Superfund Research Program
Airborne PCBs: Sources, Exposures, Toxicities, Remediation
Center Director: Keri C. Hornbuckle
Grant Number: P42ES013661
Funding Period: 2006-2025
Program Links
Title: Dataset for Room-to-Room Variability of Airborne PCBs in Schools and the Application of Air Sampling for Targeted Source Evaluation
Accession Number: doi: 10.25820/data.006136
Link to Dataset:
Repository: Iowa Research Online
Data Type(s): Underlying data from publication
Summary: This dataset describes airborne polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congener masses and concentrations from room-to-room in Columbus Secondary School, a minority-predominant, low-income, public school in rural Iowa (Bannavti and Jahnke et. al., In Review). These experiments were designed to understand if total PCB concentration and congener profiles (distribution) change in a single school depending on the location. The data resulting from this study can inform future PCB analysis and remediation efforts in schools.
Publication(s) associated with this dataset:- Bannavti MK, Jahnke JC, Marek RF, Just CL, Hornbuckle KC. 2021. Room-to-room variability of airborne polychlorinated biphenyls in schools and the application of air sampling for targeted source evaluation. Environ Sci Technol 55(14):9460-9468. doi:10.1021/acs.est.0c08149 PMID:34033460 PMCID:PMC8427462