Superfund Research Program
Benjamin C. Bostick
Columbia University
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
61 Route 9W
COMER Building
Palisade, New York 10964-8000
Phone: 845-365-8659
Fax: 845-365-8155
- Columbia University: Arsenic, Iron, Sulfur and Organic Carbon Speciation and Their Impact on Groundwater Arsenic (2000-2017)
- Columbia University: Community Engagement Core (2022-2027)
- Columbia University: Enhanced Remediation at U.S. Arsenic-Contaminated Sites (2000-2021)
- Columbia University: Light-Based Approaches to Effective and Sustainable Removal of Arsenic and Uranium from Drinking Water Sources (2022-2027)
- Columbia University: Research Experience and Training Coordination Core (2022-2027)
- Columbia University: The Resilience of Low-Arsenic Aquifers and their Role in Reducing Human Exposure (2000-2021)
- Dartmouth College: Trace Elements Analysis Core (2008-2021)
Research Briefs
- A Peltier Freeze Shoe Sampler to Recover Aquifer Sediment and Groundwater
- In Situ Magnetite Formation within Soils/Aquifers Under Circumneutral to Mildly Acidic Conditions
- Recyclable Iron-based Biogeobatteries for the Efficient Treatment of Arsenic and Uranium in Water
- Silver Coordination Polymers for Measuring Arsenic Levels in Water
Hazardous Waste Sites
Collstrup, Denmark
- Columbia University: Light-Based Approaches to Effective and Sustainable Removal of Arsenic and Uranium from Drinking Water Sources
Gela, Italy
- Columbia University: Light-Based Approaches to Effective and Sustainable Removal of Arsenic and Uranium from Drinking Water Sources
Jamaica Water Supply Company
- Columbia University: Arsenic, Iron, Sulfur and Organic Carbon Speciation and Their Impact on Groundwater Arsenic
North Carolina State University (Lot 86 Farm Unit #1)
- Columbia University: Enhanced Remediation at U.S. Arsenic-Contaminated Sites
- Barron A, Jamieson J, Colombani N, Bostick BC, Ortega-Tong P, Sbarbati C, Barbieri M, Petitta M, Prommer H. 2024. Model-based analysis of arsenic retention by stimulated iron mineral transformation under coastal aquifer conditions. ACS ES&T Wat 4(7):2944-2956. doi:10.1021/acsestwater.4c00134 PMID:39005241 PMCID:11242918
- Mushtaq N, Farooqi A, Khattak JA, Hussain I, Mailloux BJ, Bostick BC, Nghiem AA, Ellis T, van Geen AF. 2024. Elevated arsenic concentrations in groundwater of the Upper Indus Plain of Pakistan across a range of redox conditions. Sci Total Environ 912:doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168574 PMID:38000757
- Spaur M, Galvez-Fernandez M, Chen Q, Lombard M, Bostick BC, Factor-Litvak P, Fretts A, Shea S, Navas-Acien A, Nigra AE. 2024. Association of water arsenic with incident diabetes in U.S. adults: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and the Strong Heart Study. Diabetes Care doi:10.2337/dc23-2231 PMID:38656975
- Spaur M, Glabonjat RA, Schilling K, Lombard M, Galvez-Fernandez M, Lieberman-Cribbin W, Hayek C, Ilievski V, Balac O, Izuchukwu C, Patterson KP, Basu A, Bostick BC, Chen Q, Sanchez TR, Navas-Acien A, Nigra AE. 2024. Contribution of arsenic and uranium in private wells and community water systems to urinary biomarkers in US adults: The Strong Heart Study and the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 34(1):77-89. doi:10.1038/s41370-023-00586-2 PMID:37558699 PMCID:10853483
- Sun J, Sun Y, Prommer H, Bostick BC, Liu Q, Ma M, Li Z, Liu S, Siade AJ, Li C, Han S, Zheng Y. 2024. Sustaining irrigation supplies through immobilization of groundwater arsenic in situ. Environ Sci Technol 58(28):12653-12663. doi:10.1021/acs.est.4c03225 PMID:38916402
- Nghiem AA, Prommer H, Mozumder R, Siade AJ, Jamieson J, Ahmed KM, van Geen AF, Bostick BC. 2023. Sulfate reduction accelerates groundwater arsenic contamination even in aquifers with abundant iron oxides. Nat Water 1(2):151-165. doi:10.1038/s44221-022-00022-z PMID:37034542 PMCID:PMC1007439
- Shen Y, Wiita E, Nghiem AA, Liu J, Haque E, Austin RN, Seng CY, Phan K, Zheng Y, Bostick BC. 2023. Zinc localization and speciation in rice grain under variable soil zinc deficiency. Plant Soil 102:doi:10.1007/s11104-023-06140-1
