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Person Details: Margaret O. James

Superfund Research Program

Margaret O. James

University of Florida
PO Box 100485
Gainesville, Florida 32610
Phone: 352-846-1952
Fax: 352-846-1972

Research Briefs



  • Mangal N, James MO, Stacpoole PW, Schmidt S. 2018. Model informed dose optimization of dichloroacetate for the treatment of congenital lactic acidosis in children. J Clin Pharmacol 58:212-220. doi:10.1002/jcph.1009 PMID:28914978


  • Portier CJ, Armstrong BK, Baguley B, Baur X, Belyaev I, Belle R, Belpoggi F, Biggeri A, Bosland MC, Bruzzi P, Budnik L, Bugge M, Burns K, Calaf GM, Carpenter DO, Carpenter H, Lopez-Carillo L, Clapp R, Cocco P, Consonni D, Comba P, Craft ES, Dalvie M, Davis D, Demers PA, De Roos AJ, DeWitt JC, Forastiere F, Freedman JH, Fritschi L, Gaus C, Gohlke J, Goldberg M, Greiser E, Hansen J, Hardell L, Hauptmann M, Huang W, Huff J, James MO, Jameson C, Kortenkamp A, Kopp-Schneider A, Kromhout H, Larramendy M, Landrigan PJ, Lash LH, Leszczynski D, Lynch CF, Magnani C, Mandrioli D, Martin FL, Merler E, Michelozzi P, Miligi L, Miller A, Mirabelli D, Mirer F, Naidoo S, Perry MJ, Petronio M, Pirastu R, Portier R, Ramos KS, Robertson LW, Rodriguez T, Roosli M, Ross M, Roy D, Rusyn I, Saldiva P, Sass J, Savolainen K, Scheepers P, Sergi C, Silbergeld EK, Smith MT, Stewart BW, Sutton P, Tateo F, Terracini B, Thielmann H, Thomas DB, Vainio H, Vena J, Vineis P, Weiderpass E, Weisenburger DD, Woodruff TJ, Yorifuji T, Yu I, Zambon P, Zeeb H, Zhou SF. 2016. Differences in the carcinogenic evaluation of glyphosate between the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). J Epidemiol Community Health 70(8):741-745. doi:10.1136/jech-2015-207005 PMID:26941213 PMCID:PMC4975799


  • Agudo A, Aronson KJ, Bonefeld-Jørgensen EC, Cocco P, Cogliano VJ, Cravedi J, Esch HL, Fiedler H, Glauret HP, Guo YL, Herbert RA, Hopf NB, James MO, Johansson N, Le Bizec B, Ludewig G, Machala M, Merletti F, Narbonne J, Robertson LW, Ruder AM, Tryphonas H, Vermeulen R, Vorkamp K, Walker N. 2015. IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans, volume 107, Polychlorinated biphenyls and polybrominated biphenyls.



  • Nyagode BA, James MO, Kleinow KM. 2009. Influence of dietary Coexposure to benzo(a)pyrene on the biotransformation and distribution of 14C-methoxychlor in the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Toxicol Sci 108(2):320-329. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfp018 PMID:19181613 PMCID:PMC2664691


  • Blum JL, James MO, Stuchal L, Denslow ND. 2008. Stimulation of transactivation of the largemouth bass estrogen receptors alpha, beta-a, and beta-b by methoxychlor and its mono- and bis-demethylated metabolites in HepG2 cells. Psychiatr Pol 108(1-2):55-63. PMID:17949972 (Completed with ARRA Funds)
  • Blum JL, Nyagode BA, James MO, Denslow ND. 2008. Effects of the pesticide methoxychlor on gene expression in the liver and testes of the male largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Aquat Toxicol 86(4):459-469. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2007.12.008 PMID:18279978 PMCID:PMC3004021 (Completed with ARRA Funds)
  • Guo X, James MO, Stacpoole PW. 2008. Age-dependent kinetics and metabolism of dichloroacetate: possible relevance to toxicity. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 324(3):1163-71. PMID:18096758
  • Sacco JC, Lehmler H, Robertson LW, Li W, James MO. 2008. Glucuronidation of polychlorinated biphenylols and UDP-glucuronic acid concentrations in channel catfish liver and intestine. Drug Metab Dispos 36(4):623-630. doi:10.1124/dmd.107.019596 PMID:18180271



