Superfund Research Program
Administrative Core
Project Leader: Keri C. Hornbuckle
Co-Investigator: Hans-Joachim Lehmler
Grant Number: P42ES013661
Funding Period: 2006-2025
Project-Specific Links
Final Progress Reports
The Administrative Core of the University of Iowa Superfund Research Program (ISRP) is responsible for coordination, planning, assessment, and project accounting, and provides general administrative support to ISRP research faculty and staff. During 2014, regular monthly meetings of faculty, students and research staff were held, where new findings were regularly discussed, and ideas and concepts tested. In conjunction with the Environmental Health Sciences Research Center and the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Human Toxicology, the Administrative Core organized and supported a regular seminar series in which the latest research ideas were presented.
The Administrative Core encouraged and supported student and postdoctoral participation in the Superfund Annual Meeting in San Jose, CA (November 12-14, 2014), by providing travel support to graduate students attending this year's Annual meeting. Six poster presentations were made by the Iowa group. William Klaren, Superfund graduate student working in Larry Robertson's laboratory was awarded a KC Donnelly Externship for this coming year (the externship to be carried out at the Argonne National Laboratory). Several Iowa Superfund researchers and administrators played key roles in the organization and execution of that NIEHS-sponsored event.
The Administrative Core of the Iowa Superfund supports environmental health sciences research in the dissemination of information through participation in and the organization of regular meetings, seminars and workshops. Faculty and students of the Iowa Superfund participated in and supported the NIEHS-sponsored Eighth International PCB Workshop, entitled, "The Eighth International PCB Workshop: PCBs in Schools, Exposures, Effects, Remediation and Regulation", that was held in Woods Hole, Mass., October 5-9, 2014. Superfund faculty (from the Iowa, UC Davis, Brown, Boston U. and Kentucky Superfund Centers) provided platform and poster presentations that informed experts in the field and others of the latest research findings, and provided a basis for continued helpful dialog among scientists and the community. The Eighth PCB Workshop was well attended with over 130 scientists from many disciplines in attendance.
Strong public engagement and education components of the ISRP also represent areas supported by the Administrative Core. The Core is especially proud of their successes associated with legislative workshops. The Iowa Superfund has convened five workshops for state legislators co-sponsored by the National Conference of State Legislatures. The last three workshops were also co-sponsored with the American Lung Association of the Upper Midwest. The 2007 (Iowa City), 2009 (Chicago), 2011 (St. Paul), 2013 (Des Moines) and 2014 (Springfield) workshops have attracted more than 80 legislators and legislative staff persons from the states of Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kentucky, Kansas and Missouri. The Administrative Core also continues to support their local Science Café series: October 9, 2013 Keri Hornbuckle presented on PCBs in paint – 39 attendees; December 9, 2013 Peter Thorne presented on climate change and health – 22 attendees; February 12, 2014 Gabriele Ludewig presented on hazardous chemicals and health – 49 attendees; April 28, 2014 Joel Klein presented on new knowledge on Asthma – 19 attendees; September 29, 2014 Tom Peters presented on frac sand mining in NE Iowa – 21 attendees; November 4, 2014 Craig Just on safe drinking water for Africa – 26 attendees; and on December 9, 2014 Ken Gayley presented on the science in the movie Interstellar – 36 attendees. Strong interactions with the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Human Toxicology and the Environmental Health Sciences Research Center also continue to enhance educational and outreach components of the ISRP.
Support for statistical analysis required by multiple projects in the ISRP is also a key function of the Administrative Core, and Dr. Kai Wang provides this expert assistance. During the current grant period, he has provided statistical expertise for components of experimental design and data analysis in support of several ISRP projects and cores.