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University of California-Berkeley: Dataset Details, ID=GSE10185

Superfund Research Program

Toxic Substances in the Environment

Center Director: Martyn T. Smith
Grant Number: P42ES004705
Funding Period: 1987-2027
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Title: Temporal microarray analysis of Dehalococcoides ethenogenes during the transition into the stationary phase

Accession Number: GSE10185

Link to Dataset:

Repository: Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)

Data Type(s): Gene Expression

Experiment Type(s): Expression profiling by array

Organism(s): Dehalococcoides

Summary: Dehalococcoides bacteria can reductively dehalogenate a wide range of halogenated organic pollutants. In this study, DNA microarrays were applied to monitor dynamic changes in the transcriptome as Dehalococcoides ethenogenes strain 195 transitioned from exponential growth into the stationary phase. In total, 415 non-redundant genes were identified as differentially expressed. As expected, genes involved with translation and energy metabolism were down-regulated while genes involved with general stress response, transcription, and signal transduction were up-regulated. Unexpected, however, was the 8- to 10-fold up-regulation of four putative reductive dehalogenases (RDases) (DET0173, DET0180, DET1535, and DET1545). Another unexpected finding was the up-regulation of a large number of genes located within integrated elements, including a putative prophage and a muti-copy transposon. Finally, genes encoding the dominant hydrogenase-RDase respiratory chain of this strain (Hup and TceA) were expressed at stable levels throughout the experiment, providing molecular evidence that strain 195 can uncouple dechlorination from net growth. Keywords: time course, stationary phase

Publication(s) associated with this dataset:
  • Johnson DR, Brodie EL, Hubbard AE, Andersen GL, Zinder SH, Alvarez-Cohen L. 2008. Temporal transcriptomic microarray analysis of "Dehalococcoides ethenogenes" strain 195 during the transition into stationary phase. Appl Environ Microbiol 74(9):2864-2872. doi:10.1128/AEM.02208-07 PMID:18310438 PMCID:PMC2394897
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Last Reviewed: October 17, 2024