allows PFAS to get stuck in the membrane and separate from the water.

A disadvantage of nanofiltration membranes is that a percentage of the water does not pass through the membrane. When this remaining water is contaminated with PFAS, it needs to be treated before it can be discharged. To overcome this limitation, the team added a sponge-like thin film as a top layer, thereby creating a system that can more efficiently adsorb PFAS.

The researchers observed that their membranes successfully separated small and large PFAS molecules from water. According to the authors, this system shows promise as a sustainable water treatment process for PFAS.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Leniz-Pizarro F, Vogler RJ, Sandman P, Harris N, Ormsbee LE, Liu C, Bhattacharyya D. 2022. Dual-functional nanofiltration and adsorptive membranes for PFAS and organics separation from water. ACS ES&T Wat 2(5):863-872. doi:10.1021/acsestwater.2c00043
June 2022

Exposure during pregnancy to chemicals found in consumer products was associated with increased risk of preterm birth, according to a study by the PROTECT SRP Center and collaborators. Preterm birth, when babies are born before completion of 37 weeks of pregnancy, is considered a risk factor for future health complications, including neurological diseases and hearing loss.

Phthalates are a class of chemicals widely used in the manufacturing of household goods. They’re used in personal care products and to make plastic more flexible in items like toys, vinyl flooring, shower curtains, and food packaging. Human and animal studies indicate that exposure to phthalates can interfere with normal hormone function and development.

Using urine samples from over 1,000 pregnant women enrolled in the study, the researchers analyzed metabolites – molecules from metabolic breakdown – of common phthalates. Next, they used statistical methods to explore the association between metabolites and adverse health outcomes, such as preterm birth and low birth weight, and whether they differed between female and male babies.

The authors observed a correlation between more phthalate exposure and an increased risk of preterm birth, as well as greater odds of having small female babies and large male babies. The study also identified several metabolites as predictive of adverse birth outcomes. According to the team, this evidence underscores the importance of policy regulations that aim to provide safer personal care products to consumers.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Cathey A, Watkins DJ, Rosario Z, Velez-Vega C, Mukherjee B, Alshawabkeh AN, Cordero JF, Meeker JD. 2022. Biomarkers of exposure to phthalate mixtures and adverse birth outcomes in a Puerto Rico birth cohort. Environ Health Perspect 130(3):doi:10.1289/EHP8990 PMID:35333099 PMCID:PMC8953418
May 2022

Human exposure to PFAS may affect biological pathways associated with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), according to SRP-funded research at Boston University.

PFAS are chemicals used in firefighting foams and in everyday products designed to repel stains, grease, and water. Humans are exposed to these substances mainly through diet and contaminated water. Exposure to PFAS has been associated with many negative health outcomes, including a possible link to NAFLD.

Researchers explored whether a causal relationship existed between PFAS exposure and specific NAFLD-related metabolic processes. They measured PFAS in the liver and blood of 105 individuals with NAFLD and observed that PFAS concentrations were associated with disturbances in certain metabolic pathways in the liver, such as lipid and bile acid metabolism. According to the authors, previous research has also documented changes to those pathways in patients with NAFLD.

The team then compared the results to mice exposed to perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), one of the most widely detected PFAS in humans. They observed that PFOA caused changes in mice that were similar to those found in humans. The findings suggest that PFAS exposure may increase the likelihood and severity of NAFLD by altering important metabolic pathways, say the researchers.

According to the authors, females may be more sensitive to the effects of PFAS, as the association between liver metabolism and PFAS exposure was stronger in females than males, even at lower exposure levels.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Sen P, Qadri S, Luukkonen PK, Ragnarsdottir O, McGlinchey A, Jantti S, Juuti A, Arola J, Schlezinger JJ, Webster TF, Oresic M, Yki-Jarvinen H, Hyotylainen T. 2022. Exposure to environmental contaminants is associated with altered hepatic lipid metabolism in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. J Hepatol 76(2):doi:10.1016/j.jhep.2021.09.039 PMID:34627976
April 2022

A new water-treatment system may be useful for removing trace organic contaminants from stormwater. The system was developed by UC Berkeley SRP Center project leader David Sedlak and SRP trainee Yanghua Duan. Their approach offers new conservation options for water-stressed cities, particularly in the context of climate change.

Most methods to clean up contaminated stormwater are costly and time-consuming to maintain. To overcome these challenges, the researchers developed a compact system that generates hydrogen peroxide from oxygen before exposing it to ultraviolet light. The ultraviolet light converts the hydrogen peroxide into highly reactive hydroxyl radicals, which react with and remove most organic contaminants in stormwater.

To reduce the energy required to produce hydrogen peroxide, the team used sodium sulfate, a compound that has an electric charge. Their improved approach requires less energy than traditional approaches, while also allowing the hydrogen peroxide solution to be stored for up to three days. According to the authors, this strategy also reduces the cost of treatment since sodium sulfate is relatively inexpensive compared to electricity from power plants.

The investigators tested the efficiency of the system and observed it was able to remove 90% of organic contaminants commonly found in urban runoff. However, the efficiency decreased as the concentration of organic matter in stormwater increased.

According to the researchers, this model can inform the design of full-scale treatment systems for contaminated stormwater, but more research is necessary to optimize the approach under site-specific conditions.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

March 2022

A team from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) SRP Center has developed a molecular sensor to detect a contaminant called N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), part of a chemical family known as N-nitrosamines.

N-nitrosamines are probable human carcinogens found widely in air, water, and food. They can form as industrial byproducts—from rubber and pesticide manufacturing, for example—as well as through natural processes, like when stomach acid reacts with proteins in meat.

To address nitrosamine contamination, experts need efficient, inexpensive ways to detect these chemicals in the environment. However, sensors designed to target nitrosamines are rare, according to the MIT team.