  • Stuchal L, Kleinow KM, Stegeman JJ, James MO. 2006. Demethylation of the pesticide methoxychlor in liver and intestine from untreated, methoxychlor-treated, and 3-methylcholanthrene-treated channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus): evidence for roles of CYP1 and CYP3A family isozymes. Drug Metab Dispos 34(6):932-8. PMID:16510540
  • Wang L, Lehmler H, Robertson LW, James MO. 2006. Polychlorobiphenylols are selective inhibitors of human phenol sulfotransferase 1A1 with 4-nitrophenol as a substrate. Chem Biol Interact 159(3):235-246. PMID:16413005


  • James MO, Lou Z, Faux LR, Celander MC. 2005. Properties and regional expression of a CYP3A-like protein in channel catfish intestine. Aquat Toxicol 72(4):361-371. PMID:15848255
  • Wang L, Lehmler H, Robertson LW, James MO. 2005. In vitro inhibition of human hepatic and cDNA-expressed sulfotransferase activity with 3-hydroxybenzo[a]pyrene by polychlorobiphenylols. Environ Health Perspect 113(6):680-687. PMID:15929889 PMCID:PMC1257591


  • Dixit VS, Guo X, James MO, Henderson GN, Stacpoole PW. 2004. Chronic exposure to environmental levels of dichloroacetate decreases glutathione s-trasferase pi activity and expression. In: Proceedings of the 7th International ISSX (Internation Soceity of the Study of Xenobiotics) Meeting, August 29, September 2. Vancouver, Cameroon.
  • Felitsyn NM, Henderson GN, James MO, Stacpoole PW. 2004. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous determination of delta-ALA, tyrosine and creatinine in biological fluids. Clin Chim Acta 350(1-2):219-230. PMID:15530481
  • Guo X, Dixit VS, Henderson GN, James MO, Stacpoole PW. 2004. Induction of glutathione Stransferasezeta (GSTz) protein expression by flavones. In: Proceedings of the 7th International ISSX (Internation Soceity of the Study of Xenobiotics) Meeting, August 29, September 2. Vancouver, Cameroon.
  • James MO, Kleinow KM, Zhang Y, Zheng R, Wang L, Faux LR. 2004. Increased toxicity of benzo(a)pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol in the presence of polychlorobiphenylols. Mar Environ Res 58(2-5):343-346. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2004.03.079 PMID:15178052
  • Sacco JC, James MO. 2004. Glucuronidation in the polar bear (Ursus maritimus). Mar Environ Res 58(2-5):475-479. PMID:15178068
  • Shroads AL, Henderson GN, Cheung J, James MO, Stacpoole PW. 2004. Unified gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method for quantitating tyrosine metabolites in urine and plasma. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 808(2):153-161. PMID:15261808