- Spaur M, Bostick BC, Chillrud SN, Factor-Litvak P, Navas-Acien A, Nigra AE. 2023. Impact of lowering the US maximum contaminant level on arsenic exposure: Differences by race, region, and water arsenic in NHANES 2003-2014. Environ Pollut 333:122047. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2023.122047 PMID:37331581
- Spaur M, Lombard M, Ayotte JD, Bostick BC, Chillrud SN, Navas-Acien A, Nigra AE. 2023. Cross-sectional associations between drinking water arsenic and urinary inorganic arsenic in the United States: NHANES 2003-2014. Environ Res 227:115741. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2023.115741 PMID:36963713 PMCID:PMC1016594
- Whaley-Martin K, San Pedro R, Mailloux BJ, Bostick BC, Ahmed KM, Mozumder R, Ellis T, van Geen AF, Slater GF. 2023. Microbial utilization of recently fixed, plant-derived organic carbon in shallow Holocene and Pleistocene aquifers in Bangladesh. Organic Geochemistry 177:104556. doi:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2023.104556
- Barron A, Sun J, Passaretti S, Sbarbati C, Barbieri M, Colombani N, Jamieson J, Bostick BC, Zheng Y, Mastrocicco M, Petitta M, Prommer H. 2022. In situ arsenic immobilisation for coastal aquifers using stimulated iron cycling: Lab-based viability assessment. Appl Geochem 136:105155. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2021.105155 PMID:34955596 PMCID:PMC8699153
- Connolly CT, Stahl MO, DeYoung B, Bostick BC. 2022. Surface flooding as a key driver of groundwater arsenic contamination in southeast Asia. Environ Sci Technol 56(2):928-937. doi:10.1021/acs.est.1c05955 PMID:34951307 PMCID:PMC8766940
- Haque E, Jing X, Bostick BC, Thorne PS. 2022. In vitro and in silico bioaccessibility of urban dusts contaminated by multiple legacy sources of lead (Pb). J Hazard Mater 8:100178. doi:10.1016/j.hazadv.2022.100178
- Khattak JA, Farooqi A, Hussain I, Kumar A, Singh CK, Mailloux BJ, Bostick BC, Ellis T, van Geen AF. 2022. Groundwater fluoride across the Punjab plains of Pakistan and India: Distribution and underlying mechanisms. Sci Total Environ 806:doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151353 PMID:34743882
- Martinez-Morata I, Bostick BC, Conroy-Ben O, Duncan DT, Jones MR, Spaur M, Patterson KP, Prins SJ, Navas-Acien A, Nigra AE. 2022. Nationwide geospatial analysis of county racial and ethnic composition and public drinking water arsenic and uranium. Nat Commun 13(1):7461. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-35185-6 PMID:36460659 PMCID:PMC9718774
- Ravalli F, Yu Y, Bostick BC, Chillrud SN, Schilling K, Basu A, Navas-Acien A, Nigra AE. 2022. Sociodemographic inequalities in uranium and other metals in community water systems across the USA, 2006-11: a cross-sectional study. Lancet Planet Health 6(4):320-330. doi:10.1016/S2542-5196(22)00043-2 PMID:35397220 PMCID:PMC9037820
- Haque E, Thorne PS, Nghiem AA, Yip CS, Bostick BC. 2021. Lead (Pb) concentrations and speciation in residential soils from an urban community impacted by multiple legacy sources. J Hazard Mater 416:125886. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.125886 PMID:34492824 PMCID:PMC8666965
- Haque E, Thorne PS, Nghiem AA, Yip CS, Bostick BC. 2021. Lead (Pb) concentrations and speciation in residential soils from an urban community impacted by multiple legacy sources. J Hazard Mater 416:
- Huhmann LB, Harvey CF, Gross J, Uddin A, Choudhury I, Ahmed KM, Duxbury JM, Bostick BC, van Geen AF. 2021. Evaluation of a field kit for testing arsenic in paddy soil contaminated by irrigation water. Geoderma 382:doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2020.114755 PMID:33162565 PMCID:PMC7643838
- Reich ND, Nghiem AA, Nicholas S, Bostick BC, Campbell MG. 2021. Determination of arsenic content in water using a silver coordination polymer. ACS Environ Au doi:10.1021/acsenvironau.1c00036