Led by Timothy Swager, the researchers created polymers that specifically bind with NDMA. Using spectral analyses, the team confirmed that the polymers, which consist of a cone-shaped cavity containing tungsten, can bind to oxygen in the NDMA.

Next, the team combined the polymers with a quartz-based device used to measure tiny changes in mass. They found that the unit was highly sensitive to NDMA, estimating that it may be able to detect levels as low as 5 parts per billion in air. Even in humid air, the sensor retained relatively high sensitivity—a promising sign for real-world applications.

According to the researchers, their sensor could be a fast and cost-effective way to detect NDMA. In addition, the technology could inform the design of future sensors used to detect other types of nitrosamines.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

February 2022

Changes to gut bacteria caused by a type of dioxin may contribute to the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), according to a study by the Michigan State University SRP Center. The dioxin, known as TCDD, is a byproduct of burning organic materials.

In mice, TCDD exposure has been linked to fat buildup and cell damage in the liver, key characteristics of NAFLD development in humans. The team wanted to understand the underlying mechanisms and the role of the gut microbiome in NAFLD development and progression.

Researchers conducted metagenomic sequencing, which looks at all genes in an organism and their functions, to evaluate differences in bacterial diversity and abundance in mice exposed to TCDD.

They observed that the composition of gut bacteria was different in mice exposed to TCDD and resembled the microbiome of patients with NAFLD. For example, TCDD-exposed mice had more species of Lactobacillus bacteria often associated with NAFLD, diabetes, and liver fibrosis and fewer types of other bacteria, such as Lactobacillus murinus. Decreases in Lactobacillus murinus have been reported in human NAFLD.

The team also reported that in mice exposed to TCDD, increased Lactobacillus species were associated with higher expression of genes responsible for bile acid metabolism. Bile acids play a key role in glucose, lipid, and energy regulation and alterations to their metabolism contribute to liver disease, obesity, and diabetes.

The authors also linked higher abundance of some Lactobacillus bacteria with increased expression of a gene associated with the synthesis of vitamin K12, which is stored in fatty tissue and the liver. These findings were similar to those in publicly available microbiome data from patients with liver disease.

According to the team, these findings highlight similarities between liver damage in mice following TCDD exposure and human NAFLD and point to the gut microbiome as a potential factor affecting disease development.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Fling RR, Zacharewski TR. 2021. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) activation by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) dose-dependently shifts the gut microbiome consistent with the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Int J Mol Sci 22(22):12431. doi:10.3390/ijms222212431 PMID:34830313 PMCID:PMC8625315
January 2022

Researchers at the UC Berkeley SRP Center found that regular workplace exposures to benzene and trichloroethylene may affect certain markers of biological aging, or bodily decline. Unlike chronological age, based on birth date, biological age can speed up or slow down based on epigenetic changes, which are environmental and behavioral factors that affect the way genes work.

Traditionally, studies looking at the effect of chemical exposures on biological aging have focused on telomeres, sections of DNA at the end of chromosomes. The team, which included UC Berkeley SRP Center Director Martyn Smith, wanted to see how regular exposure to chemicals commonly found in factories affect a type of epigenetic change called DNA methylation.

They recruited three groups of willing participants who worked in factories in China that reported the use of benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde. The team also included control groups, matched by age and sex, from nearby factories who had not been exposed to those chemicals.

After monitoring each group’s exposure over the course of three weeks, they analyzed blood samples for certain types of DNA methylation. They compared their findings to five different epigenetic clocks—collections of DNA methylation patterns that are highly accurate at predicting chronological age. Their goal was to find patterns that did not match established clocks, which would indicate that the rate of biological aging was faster or slower than chronological aging.

Compared to controls, the team found that workers exposed to benzene had increased biological aging. Some evidence suggested that certain levels of trichloroethylene had a similar effect. According to the authors, these results indicate that some chemicals may cause epigenetic changes that accelerate biological aging.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • van der Laan L, Cardenas A, Vermeulen R, Fadadu RP, Hubbard AE, Phillips RV, Zhang L, Breeze C, Hu W, Wen C, Huang Y, Tang X, Smith MT, Rothman N, Lan Q. 2021. Epigenetic aging biomarkers and occupational exposure to benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde. Environ Int 158:106871. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2021.106871 PMID:34560324
December 2021

A new tool developed by researchers at the NCSU SRP Center can quickly characterize important information about how PFAS may be transported within the body.

The research team set out to develop a high-throughput approach to predict the physical and chemical properties of PFAS compounds, their biological activity, and potential to be toxic. Specifically, they used a protein called albumin, which binds to hormones, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals and transports them through blood, to characterize protein binding properties for PFAS. Protein binding plays a key role in how chemicals are absorbed, metabolized, or excreted, all critical factors in how much of the contaminant is able to cross biological membranes and potentially cause harm.

The team developed and optimized an approach, called differential scanning fluorimetry, to measure the binding interactions between albumin and 24 different PFAS chemicals. Their approach can also be used to determine the different characteristics of PFAS that influence binding.

For example, they found straight-chain PFAS compounds were more likely to bind to albumin than branched PFAS compounds. They also observed that PFAS compounds with a 6-9 carbon chain length could bind to albumin more easily compared to PFAS with shorter or longer carbon chains.

While the tool was developed using albumin, the team noted that their approach is flexible to use with other proteins as well. According to the authors, differential scanning fluorimetry may be useful as a rapid, high-throughput approach to determine the protein binding properties of different PFAS, identify their chemical structures, and allow researchers to prioritize PFAS for further toxicity studies.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Jackson TW, Scheibly CM, Polera ME, Belcher SM. 2021. Rapid characterization of human serum albumin binding for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances using differential scanning fluorimetry. Environ Sci Technol 55(18):12291-12301. doi:10.1021/acs.est.1c01200 PMID:34495656 PMCID:PMC8651256
November 2021

Researchers at the Louisiana State University (LSU) SRP Center revealed new information about how exposure to particulate matter (PM)-containing environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs) can damage the heart and lungs in mice.