  • Ammini CV, Fernandez-Canon J, Shroads AL, Cornett R, Cheung J, James MO, Henderson GN, Grompe M, Stacpoole PW. 2003. Pharmacologic or genetic ablation of maleylacetoacetate isomerase increases levels of toxic tyrosine catabolites in rodents. Biochem Pharmacol 66(10):2029-2038. PMID:14599561
  • Guo X, Henderson GN, James MO, Stacpoole PW. 2003. Time course of inhibition and recovery of hepatic glutathione s-transferase zeta (GSTx) by dichloroacetate (DCA). In: Proceedings of the 8th European ISSX Meeting, April 27, May 1. Dijon, France.
  • James MO, Faux LR. 2003. Hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls as poor substrates but good inhibitors of the glucuronidation and sulfonation of hydroxylated benzo(a)pyrene metabolites. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 12(2):227-231.
  • James MO, Kleinow KM, Zhang Y, Zheng R, Wang L, Faux LR. 2003. Inhibition of (-)-benzo(a)pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol (BaP-7,8D) glucuronidation by a mixture of polychlorobiphenylols (OH-PCBs) results in increased DNA binding in a perfused channel catfish liver. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms. Safety Harbor, FL.
  • James MO, Zheng R. 2003. Glucuronidation of polychlorobiphenylols in catfish liver and intestine. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms. Safety Harbor, FL.
  • Stacpoole PW, Guo X, Shroads AL, Shelton GD, Calcutt NA, James MO, Eskin TA, Henderson GN, Notterpek-Fletcher L. 2003. Mechanisms of dichloroacetate-induced peripheral neuropathy in patients with mitochondrial diseases. In: Proceedings of the 12th North American ISSX (Internation Soceity of the Study of Xenobiotics) Meeting, October 12-16. Providence, RI.
  • Stuchal L, James MO. 2003. Biotransformation of metoxychlor in largemouth bass and channel catfish. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms. Safety Harbor, FL.
  • Sugihara N, James MO. 2003. Binding of 3-hydroxybenzo[a]pyrene to bovine hemoglobin and albumin. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 17(4):239-247. doi:10.1002/jbt.10084 PMID:12898648
  • Wang L, James MO. 2003. Triclosan as inhibitor of the sulfonation and glucuronidation of 3-hydroxy-benzo(a)pyrene in human liver. In: Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology (SOT), March 9-13, 2003. Salt Lake City, UT.
  • Wang L, James MO. 2003. Triclosan as inhibitor of the sulfonation and glucuronidation of 3-hydroxy-benzo(a)pyrene in human liver. Environ Health Perspect 72:189. PMID:15269185


  • Hansen LA, Machala M, James MO, Hennig B, Glauert HP, Narbonne J, van Bree L, Schultz T, Grevatt P, Suk WA, Holoubek I, Robertson LW. 2002. Research needs identified. In: Proceedings of the 2nd PCB Workshop: Recent Advances in the Environmental Toxicology and Health Effects of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), 2002. Brno, Czech Republic.
  • Hansen LG, Machala M, Fischer L, James MO, Hennig B, Glauert HP, Narbonne J, van Bree L, Schultz T, Grevett P, Suk WA, Holoubek I, Robertson LW. 2002. Research needs identified at the second PCB Workshop in Brno, Czech Republic. Toxicol Sci 87(3):261-265. doi:10.1080/02772240500079011
  • James MO. 2002. Inhibition of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase and PAPS-sulfotransferase activities by hydroxylated PCBs. In: Proceedings of the 11th North American ISSX (International Study of Xenobiotics) Meeting, October 27-31. Orlando, FL.
  • James MO. 2002. Inhibition of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase and PAPS-sulfotransferase activities by hydroxylated PCBs. J Mol Biol Suppl34:36.
  • James MO, van den Hurk P, Kubiczak GA, Robertson LW, Lehmler H. 2002. Hydroxylated PCBs that are poor substrates but good inhibitors of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase in the channel catfish. FASEB J 16:A573.
  • James MO, Wang L, Faux LR, Lehmler H, Robertson LW. 2002. Hydroxylated PCB as inhibitors of the glucuronidation and sulfonation of hydroxylated benzo(a)pyrene metabolites. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) workshop. Brno, Czech Republic.
  • Lou Z, Johnson JV, James MO. 2002. Intestinal and hepatic microsomal metabolism of testosterone and progesterone by a 3 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase to the 3 alpha-hydroxy derivatives in the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. Psychiatr Pol 82(4-5):413-424. PMID:12589949
  • van den Hurk P, Kubiczak GA, Lehmler H, James MO. 2002. Hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls as inhibitors of the sulfation and glucuronidation of 3-hydroxy-benzo[a]pyrene. Environ Health Perspect 110(4):343-348. PMID:11940451 PMCID:PMC1240796
  • Wang L, Lehmler H, Robertson LW, James MO. 2002. In vitro inhibition of sulfotransferase activity of 3-hydroxy-benzo(a)pyrene by hydroxylated PCBs. J Mol Biol Suppl34:195.
  • Wang L, Lehmler H, Robertson LW, James MO. 2002. In vitro inhibition of sulfotransferase activity of 3-hydroxy-benzo(a)pyrene by hydroxylated PCBs. In: Proceedings of the 11th North American ISSX (International Study of Xenobiotics) Meeting, October 27-31. Orlando, FL.