- Siade AJ, Bostick BC, Cirpka OA, Prommer H. 2021. Unraveling biogeochemical complexity through better integration of experiments and modeling. Environ Sci Process Impacts 23(12):doi:10.1039/d1em00303h PMID:34739021 (ahead of print)
- Spaur M, Lombard M, Ayotte JD, Harvey DE, Bostick BC, Chillrud SN, Navas-Acien A, Nigra AE. 2021. Associations between private well water and community water supply arsenic concentrations in the conterminous United States. Sci Total Environ 787:147555. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147555 PMID:33991916 PMCID:PMC8192485
- Sun Y, Sun J, Nghiem AA, Bostick BC, Ellis T, Han L, Li Z, Liu S, Han S, Zhang M, Xia Y, Zheng Y. 2021. Reduction of iron (hydr)oxide-bound arsenate: Evidence from high depth resolution sampling of a reducing aquifer in Yinchuan Plain, China. J Hazard Mater 406(14):124615. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124615 PMID:33310320 PMCID:PMC7937834
- Yang W, Luo L, Bostick BC, Cheng Y, Shen Y. 2021. Effect of combined arsenic and lead exposure on their uptake and translocation in Indian mustard. Environ Pollut 274:doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2021.116549
- Huang H, Wang J, Yao R, Bostick BC, Prommer H, Liu X, Sun J. 2020. Effects of divalent heavy metal cations on the synthesis and characteristics of magnetite. Chemical Geology 547(9):doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2020.119669
- Kumar A, Singh CK, Bostick BC, Nghiem AA, Mailloux BJ, van Geen AF. 2020. Regulation of groundwater arsenic concentrations in the Ravi, Beas, and Sutlej floodplains of Punjab, India. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 283:265. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2020.03.003
- Mihajlov I, Mozumder R, Bostick BC, Stute M, Mailloux BJ, Knappett PS, Choudhury I, Ahmed KM, Schlosser P, van Geen AF. 2020. Arsenic contamination of Bangladesh aquifers exacerbated by clay layers. Nat Commun 11:2244. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-16104-z PMID:32382006
- Mozumder R, Bostick BC, Selim M, Islam M, Shoenfelt EM, Ellis T, Mailloux BJ, Choudhury I, Ahmed KM, van Geen AF. 2020. Similar retardation of arsenic in gray Holocene and orange Pleistocene sediments: Evidence from field-based column experiments in Bangladesh. Water Res 183:12. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2020.116081 PMID:32784107
- Mozumder R, Michael HA, Mihajlov I, Khan MR, Knappett PS, Bostick BC, Mailloux BJ, Ahmed KM, Choudhury I, Koffman T, Ellis T, Whaley-Martin K, San Pedro R, Slater GF, Stute M, Schlosser P, van Geen AF. 2020. Origin of groundwater arsenic in a rural Pleistocene aquifer in Bangladesh depressurized by distal municipal pumping. Water Resour Res 56:26. doi:10.1029/2020WR027178
- Nghiem AA, Shen Y, Stahl MO, Sun J, Haque E, DeYoung B, Nguyen K, Mai TT, Trang PK, Pham HV, Mailloux BJ, Harvey CF, van Geen AF, Bostick BC. 2020. Aquifer-scale observations of iron redox transformations in arsenic-impacted environments to predict future contamination. Environ Sci Technol Lett 7:916-922. doi:10.1021/acs.estlett.0c00672
- Peli M, Bostick BC, Barontini S, Lucchini R, Ranzi R. 2020. Profiles and species of Mn, Fe and trace metals in soils near a ferromanganese plant in Bagnolo Mella (Brescia, IT). Sci Total Environ doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143123
- Bostick BC. 2019. Massive ore deposits from microscopic organisms. Geology 47(2):191-192. doi:10.1130/focus022019.1 PMID:30760941 PMCID:PMC6370475
- Nghiem AA, Stahl MO, Mailloux BJ, Mai TT, Trang PK, Viet PH, Harvey CF, van Geen AF, Bostick BC. 2019. Quantifying riverine recharge impacts on redox contitions and arsenic released in groundwater aquifers along the Red River, Vietnam. Water Resour Res doi:10.1029/2019WR024816
- Haque E, Mailloux BJ, de Wolff D, Gilioli S, Kelly C, Ahmed EB, Small C, Ahmed KM, van Geen AF, Bostick BC. 2018. Quantitative drinking water arsenic concentrations in field environments using mobile phone photometry of field kits. Sci Total Environ 618:579-585. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.12.123 PMID:29102200 PMCID:PMC5773362