EPFRs, a relatively recently recognized class of contaminants that are generated when hazardous wastes are combusted or thermally treated, exist in significant concentrations in atmospheric PM. While exposure to PM is known to contribute to heart and lung disease, the specific health effects of EPFRs have not been thoroughly evaluated. Previous studies in animals and cells suggested that EPFRs may trigger changes that increase oxidative stress and inflammation first in the lungs, and then throughout the body, leading to strain on the circulatory system and ultimately the heart.

To better understand the mechanism by which EPFR exposure may cause this type of damage, the team exposed mice to PM containing EPFR and measured inflammation and oxidative stress in the lungs and cardiovascular system. They also analyzed gene expression and assessed lung and circulatory function.

Contrary to previous studies, the team did not find evidence of increased inflammation in the lungs or blood. Instead, they observed oxidative stress and other indicators of vascular dysfunction, as well as reduced circulatory and lung function, occurring simultaneously.

According to the authors, these findings demonstrate for the first time that cardiovascular dysfunction precedes lung inflammation following exposure to PM containing EPFRs, and that the circulatory system may be affected by EPFRs.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Harmon AC, Noel A, Subramanian B, Perveen Z, Jennings MH, Chen Y, Penn A, Legendre K, Paulsen DB, Varner KJ, Dugas TR. 2021. Inhalation of particulate matter containing free radicals leads to decreased vascular responsiveness associated with an altered pulmonary function. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 321(4):H667-H683. doi:10.1152/ajpheart.00725.2020 PMID:34415187
October 2021

NIEHS-funded researchers at the University of Rhode Island SRP Center found evidence that exposure to perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) early in life may be linked to pathways related to Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

PFOS doesn’t break down easily and can accumulate over time in the environment and in the body. Previous research demonstrated that some of these substances are linked to brain damage and behavioral disorders, but this is the first study to explore the link between early life exposure and AD later in life.

The team exposed female mice to PFOS during pregnancy and lactation. As adults, their pups had increased levels of GSK3B, a protein involved in inflammatory response, memory impairment, and other processes related to AD. They also found increased levels of ApoE, a protein involved in transporting fats through the bloodstream and injury repair in the brain, in mice exposed to PFOS. The accumulation of ApoE has been associated with insoluble twisted fibers inside brain cells, a common occurrence in AD patients.

In an open field maze test to evaluate rodent behavior, the researchers observed that mice exposed to PFOS traveled further distances and spent more time standing on their back legs compared to mice that were not exposed to the chemical. According to the authors, these behaviors have been previously linked to brain cell damage.

In human brain cells, the team observed that low concentrations of PFOS increased the levels of tau, a protein known to be involved in AD development and progression when dysregulated. They also found higer levels of amyloid proteins, which are known to accumulate and damage the brain in AD patients.

According to the authors, these findings suggest that PFOS exposure early in life may alter rodent behavior and several biological pathways associated with AD, but future research is needed to clarify these mechanisms.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Basaly V, Hill J, Bihaqi SW, Marques E, Slitt AL, Zawia NH. 2021. Developmental perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) exposure as a potential risk factor for late-onset Alzheimer's disease in CD-1 mice and SH-SY5Y cells. Neurotoxicology 86:26-36. doi:10.1016/j.neuro.2021.06.008 PMID:34224775
September 2021

In a new NIEHS-funded study, researchers from the Iowa University SRP Center provided the first evidence that poplar trees can further degrade certain polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) metabolites or transform back to their original forms. These findings provide insights into the transport and transformation of PCB metabolites, which could help researchers understand new sources of these compounds in the environment.

PCBs are a large and complex group of chemicals that often occur in mixtures and can contaminate soil, groundwater, and air. However, some PCB metabolites can be more toxic than the parent compounds, and their environmental occurrence and persistence is not well characterized. Poplar trees are widely used in environmental remediation studies to remove, contain, immobilize, or metabolize contaminants in soil or water.

The researchers exposed poplar trees to two PCB metabolites, a methoxy-PCB and a PCB sulfate, to study how they are they are taken up by the plant and transformed.

PCB metabolites were taken up by the roots and transported to the leaves. They found that the methoxy-PCB was transformed into both a hydroxyl-PCB and a sulfate PCB. Similarly, sulfate PCB was transformed into both a hydroxyl-PCB and a methoxy-PCB. Their study demonstrated interconversion of the three compounds for the first time in plants.

According to the authors, these findings shed light on how plants may act as new sources of these PCB metabolites, which may be more toxic than the parent compounds. They explained that more research should be done to demonstrate the environmental hazard of these transformations.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

August 2021

Many compounds used in households persist past their period of intended use, with significant fractions reaching wastewater treatment plants. Researchers at University of California (UC) Davis SRP Center identified several contaminants in sewage sludge in California. Specifically, the researchers noted that these contaminants have the capability to disrupt the normal activity of estrogen. Sewage sludge is used in agricultural lands and gardens as a soil enrichment or to replace commercial fertilizers.

Many synthetic chemicals have been found to mimic, block, and interfere with hormones, such as estrogen, in humans and in wildlife. Exposure to these chemicals, called endocrine disruptors, has been linked to increased risk of diseases like diabetes, obesity, cancers, and reproductive disorders. 