  • Ammini CV, Shroads AL, Cornett R, Henderson GN, James MO, Stacpoole PW. 2001. Perturbation of tyrosine catabolism by dichloroacetate: a putative pathway for toxicity. In: Proceedings of the 6th International ISSX (International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics) Meeting, October 7-11. Munich, Germany.
  • James MO. 2001. Polychlorinated biphenyls: metabolism and metabolites. In: Recent Advances in the Environmental Toxicology and Health Effects of PCBs. University of Kentucky Press, Lexington, KY. pp.35-46.
  • James MO, Tong Z, Faux LR, Venugopal CS, Kleinow KM. 2001. Intestinal bioavailability and biotransformation of 3-hydroxybenzo(a)pyrene in an isolated perfused preparation from channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. Drug Metab Dispos 29(5):721-728. PMID:11302939
  • Kleinow KM, James MO. 2001. Response of the teleost gastrointestinal system to xenobiotics. In: Target Organ Toxicity in Marine and Freshwater Teleosts. Taylor and Francis, New York, NY. pp.269-362.


  • Cornett-Mueller R, James MO, Ally A, Henderson GN, Cheung J, Ammini CV, Stacpoole PW, Shroads AL. 2000. Involvement of the tyrosine catabolic pathway in the inhibition of DCA metabolism. Society of Toxicology
  • Doi AM, Lou Z, Holmes E, Li CL, Venugopal CS, James MO, Kleinow KM. 2000. Effect of micelle fatty acid composition and 3,4,3',4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (TCB) exposure on intestinal [14C]-TCB bioavailability and biotransformation in channel catfish in situ preparations. Toxicol Sci 55(1):85-96. PMID:10788563
  • Gadagbui BK, James MO. 2000. Activities of affinity-isolated glutathione S-transferase (GST) from channel catfish whole intestine. Aquat Toxicol 49(1-2):27-37. PMID:10814804
  • Gadagbui BK, James MO. 2000. Differential expression of -like glutathione S-transferase (GST) isoforms in catfish intestine. Mar Environ Res 50(1-5):353-356. PMID:11460717
  • Gadagbui BK, James MO. 2000. The influence of diet on the regional distribution of glutathione S-transferase activity in channel catfish intestine. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 14(3):148-154. PMID:10711630
  • James MO, Cornett R, Henderson GN, Shroads AL, Stacpoole PW. 2000. Destruction of glutathione S-transferase zeta protein by dichloroacetic acid treatment. British Pharmacological Society 131(Suppl.5):104P.
  • Lou Z, Celander MC, James MO. 2000. Expression and steroid hydroxylation activity of a CYP3A-like protein in channel catfish proximal and distal intestine. Toxicol Sci 54:97-98.


  • Cornett R, James MO, Henderson GN, Ally A, Cheung J, Shroads AL, Stacpoole PW. 1999. Inhibition of dichloroacetate metablolism by z-4,6-dioxohep-2-enoic acid (Maleylacetone), a natural substrate for GST-zeta. ISSX Proceedings 15:194A.
  • Cornett R, James MO, Henderson GN, Cheung J, Shroads AL, Stacpoole PW. 1999. Inhibition of glutathione S-transferase zeta and tyrosine metabolism by dichloroacetate: a potential unifying mechanism for its altered biotransformation and toxicity. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 262(3):752-756. PMID:10471397
  • Doi AM, Kleinow KM, Lou Z, James MO, Venugopalan CS, Holmes E. 1999. Bioavailability and biotransformation of 3,4,3',4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (TCB) in in situ intestinal preparations of uninduced and TCB induced channel catfish. In: Proceedings of the PRIMO Meeting.
  • Doi AM, Lou Z, Kleinow KM, James MO, Venugopalan CS, Holmes E. 1999. Effect of beta-naphthoflavone induction upon 3,4,3',4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl bioavailability in in situ preparations of channel catfish. Environ Health Perspect 48:262.
  • Gadagbui BK, James MO. 1999. Glutathione transferases: potential biomarkers of polycyclic aromatic compounds in channel catfish intestine. In: Proceedings of the PRIMO Meeting.
  • Gadagbui BK, James MO. 1999. Purification, characterization and regional distribution of glutathione S-transferase from channel catfish intestine. Environ Health Perspect 48:394.
  • Yan Z, Henderson GN, James MO, Stacpoole PW. 1999. Determination of chloral hydrate metabolites in human plasma by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. J Pharm Biomed Anal 19(3-4):309-318. PMID:10704096