- Jamieson J, Prommer H, Kaksonen AH, Sun J, Siade AJ, Yusov A, Bostick BC. 2018. Identifying and quantifying the intermediate processes during nitrate-dependent iron(II) oxidation. Environ Sci Technol 52:5771-5781. doi:10.1021/acs.est.8b01122 PMID:29676145
- Myers K, Tice MM, Bostick BC. 2018. Geochemical signatures reveal that arsenic(III)-photosynthesis fueled microorganisms in 3.26-billion-year-old shallow oceans. Nat Commun (in press)
- Shoenfelt EM, Winckler G, Lamy F, Anderson RF, Bostick BC. 2018. Highly bioavailable dust-borne iron delivered to the Southern Ocean during glacial periods. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 115:11180-11185. doi:10.1073/pnas.1809755115 PMID:30322933 PMCID:PMC6217405
- Sun J, Bostick BC, Mailloux BJ, Jamieson J, Yan B, Pitiranggon M, Chillrud SN. 2018. Arsenic mobilization from iron oxides in the presence of oxalic acid under hydrodynamic conditions. Chemosphere 212:219-227. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.08.058 PMID:30144683
- Sun J, Mailloux BJ, Chillrud SN, van Geen AF, Thompson A, Bostick BC. 2018. Simultaneously quantifying ferrihydrite and goethite in natural sediments using the method of standard additions with X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Chemical Geology 476:248-259. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.11.021 PMID:29353912 PMCID:PMC5771421
- Sun J, Prommer H, Siade AJ, Chillrud SN, Mailloux BJ, Bostick BC. 2018. Model-based analysis of arsenic immobilization via iron mineral transformation under advective flows. Environ Sci Technol 52(16):9243-9253. doi:10.1021/acs.est.8b01762 PMID:30039966
- Aziz Z, Bostick BC, Zheng Y, Huq R, Rahman M, Ahmed KM, van Geen AF. 2017. Evidence of decoupling between arsenic and phosphate in shallow groundwater of Bangladesh and potential implications. Appl Geochem 77:167-177. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2016.03.001 PMID:28239232 PMCID:PMC5321624
- Gnanaprakasam ET, Lloyd JR, Boothman C, Ahmed KM, Choudhury I, Bostick BC, van Geen AF, Mailloux BJ. 2017. Microbial community structure and arsenic biogeochemistry in two arsenic-impacted aquifers in Bangladesh. MBio 8(6):e01326-17. doi:10.1128/mBio.01326-17 PMID:29184025 PMCID:PMC5705915
- Huhmann BL, Harvey CF, Uddin A, Choudhury I, Ahmed KM, Duxbury JM, Bostick BC, van Geen AF. 2017. Field study of rice yield diminished by soil arsenic in Bangladesh. Environ Sci Technol 51:11553–11560. doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b01487 PMID:28929748 PMCID:PMC5645253
- Whaley-Martin K, Mailloux BJ, van Geen AF, Bostick BC, Ahmed KM, Choudhury I, Slater GF. 2017. Human and livestock waste as a reduced carbon source contributing to the release of arsenic to shallow Bangladesh groundwater. Sci Total Environ 595:63-71. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.03.234 PMID:28388451
- Khan MR, Knappett PS, Ahmed KM, Bostick BC, Mailloux BJ, Mozumder R, Harvey CF, van Geen AF, Michael HA. 2016. Megacity pumping and preferential flow threaten groundwater quality. Nat Commun 7:12833. doi:10.1038/ncomms12833 PMID:27673729 PMCID:PMC5052627
- Knappett PS, Mailloux BJ, Choudhury I, Khan MR, Michael HA, Barua S, Mondal DR, Steckler MS, Akhter S, Ahmed KM, Bostick BC, Harvey CF, Shamsudduha M, Shuai P, Mihajlov I, Mozumder R, van Geen AF. 2016. Vulnerability of low-arsenic aquifers to municipal pumping in Bangladesh. J Hydrol 539:674-686. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.05.035 PMID:28966395 PMCID:PMC5617134
- Sun J, Bostick BC, Mailloux BJ, Ross JM, Chillrud SN. 2016. Effect of oxalic acid treatment on sediment arsenic concentrations and lability under reducing conditions. J Hazard Mater 311:125-133. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.02.060 PMID:26970042 PMCID:PMC4826786
- Sun J, Bostick BC, Mailloux BJ, Ross JM, Chillrud SN. 2016. Use of oxalic acid for mobilizing arsenic from contaminated sediments and decreasing vulnerability to reduction. J Hazard Mater 311:125-133.