The researchers used an approach called nontargeted analysis, which allows identification of unknown chemicals in the environment. They used this approach to measure contaminants in samples from several wastewater treatment plants in California. They then used a bioassay with cells that respond to estrogenic activity in chemicals to determine which of the contaminants measured could be estrogen disruptors.  

The team found 31 compounds from anthropogenic origin with estrogenic activity. These compounds consisted of fragrances, antibiotics, synthetic hormones, pain medication, and plasticizer metabolites. They identified diisobutyl phthalate, a chemical used in soft plastics such as shower curtains, and levorphanol, an opioid pain medication, to be the most abundant chemicals found in 75% of samples, signifying their widespread use and persistence in California.

The researchers were also interested in evaluating how wastewater treatment mechanisms affect the activity and abundance of these chemicals, so they analyzed samples before and after different treatment processes.

They observed that water treatment techniques decreased the abundance of chemicals that speed up estrogenic activity but increased the abundance of chemicals that block estrogen. According to the authors, little research has been done on estrogen blocking compounds in sludge, and these findings show that further work is needed to identify and characterize contaminants with these capabilities.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Black G, Ho G, Denison MS, Young TM. 2021. Using Estrogenic Activity and Nontargeted Chemical Analysis to Identify Contaminants in Sewage Sludge. Environ Sci Technol 55:6729-6739. doi:10.1021/acs.est.0c07846 PMID:33909413
July 2021

Researchers from the UK SRP Center developed an innovative model to simulate the concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in sewer gas. The model can be used as a tool to support sewer assessment guidelines, risk assessment studies, and strategies that protect health.

Near hazardous waste sites, VOCs can be transported through sewer pipes and migrate into indoor spaces through a process called vapor intrusion where humans may then inhale the harmful chemicals. However, numerical models that provide guidance to characterize and predict VOC concentrations in sewer gas at vapor intrusion sites have not been available until now.

The team, led by Center Director Kelly Pennell, included various factors in the model, such as temperature, groundwater depth, and sewer construction characteristics to incorporate a range of conditions. They also accounted for processes, like mass transfer and vapor diffusion, that affect how VOCs move and change in the sewer system. The researchers verified the model’s predictions using field data from a sewer system constructed near a Superfund site. They analyzed how well the model worked under different conditions, and found it was flexible enough to account for variations in factors that influence VOC concentrations, such as temperature.

While additional refinements are needed to reflect complex sewer systems, the team's unique combination of field studies and modeling approaches revealed new insights into potential exposure risks from sewer gas inhalation resulting from vapor intrusion.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

June 2021

Consuming certain fish, crayfish, and snails from arsenic-contaminated shallow lakes may pose a greater risk to human health compared to deep lakes, according to a new University of Washington (UW) SRP Center study.

The team, led by UW SRP researchers Rebecca Neumann, James Gawel, and Julian Olden, measured arsenic concentrations in sediments in arsenic-contaminated lakes in the Puget Sound region of Washington. They observed arsenic concentrations at the bottom of lakes were similar in most study sites, but arsenic measured in sediments along the shore in the shallowest lake was six times higher than concentrations in the deepest lake.

To understand potential exposure to humans, the team measured total arsenic in the tissues of aquatic organisms commonly consumed by humans, including snails, crayfish, and sunfish. They observed that overall, each organism showed a trend of increasing arsenic accumulation with increasing proximity to shore sediments. According to the authors, arsenic contamination near the shore may affect organisms lower on the food chain more strongly. For example, snails contained the highest concentration of arsenic of the three organisms in the study.

Using a risk assessment model provided by the Washington State Department of Health, they determined the potential health risks from eating the contaminated organisms. Their model results, based on the average consumption rates for the U.S. population, showed the greatest cancer risk for consuming snails and crayfish from sediments in shallow lakes compared to deep lakes. Estimated cancer risk increased exponentially for people eating more than the average for these organisms.

According to the researchers, these results reinforce the need to include shallow lakes when assessing human exposure. In future research, the authors recommend surveying lake users to understand their consumption practices and developing strategies to communicate potential health risks of eating the species included in this study.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

May 2021

Researchers at the Brown University SRP Center discovered a new way to control the properties of graphene-based nanomaterials. These materials, which have high elasticity, flexibility, and electrical and thermal conductivity, can be used for a variety of environmental applications, such as membranes that selectively bind to certain chemicals or pollutants or passive samplers to detect contaminants in the environment.

The team starts with graphene oxide (GO) nanosheets that are re-assembled or blended, a process that often leads to layer stacking and dramatic loss of surface area. Thermal exfoliation is a technique that involves rapid heating of graphene materials, which forces the nanosheets apart and increase volume and surface area. According to the researchers, this method has not been widely studied and can destroy the GO films if not performed correctly.

The researchers compared flat GO films with those engineered to have wrinkles and films of various thicknesses to explore how they behaved during thermal exfoliation at different temperatures and instrument heating rates. Their goal was to determine the optimal process to increase the surface area and electrical conductivity of the materials.

When instruments were heated quickly to high temperatures, GO films underwent explosive exfoliation, creating GO powders. When heated more slowly, there was no exfoliation at low temperatures and non-explosive exfoliation at higher temperatures. According to the authors, the resulting materials have different surface areas, textures, and conductivities that are useful for different applications. However, they wanted to create large, flexible GO films that had higher electrical conductivity and pore sizes.

The team developed a simple approach where they confined GO films between glass plates during thermal exfoliation process to try and preserve their macroscopic structure. With this technique, GO films remained intact and flexible, while having high porosity, surface area, and conductivity. Importantly, they scaled up their approach using stainless steel plates to produce large GO films with mechanical stability and high electrical conductivity.

