Superfund Research Program
Duke University Superfund Research Center - Developmental Co-Exposures: Mechanisms, Outcomes, and Remediation
Center Director: Heather M. Stapleton
Grant Number: P42ES010356
Funding Period: 2000-2027
Program Links
Title: Pollution Effects on Metabolic Gene Expression During Late Organodifferenatiation of Sensitive, Resistant and Hybrid Vertebrate Embryos
Accession Number: GSE134501
Link to Dataset:
Repository: Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO)
Data Type(s): Gene Expression
Experiment Type(s): Expression profiling by array
Organism(s): Fundulus heteroclitus
Summary: The goal was to determine differences in gene expression of 384 metabolic genes during late organogenesis among embryos of parents from a clean site (Magotha Bay, VA) and polluted site (Elizabeth RIver, VA). Hybrid gene expression was examined to explore parental effect. Embryo morphology and heart rate during late organogenesis and pre-hatching was assessed in order to determine phenotypic differences between embryo groups.
Publication(s) associated with this dataset:- Bozinovic G, Feng Z, Shea D, Oleksiak MF. 2022. Cardiac physiology and metabolic gene expression during late organogenesis among F. heteroclitus embryo families from crosses between pollution-sensitive and -resistant parents. BMC Ecol Evol 22(3):doi:10.1186/s12862-022-01959-1 PMID:34996355 PMCID:PMC8739662