Superfund Research Program
Note: The map points for the Hazardous Waste Sites are an approximate representation of the site locations.
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Table of Contents
Hazardous Waste Sites with On-Going Research
Energy Cooperative Incorporated - East Chicago, Indiana
- Project: University of Iowa: Atmospheric Sources of PCB Congeners
Project Investigator: Keri C. Hornbuckle
Research Types: Epidemiology study, Fate and transport study
Research/Outreach: On-going - Project: University of Iowa: Airborne Exposures to Semi-volatile Organic Pollutants (The AESOP Study)
Project Investigator: Peter S Thorne
Research Types: Epidemiology study, Fate and transport study
Research/Outreach: On-going
Gelman Sciences Inc - Ann Arbor, Michigan
- Project: Wayne State University: Building Aboveground Strategies to Identify and Address Belowground Hot Spots for VOC Vapor Intrusion in Complex Urban Settings
Project Investigator: Glen Hood
Research Types: Collection of samples for off-site analysis
Research/Outreach: On-going
Tittabawassee River, Saginaw River and Bay - Michigan
- Project: Michigan State University: Molecular Insight into Dioxin Degradation by Microbes and Microbial Communities
Project Investigator: Gerben J Zylstra, James Dearing, Brad L. Upham
Research Types: Collection of samples for off-site analysis, Ecology study, Fate and transport study
Research/Outreach: On-going
Velicol Chemical Superfund Site - St. Louis, Michigan
- Project: Michigan State University: Geochemical Controls on the Adsorption, Bioavailability, Formation, and Long-term Environmental Fate of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins (PCDDs)
Project Investigator: Stephen A Boyd
Research Types: Bench scale application of a new remediation technology, Collection of samples for off-site analysis, Ecology study, Fate and transport study
Research/Outreach: On-going
Hazardous Waste Sites with Completed Research
Allied Paper, Inc./Portage Creek/Kalamazoo - Kalamazoo, Michigan
- Project: Michigan State University: Factors Controlling the Environmental Mobility, Microbial Transformation and Toxicity of Mixed Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids and Exposed Soils/Sediments
Project Investigator: Walter J Weber
Research Types: Collection of samples for off-site analysis
Research/Outreach: Completed - Project: Michigan State University: Molecular Insight into Polyaromatic Toxicant Degradation by Microbial Communities
Project Investigator: James M Tiedje
Research Types: Application of a new remediation technology as part of the remediation strategy
Research/Outreach: Completed
East Chicago City Dump - East Chicago, Illinois
- Project: University of Iowa: Atmospheric Sources of PCB Congeners
Project Investigator: Keri C. Hornbuckle
Research/Outreach: Completed - Project: University of Iowa: Airborne Exposures to Semi-volatile Organic Pollutants (The AESOP Study)
Project Investigator: Peter S Thorne
Research/Outreach: Completed
Federal Marine Terminal - Wyandotte, Michigan
- Project: Michigan State University: Development of Novel Bioassay/Biomarker Systems for Detection of Estrogen Agonists in Complex Mixtures
Project Investigator: John P Giesy
Research Types: Collection of samples for off-site analysis, Ecology study, Fate and transport study
Research/Outreach: Completed
Indiana Pallet - East Chicago, Indiana
- Project: University of Iowa: Atmospheric Sources of PCB Congeners
Project Investigator: Keri C. Hornbuckle
Research/Outreach: Completed - Project: University of Iowa: Airborne Exposures to Semi-volatile Organic Pollutants (The AESOP Study)
Project Investigator: Peter S Thorne
Research/Outreach: Completed
Kerr-Mcgee (Reed-Keppler Park) - West Chicago, Illinois
- Project: University of Iowa: Atmospheric Sources of PCB Congeners
Project Investigator: Keri C. Hornbuckle
Research/Outreach: Completed - Project: University of Iowa: Airborne Exposures to Semi-volatile Organic Pollutants (The AESOP Study)
Project Investigator: Peter S Thorne
Research/Outreach: Completed
Kerr-Mcgee (Residential Areas) - West Chicago, Illinois
- Project: University of Iowa: Atmospheric Sources of PCB Congeners
Project Investigator: Keri C. Hornbuckle
Research/Outreach: Completed - Project: University of Iowa: Airborne Exposures to Semi-volatile Organic Pollutants (The AESOP Study)
Project Investigator: Peter S Thorne
Research/Outreach: Completed
Kerr-Mcgee (Sewage Treatment Plant) - West Chicago, Illinois
- Project: University of Iowa: Atmospheric Sources of PCB Congeners
Project Investigator: Keri C. Hornbuckle
Research/Outreach: Completed - Project: University of Iowa: Airborne Exposures to Semi-volatile Organic Pollutants (The AESOP Study)
Project Investigator: Peter S Thorne
Research/Outreach: Completed
Mississinewia River - Union City, Indiana
- Project: Michigan State University: Molecular Insight into Polyaromatic Toxicant Degradation by Microbial Communities
Project Investigator: James M Tiedje
Research Types: Application of a new remediation technology as part of the remediation strategy
Research/Outreach: Completed
Pointe Mouillee confined disposal facility - Detroit, Michigan
- Project: Michigan State University: Factors Controlling the Environmental Mobility, Microbial Transformation and Toxicity of Mixed Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids and Exposed Soils/Sediments
Project Investigator: Walter J Weber
Research Types: Bench scale application of a new remediation technology, Collection of samples for off-site analysis
Research/Outreach: Completed
Saginaw River Drum - Bay City, Michigan
- Project: Michigan State University: Factors Controlling the Environmental Mobility, Microbial Transformation and Toxicity of Mixed Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids and Exposed Soils/Sediments
Project Investigator: Walter J Weber
Research Types: Collection of samples for off-site analysis
Research/Outreach: Completed
Scouter Pond - Texas Charter Township, Michigan
- Project: Michigan State University: Factors Controlling the Environmental Mobility, Microbial Transformation and Toxicity of Mixed Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids and Exposed Soils/Sediments
Project Investigator: Walter J Weber
Research Types: Collection of samples for off-site analysis
Research/Outreach: Completed
U.S. Smelter and Lead Refinery, Inc. - East Chicago, Indiana
- Project: University of Iowa: Atmospheric Sources of PCB Congeners
Project Investigator: Keri C. Hornbuckle
Research/Outreach: Completed - Project: University of Iowa: Airborne Exposures to Semi-volatile Organic Pollutants (The AESOP Study)
Project Investigator: Peter S Thorne
Research/Outreach: Completed