According to the authors, these results may have implications for other researchers trying to optimize thermal treatment process to produce a variety of graphene-based materials for diverse applications, from solar cells to sensors. For example, in a recent publication, selected as NIEHS Paper of the Month, the team demonstrated that these types of nanomaterials can be used to clean-up contaminated water.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

April 2021

In a recent publication, Duke SRP Center researchers found differences in the gut microbiomes of fish from a polluted river that have developed resistance to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) compared to fish from a cleaner section of the river that do not have PAH-resistance. These shifts were mirrored by metabolic differences in the two groups of fish.

The Atlantic Wood Superfund Site in the Elizabeth River is heavily contaminated with PAHs, highly toxic contaminants that can harm humans as well as fish. Remarkably, Atlantic killifish in the site have adapted over time to resist the effects of PAH exposure.

The research team collected PAH-adapted adult killifish from the Atlantic Wood Superfund Site and non-adapted fish from King’s Creek, another site in the river where PAH levels are much lower.

The researchers measured 163 biological molecules in fish gut that are important in metabolism and identified several differences between the two groups. For example, PAH-resistant fish had lower levels of tryptophan, amino acids that regulate energy and protein synthesis, and higher levels of spermidine, molecules that protect against oxidative stress. Fish in the contaminated site also had increased levels of sphingolipids, a class of lipids that provide structural function to the cell and protection from harmful environmental factors.

Additionally, the authors analyzed bacteria in fish gut samples to investigate how the microbiome might be linked to shifts in metabolism. They observed lower bacterial species richness and diversity in the gut of fish from the more contaminated site. Specifically, PAH-resistant fish had reduced levels of sphingolipid containing bacteria. The team suggests the potential relationship between bacteria and sphingolipids and the impact of the fish metabolism in regulating sphingolipids needs to be further investigated.

According to the authors, these findings indicate the gut may play an important role in how some animals adapt to contamination. In future work, the researchers suggest exploring the complex dynamics between metabolites and the gut microbiome.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Redfern L, Jayasundara N, Singleton D, Di Giulio RT, Carlson J, Sumner SJ, Gunsch C. 2021. The role of gut microbial community and metabolomic shifts in adaptive resistance of Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Sci Total Environ 776:145955. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.145955 PMID:33647645 PMCID:PMC8294123
March 2021

In a recent study, Oregon State University SRP Center researchers identified potential protective effects of antioxidants TEMPOL (4-Hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine 1-oxyl) and PBN (N-tertbutyl-a-phenylnitrone) against environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs).

EPFRs are primarily emitted from combustion and thermal processing of organic materials and have been shown to trigger oxidative stress, but hazards are still largely unknown. Multiple studies have shown that PBN and TEMPOL have protective effects on oxidative stress and inflammation.

The team exposed zebrafish at various developmental stages to increasing concentrations of EPFRs, and to combinations of EPFRs with TEMPOL or PBN to investigate whether the antioxidants would prevent EPFR induced toxicity.

Results showed that exposure to particles containing EPFRs interfered with normal development in zebrafish. The researchers reported on a series of developmental abnormalities and adverse behavioral effects. However, the researchers found that TEMPOL ameliorated the toxicity of EPFRs and decreased mortality. PBN, on the other hand, was not protective against EPFRs in zebrafish. Compared to TEMPOL, PBN was not able to penetrate the cell wall, which may have dampened its effects.

According to the researchers, TEMPOL may suppress the toxicity of EPFRs by preventing oxidative stress and inflammation in intact zebrafish embryos. They propose further experiments to verify that TEMPOL can better penetrate cells than PBN in zebrafish. Although the mechanism by which TEMPOL reduces toxicity from EPFR exposure is still unclear, the team’s current findings pave the way for further studies of the protective effects of antioxidants.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

February 2021

Columbia University SRP Center researchers demonstrated a process to more effectively measure concentrations of arsenic in soil. The procedure will allow rice farmers to identify where and to what extent their fields are affected by arsenic in soil and make informed decisions about interventions and best farming practices.

In Bangladesh, arsenic-contaminated groundwater is used extensively to irrigate rice fields. Arsenic from irrigation water accumulates in soil over time and can be taken up by plants, negatively impacting crop productivity and reducing yield.

The team collected soil samples from 21 rice fields in Bangladesh during rice growing seasons over the course of three years. They adapted a low-cost field kit used to measure arsenic concentration in well water to measure the fraction of arsenic in collected soil samples that is leachable in water. By comparing the field kit results against measurements performed using more expensive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, the team confirmed the validity and accuracy of the approach.

According to the researchers, a set of measurements obtained for one rice growing season should remain valid for several seasons because the level of arsenic in soil reflects at least a decade of accumulation.

The researchers also developed mathematical models to calculate the probability the average soil arsenic concentration in a plot is above a certain threshold based on the results from field kits. According to the authors, this process will allow farmers to predict whether the extent of arsenic contamination within portions of their fields is above or below a certain threshold for intervention.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

January 2021

Northeastern University SRP Center researchers provided new insights into the endocrine disrupting potential of PAHs during pregnancy in a prospective human pregnancy cohort study. Biomarkers of PAH exposure are associated with various health endpoints including asthma, breast cancer, cardiovascular disease, and reduced sperm quantity. Although PAHs have been suggested as endocrine disrupting compounds in previous animal and in vitro studies, human studies are currently lacking.

Researchers utilized data on 659 pregnant women from the Puerto Rico Testsite for Exploring Contamination Threats (PROTECT) longitudinal birth cohort in Puerto Rico. They assessed associations between repeated measures of certain urinary hydroxylated PAH (OH-PAH) metabolites and serum hormones during gestation, as OH-PAHs have been shown to be reliable biomarkers of PAH exposure. Gestational age and fetal sex were analyzed as well.