  • Cornett R, James MO, Rocca J, Yan Z. 1998. In vivo metabolism of dichloroacetate (DCA) to the glycine in hippuric acid. Environ Health Perspect 42:328.
  • Doi AM, Kleinow KM, James MO, Venugopalan CS, Holmes E. 1998. Bioavailability and biotransformation of 3,4,3',4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (TCB) in in situ intestinal preparations of uninduced and TCB-induced channel catfish. Toxicol Sci 42:337.
  • Gadagbui BK, James MO, Faux LR, Sikazwe DN. 1998. Distribution of glutathione S-transferase (GST) activity and anti GST-p cross-reactive protein in intestine of the channel catfish. Toxicol Sci 42:274.
  • James MO, Gadagbui BK, Hackett JC. 1998. Glutathione S-transferases in fish and crustacea. In: Proceedings of the American Chemical Society Symposium.
  • James MO, Kleinow KM, Li CL, Lou Z, Doi AM, Venugopalan CS, Holmes E. 1998. Intestinal bioavailability and biotransformation of 3,3',4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl. ISSX Proceedings 13:131.
  • James MO, Sikazwe DN, Gadagbui BK. 1998. Isolation of a pi class glutathione S-transferase from the intestinal mucosa of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. Mar Environ Res 46:57-60.
  • James MO, Yan Z, Cornett R, Jayanti VK, Henderson GN, Davydova N, Katovich MK, Pollock B, Stacpoole PW. 1998. Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of [14C] dichloroacetate (DCA) in the male Sprague-Dawley rat: identification of the glycine conjugates, including hippuric, as urinary metabolites of DCA. Drug Metab Dispos 26(11):1134-1143.
  • Kleinow KM, James MO, Tong Z, Venugopalan CS. 1998. Bioavailability and biotransformation of benzo(a)pyrene in an isolated perfused in situ catfish intestinal preparation. Environ Health Perspect 106:155-166. PMID:9449680
  • Stacpoole PW, Henderson GN, Yan Z, Cornett R, James MO. 1998. Pharmokinetics, metabolism and toxicology of dichloroacetate. J Mol Biol 30(3):499-539. PMID:9710704
  • Stacpoole PW, Henderson GN, Yan Z, James MO. 1998. Clinical pharmacology and toxicology of dichloroacetate. Environ Health Perspect 106(4):989-994. PMID:9703483


  • Henderson GN, Yan Z, James MO, Davydova N, Stacpoole PW. 1997. Kinetics and metabolism of chloral hydrate in children: identification of dichloroacetate as a metabolite. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 235(3):695-698. PMID:9207222
  • James MO, Cornett R, Yan Z, Henderson GN, Stacpoole PW. 1997. Glutathione-dependent conversion to glyoxylate, a major pathway of dichloroacetate biotransformation in hepatic cytosol from humans and rats, is reduced in dichloroacetate-treated rats. Drug Metab Dispos 25(11):1223-1227. PMID:9351896
  • Yan Z, Henderson GN, James MO, Stacpoole PW. 1997. Determination of dichloroacetate and its metabolites in human plasma by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatographic Science 703(1-2):75-84. PMID:9448064


  • Sikazwe DN, James MO. 1996. Glutathione S-transferases (GST) in intestinal and hepatic cytosol from channel catfish. Fundam Appl Toxicol 30:285.


  • James MO, Jayanti VK, Henderson GN, Stacpoole PW. 1995. In vivo and in vitro metabolism of [14C]-dichloroacetic acid (DCA) in the male Sprague-Dawley rat. Environ Health Perspect 15:261.
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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025