- Sun J, Chillrud SN, Mailloux BJ, Bostick BC. 2016. In situ magnetite formation and long-term arsenic immobilization under advective flow conditions. Environ Sci Technol 50(18):10162-10171. doi:10.1021/acs.est.6b02362 PMID:27533278
- Sun J, Chillrud SN, Mailloux BJ, Stute M, Singh R, Dong H, Lepre CJ, Bostick BC. 2016. Enhanced and stabilized arsenic retention in microcosms through the microbial oxidation of ferrous iron by nitrate. Chemosphere 144:1106-1115. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2015.09.045 PMID:26454120 PMCID:PMC4779597
- Sun J, Quicksall AN, Chillrud SN, Mailloux BJ, Bostick BC. 2016. Arsenic mobilization from sediments in microcosms under sulfate reduction. Chemosphere 153:254-261. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.02.117 PMID:27037658 PMCID:PMC4837041
- van Geen AF, Ahmed KM, Ahmed EB, Choudhury I, Mozumder R, Bostick BC, Mailloux BJ. 2016. Inequitable allocation of deep community wells for reducing arsenic exposure in Bangladesh. J Water Sanit Hyg Dev 6(1):142-150. doi:10.2166/washdev.2015.115 PMID:27087915 PMCID:PMC4827352
- Whaley-Martin K, Mailloux BJ, van Geen AF, Bostick BC, Silvern R, Kim C, Ahmed KM, Choudhury I, Slater GF. 2016. Stimulation of microbially mediated arsenic release in Bangladesh aquifers by young carbon indicated by radiocarbon analysis of sedimentary bacterial lipids. Environ Sci Technol 50(14):7353-7363. doi:10.1021/acs.est.6b00868 PMID:27333443
- Wovkulich K, Stute M, Mailloux BJ, Keimowitz AR, Ross JM, Bostick BC, Sun J, Chillrud SN. 2014. In situ oxalic acid injection to accelerate arsenic remediation at a superfund site in new jersey. Environ Chem 11(5):525-537. doi:10.1071/EN13222 PMID:25598701 PMCID:PMC4294815
- Bostick BC. 2013. Human-Induced Change in Natural Arsenic Contamination in Asian Groundwaters. In: Zhejiang University-Columbia University Joint Conference on Sustainability. Hangzhou, China.
- Mailloux BJ, Trembath-Reichert E, Cheung J, Watson M, Stute M, Freyer GA, Ferguson AS, Ahmed KM, Alam M, Buchholz BA, Thomas J, Layton AC, Zheng Y, Bostick BC, van Geen AF. 2013. Advection of surface-derived organic carbon fuels microbial reduction in Bangladesh groundwater. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110(14):5331-5335. doi:10.1073/pnas.1213141110 PMID:23487743 PMCID:PMC3619377
- van Geen AF, Bostick BC, Trang PK, Lan V, Mai N, Manh PD, Viet PH, Radloff KA, Aziz Z, Mey JL, Stahl MO, Harvey CF, Oates P, Weinman B, Stengel C, Frei F, Kipfer R, Berg M. 2013. Retardation of arsenic transport through a Pleistocene aquifer. Nature 501:204-207. doi:10.1038/nature12444 PMID:24025840 PMCID:PMC3772538
- Wovkulich K, Mailloux BJ, Bostick BC, Dong H, Bishop ME, Chillrud SN. 2012. Use of microfocused X-ray techniques to investigate the mobilization of arsenic by oxalic acid. Geochim Cosmochim Acta 91:254-270. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2012.05.012 PMID:23175572 PMCID:PMC3501129
- Cadwalader GO, Renshaw CE, Jackson BP, Magilligan FJ, Landis JD, Bostick BC. 2011. Erosion and physical transport via overland flow of arsenic and lead bound to silt-sized particles. Geomorphology 128(1-2):85-91. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2010.12.025 PMID:21552357 PMCID:PMC3086532 (Completed with ARRA Funds)
- Radloff KA, Zheng Y, Michael H, Stute M, Bostick BC, Mihajlov I, Huq MR, Choudhury A, Rahman MW, Schlosser P, Ahmed KM, van Geen AF. 2011. Arsenic migration to deep groundwater in Bangladesh influenced by adsorption and water demand. Nat Geosci 4:793-798. doi:10.1038/ngeo1283 PMID:22308168 PMCID:PMC3269239
- deLemos JL, Bostick BC, Renshaw CE, Sturup S, Feng X. 2006. Landfill-stimulated iron reduction and arsenic release at the Coakley Superfund site (NH). Environ Sci Technol 40(1):67-73. PMID:16433334
- Renshaw CE, Bostick BC, Feng X, Wong CK, Winston ES, Karimi R, Folt CL, Chen CY. 2006. Impact of land disturbance on the fate of arsenical pesticides. J Environ Qual 35(1):61-67. doi:10.2134/jeq2005.0096 PMID:16391277