The team found that PAH exposure resulted in decreased concentrations of male and female sex hormones. They also found that changes in hormone concentrations were dependent on fetal sex and gestational age. Because a balance of critical hormones is necessary for endocrine regulation of pregnancy and fetal development, these hormone changes may have pregnancy and labor consequences with potential implications for fetal and child health.

According to the researchers, these findings demonstrate the importance of studying PAH exposures during pregnancy and highlight the potential complexity of their impacts on human pregnancy. Future research will aim to assess relationships between PAH exposures and adverse birth outcomes within the PROTECT cohort, and to understand how PAH exposures may be related to and interact with other environmental exposures.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Cathey A, Watkins DJ, Rosario Z, Velez-Vega C, Loch-Caruso R, Alshawabkeh AN, Cordero JF, Meeker JD. 2020. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure results in altered CRH, reproductive, and thyroid hormone concentrations during human pregnancy. Sci Total Environ 749:10. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141581 PMID:32829279
December 2020

In a recent collaboration, University of California, Berkeley SRP and Boston University SRP researchers developed an approach to predict the potentially harmful effects chemicals mixtures have on a molecular pathway involved in the body’s stress response. This publication stems from an SRP K.C. Donelly Externship

The group tested a novel approach called Generalized Concentration Addition (GCA). GCA is a chemical analytical approach that uses mathematical functions to predict the joint effect of co-exposures.

The authors applied GCA to a mixture of synthetic glucocorticoids, a class of steroid hormones that respond to stress in the body and reduce inflammation, in an in vitro bioassay. Synthetic glucocorticoids are used as anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive drugs. These hormones act as ligands by binding to the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), a steroid receptor present in almost every cell in the human body.

In a previous study, the group demonstrated that GCA successfully predicts the activity of a mixture of ligands that bind to receptors with one binding site. However, steroid receptors introduce complexity since they have two binding sites.

The researchers found that their modified GCA approach can successfully be applied to ligands that activate GR and can accommodate mixtures containing different types of ligands.

To evaluate the efficacy of GCA to predict the GR modifying behavior of mixtures, the researchers also generated experimental data. They found that GCA effectively quantified the activity of glucocorticoids mixtures and characterized their modifying effect on GR activation.

These findings are relevant for predicting the effects of exposures since several environmental compounds, such as heavy metals, are also capable of modifying GR signaling.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

November 2020

University of Kentucky SRP Center researchers demonstrated a process involving three different membranes to effectively remove trace amounts of mercury from wastewater. The procedure consists of a preliminary pre-filtration step followed by ultrafiltration and thiol adsorption.

Thiol groups are compounds that form strong bonds with heavy metals such as mercury, lead, or cadmium, making them practical for removing metals from wastewater.

In a previous study, the team established the efficacy of the third filtration step, thiol membrane adsorption. They confirmed that thiol membrane pores soak up contaminants like heavy metals as water flows through. The current study builds on this discovery by adding two additional filtration steps.

The pre-filtration membrane removes large particulates that could potentially foul or damage membranes in the second and third steps. The ultrafiltration step removes any particles that would interfere with the thiol membrane through additional size exclusion. The third step sends water through the thiol membrane to adsorb dissolved mercury.

The researchers found that three steps are necessary because carryover of particulates can cause significant flux reductions by fouling membrane surfaces and clogging membrane pores. They also found that the adsorption efficiency of the thiol membrane is around 97%, confirming these membranes are effective at removing dissolved mercury from wastewater.

The researchers also developed mathematical models to predict membrane performance over a wide range of conditions. According to the authors, these results show promising potential for industrial application and commercialization of thiol-functionalized membranes.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

October 2020

Researchers from the UA SRP Center recently uncovered the mechanism by which exposure to low levels of arsenic may lead to cancer. The team found that exposure to small concentrations of arsenic through contaminated groundwater over a long period of time may trigger changes in cells that make cancer more aggressive and more likely to spread to other organs of the body.

The team treated specialized lung cells with low levels of arsenic for three months and analyzed changes to normal cell processes and functions. They found that arsenic exposure increased the malignant transformation of cells, the process by which healthy cells become cancer cells, and increased their ability to spread throughout the body. These changes involved the NFR2 signaling pathway, which regulates the expression of antioxidant proteins that protect against cell damage triggered by injury and inflammation. While NRF2 activation is thought to protect against short term chemical exposure, according to the researchers, long-term arsenic exposure may promote changes that lead to more aggressive cancers.

The group further explored molecular targets that could reduce NRF2 activation and protect cells against arsenic exposure. By using cells lacking an important gene involved in the NRF2 pathway, called SOX9, they observed a drastic decrease in the types of cellular changes that led to cancer in their earlier experiments.

According to the authors, understanding the NRF2 mechanism may be useful in designing better therapies, such as those targeting SOX9, to treat aggressive lung cancers.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Schmidlin CJ, Zeng T, Liu P, Wei Y, Dodson M, Chapman E, Zhang DD. 2020. Chronic arsenic exposure enhances metastatic potential via NRF2-mediated upregulation of SOX9. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 402:12. doi:10.1016/j.taap.2020.115138 PMID:32682831
September 2020

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley SRP Center recently uncovered clues that may help predict childhood leukemia using bloodspots taken at birth. In the new study, researchers led by Stephen Rappaport used untargeted approaches to measure modifications to DNA that may be associated with childhood leukemia.

Untargeted approaches look for known and unknown modifications to DNA and proteins in biological samples such as blood and serum. In this study, the researchers used newborn blood spots to measure modifications that may be triggered by exposure to harmful chemicals in the womb.

The team measured a specific type of DNA modification, called adducts, in 782 newborn bloodspots to look for differences between children who later developed two different types of leukemia and children who did not. The abundance of some of the adducts measured in samples were different among the groups. For example, children who later developed a specific type of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia had more adducts involving reactive carbonyl species. Children who later developed acute myeloid leukemia, on the other hand, had lower levels of a different adduct compared to children without the disease.

