Superfund Research Program
Duke University Superfund Research Center - Developmental Co-Exposures: Mechanisms, Outcomes, and Remediation
Center Director: Heather M. Stapleton
Grant Number: P42ES010356
Funding Period: 2000-2027
Program Links
Title: Danio rerio brain aromatase (cyp19b) gene, complete cds
Accession Number: AY780257
Link to Dataset:
Repository: GenBank
Data Type(s): Nucleotide Sequence
Experiment Type(s): Genomic DNA
Organism(s): Danio rerio
Summary: Danio rerio brain aromatase (cyp19b) gene, complete cds
Publication(s) associated with this dataset:- Lassiter CS, Linney EA. 2007. Embryonic expression and steroid regulation of brain aromatase cyp19a1b in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Zebrafish 4(1):49-57. doi:10.1089/zeb.2006.9995 PMID:18041942