According to the authors, the occurrence of certain adducts points to distinct molecular mechanisms involved in different types of childhood leukemia. While additional studies with more individuals are needed, they suggest certain alterations triggered during gestation and measurable in newborn bloodspots may be useful predictors of childhood leukemia.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Yano Y, Schiffman C, Grigoryan H, Hayes J, Edmands WM, Petrick L, Whitehead TP, Metayer C, Dudoit S, Rappaport SM. 2020. Untargeted adductomics of newborn dried blood spots identifies modifications to human serum albumin associated with childhood leukemia. Leuk Res 88:106268. doi:10.1016/j.leukres.2019.106268 PMID:31760269 PMCID:PMC6937378
August 2020

University of New Mexico SRP Center researchers created the first environmental risk maps for the Navajo Nation that consider multiple factors related to metal exposure from abandoned uranium mines, such as air and water transport of contaminants from mine sites. The maps can help researchers and decision makers identify areas most vulnerable to contamination from mine waste and may prove useful in informing actions to reduce exposures and improve health.

The research team used the GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis (GIS-MCDA) model to create the maps. This is the first time the model, which accounts for multiple exposure routes, has been used to estimate mine-related metal contamination on the Navajo Nation. Previous models only considered proximity to mine sites and a single exposure route, such as breathing windblown dust or drinking contaminated water, to estimate exposure risk.

The researchers created the model to account for factors that play a role in the movement of contaminants in the environment such as proximity to abandoned uranium mines, topography, meteorology, vegetation, and proximity to roads and surface drainages. By comparing the model results and uranium concentrations from soil and sediment samples collected across the Navajo Nation, the team confirmed the validity and accuracy of the approach.

Using the model, they estimated that 20% of the Navajo Nation is at high risk for metal contamination from abandoned mines, 66% at medium risk, and 14% at low risk. Proximity to mine sites was the most influential factor for elevated contamination risk, but proximity to roads, drainages, and certain landforms, like valleys and lower slopes, also increased contamination risk.

According to the authors, this research may be useful to tribal, state, and federal agencies working to clean up abandoned uranium mines and reduce human exposure to harmful contaminants found in mine wastes.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Lin Y, Hoover JH, Beene D, Erdei E, Liu Z. 2020. Environmental risk mapping of potential abandoned uranium mine contamination on the Navajo Nation, USA, using a GIS-based multi-criteria decision analysis approach. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int doi:10.1007/s11356-020-09257-3 PMID:32468361
July 2020

Researchers from the Duke University SRP Center found that CYP1A, a member of the cytochrome P450 enzyme family, protected against the harmful effects of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). P450 enzymes can either safely metabolize and excrete PAHs or transform them into more toxic products that damage DNA and proteins. Study results suggest CYP1A safely excretes PAH, protecting against PAH toxicity.

The researchers inserted copies of the CYP1A gene from zebrafish into the roundworm, Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), which does not naturally have the P450 enzymes that metabolize PAHs. By using a species naturally lacking these enzymes, they were able to link protective or damaging effects of PAH metabolism directly to CYP1A.

They exposed C. elegans to either the PAH benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) alone, or a real-world mixture of PAHs collected from the Elizabeth River Superfund site.

In worms without CYP1A, exposure to either BaP or the PAH mixture resulted in delayed growth, a lower number of offspring, and indicators of mitochondrial dysfunction. BaP exposed worms with CYP1A were protected against these adverse effects. In worm exposed to the PAH mixture, CYP1A only protected against indicators of mitochondrial dysfunction.   

To test if CYP1A transformed PAHs into products that damage DNA, the researchers produced a strain of C. elegans lacking critical DNA repair pathways. They found that even without DNA repair pathways, CYP1A still had protective effects in BaP exposed worms. This suggests that CYP1A does not metabolize BaP into DNA damaging products.

The authors concluded that CYP1A aids in the safe metabolism and excretion of PAHs and did not transform PAHs into products that can damage DNA. They also highlighted the value of using genetically altered C. elegans in toxicology studies to better understand metabolic pathways in fish and mammals. 

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Harris JB, Hartman JH, Luz AL, Wilson JY, Dinyari A, Meyer JN. 2020. Zebrafish CYP1A expression in transgenic Caenorhabditis elegans protects from exposures to benzo[a]pyrene and a complex polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon mixture. Toxicology 440 (11):doi:10.1016/j.tox.2020.152473 PMID:32360973 PMCID:PMC7313633
June 2020

In a recent study, SRP-funded researchers at the TAMU SRP Center provided a proof of concept for a new approach to rapidly characterize PFAS in wastewater. PFAS are a large and diverse class of chemicals found in consumer products and firefighting foam that are persistent in the environment.

The team combined a new step using a laboratory technique called ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) to the traditional liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) approach to analyzing samples for PFAS.

Using analytical standards and complex wastewater samples, the team demonstrated that the IMS step improved LC-MS results by providing more descriptive information about the PFAS compounds present in the sample. For example, it helped to characterize structural properties of PFAS compounds, including identifying the positions where fluorine molecules branch off the main chemical structure.

According to the authors, including IMS in LC-MS analysis can help rapidly identify existing and emerging PFAS chemical species, and may be particularly useful to enhancing untargeted approaches that seek to characterize unknown contaminants in environmental samples.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

May 2020

University of Louisville SRP Center grantees discovered that male mice are more susceptible than female mice to liver injury from exposure to vinyl chloride (VC). According to the authors, the findings emphasize the importance of assessing sex differences in animal and human epidemiology studies to better identify at-risk populations.

VC, a common industrial chemical, has been associated with toxicant-associated steatohepatitis (TASH), a severe form of fatty liver disease, in men working at rubber-production plants. Because previous VC studies on TASH have only been performed in male mouse models, the researchers examined VC inhalation in male and female mice and compared changes in body weight and the liver.

For 12 weeks, male and female mice were fed either a low-fat or high-fat diet and exposed to VC or room air using an inhalation chamber. Compared to males, females were less susceptible to effects on weight of combined exposure to VC and high-fat diet, as demonstrated by lower body weight and fat composition. VC also exacerbated fatty liver disease in males but not in females. Markers of liver injury were increased by high-fat diet and VC co-exposures only in males. Taken together, the results suggested that VC inhalation led to sex-dependent liver and metabolic toxicity.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

April 2020

Researchers from the Texas A&M SRP Center examined how estrogen regulates gene expression at the cell level and found that individual cells in a population respond differently to estrogen stimulation at both the single cell and allele level. Their work provides novel insights about the complexity of gene regulation in mammals.

The researchers treated human breast cancer cells with estrogen in the lab and looked at expression of two well-characterized genes, GREB1 and MYC, whose activity is regulated by estrogen. As expected, they found that estrogen activated GREB1 and MYC genes within 15 minutes. However, unexpectedly, there were large differences in the level of gene activation between different individual cells and even between alleles within the same cell.

They explored the possibility that estrogen receptor regulators were involved in modifying the response to estrogen. Using automated high throughput technologies, they tested a collection of small molecule inhibitors of the estrogen receptor regulators and identified one, called MS049, that markedly increased the response of individual alleles to estrogen.

The researchers altered estrogenic response by inhibiting estrogen receptor regulators, establishing a previously unrecognized regulation path for estrogen to activate genes at the single cell level. According to the authors, the findings provide novel insights into the complex ways that cells maintain variability in response to stimuli, an important adaptation strategy for cell populations.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Stossi F, Dandekar RD, Mancini MG, Gu G, Fuqua SA, Nardone A, De Angelis C, Fu X, Schiff R, Bedford MT, Xu W, Johansson HE, Stephan C, Mancini MA. 2020. Estrogen-induced transcription at individual alleles is independent of receptor level and active conformation but can be modulated by coactivators activity. Nucleic Acids Res 48:1800-1810. doi:10.1093/nar/gkz1172 PMID:31930333 PMCID:PMC7039002
March 2020

Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley SRP Center studied the efficiency of groundwater cleanup at sites contaminated with both arsenic and trichloroethylene (TCE), two chemicals commonly found together at National Priorities List sites.

Cleanup of TCE-contaminated groundwater is often conducted using anerobic bacteria, which break down TCE and arsenic in the absence of oxygen. Arsenic hinders the effectiveness of this method because it becomes more mobile and toxic as it is broken down.

The researchers assessed arsenic and its more toxic breakdown product at various concentrations. They also evaluated its effect on the bacteria and rate of TCE cleanup. Initially, arsenic concentrations did not impact cleanup. However, as breakdown products of arsenic began accumulating and the researchers added more arsenic, TCE cleanup slowed.

According to the researchers, adding amino acids could help bacteria clean up these contaminants more efficiently by enhancing their tolerance to arsenic breakdown products. This study could inform the design of additional strategies to deal with sites contaminated by both arsenic and TCE.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Gushgari-Doyle S, Alvarez-Cohen L. 2020. Effects of arsenic on trichloroethene-dechlorination activities of dehalococcoides mccartyi. Environ Sci Technol 54(2):1276-1285. doi:10.1021/acs.est.9b06527 PMID:31913608
February 2020

Researchers from the University of California, Berkeley SRP Center recently described the underlying mechanisms involved in cleaning up contaminants using in situ chemical oxidation (ICSO) and identified new strategies to adjust treatment conditions to enhance contaminant removal.

When hydrogen peroxide is used for ICSO, petroleum products and other organic contaminants, such as phenols, are oxidized and broken down as the hydrogen peroxide decomposes into hydroxyl radicals. However, depending on the environmental conditions, this process may not work efficiently.

Using nuclear magnetic resonance, the team identified a new oxidative chemical formed in carbonate-rich environments as part of a chemical reaction with hydrogen peroxide. The chemical, called peroxymonocarbonate, can enhance the breakdown of certain contaminants when too few hydroxyl radicals are being formed for oxidation.

According to the authors, these fundamental results have broad implications or other sites undergoing cleanup.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

  • Yang X, Duan Y, Wang J, Wang H, Liu H, Sedlak DL. 2019. Impact of Peroxymonocarbonate on the transformation of organic contaminants during hydrogen peroxide in situ chemical oxidation. Environ Sci Technol Lett 6:781-786. doi:10.1021/acs.estlett.9b00682
January 2020

Duke SRP Center researchers provided new insights into how two common stressors, PAHs and limited oxygen, interact to produce toxic effects in fish. Although both stressors have been studied extensively on their own, less is known about their interaction.

Researchers exposed zebrafish embryos to a PAH mixture and to limited oxygen, alone and in combination, to evaluate changes in the function of mitochondria, the powerhouse of cells. A decrease in mitochondria function can disrupt energy production and metabolism.

Individually, each stressor negatively affected zebrafish mitochondria and energy production. However, when the fish were exposed to PAHs and limited oxygen together, the authors found no evidence of worsened effects.

The researchers explained that one stressor can make the zebrafish more vulnerable to the other stressor. For example, when mitochondrial functioning is altered by limited oxygen, the zebrafish may be less able to respond to PAH toxicity. Because PAHs and limited oxygen are common environmental stressors that often occur together, the authors stress the importance of understanding how they interact to harm fish.

To learn more about this research, please refer to the following sources:

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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025