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Person Details: Lee A. Newman

Superfund Research Program

Lee A. Newman

University of South Carolina
Norman J. Arnold School of Public Health
800 Sumter St
Columbia, South Carolina 29208
Phone: (315) 470-4937
Fax: 803-777-3391





  • Newman LA, Reynolds CM. 2005. Bacteria and phytoremediation: new uses for endophytic bacteria in plants. Trends Biotechnol 23(1):6-8. PMID:15629849


  • Barton C, Marx D, Adriano D, Koo BJ, Newman LA, Czapka S, Blake J. 2004. Pytostabilization of a landfill containing coal combustion waste. Environmental Geosciences 12(4):251-265.
  • Harmon SM, King JK, Gladden JB, Chandler GT, Newman LA. 2004. Mercury body burdens in Gambusia holbrooki and Erimyzon sucetta in a wetland mesocosm amended with sulfate. Chemosphere 59(2):227-233. PMID:15722094
  • Harmon SM, King JK, Gladden JB, Chandler GT, Newman LA. 2004. Methylmercury formation in a wetland mesocosm amended with sulfate. Environ Sci Technol 38(2):650-656. PMID:14750744
  • Newman LA, Reynolds CM. 2004. Phytodegradation of organic compounds. Curr Opin Biotechnol 15(3):225-230. PMID:15193330


  • Doty SL, Shang TQ, Wilson AM, Moore AL, Newman LA, Strand SE, Gordon MP. 2003. Metabolism of the soil and groundwater contaminants, ethylene dibromide and trichloroethylene, by the tropical leguminous tree, Leuceana leucocephala. Water Res 37(2):441-449. PMID:12502073
  • Newman LA, Arnold CW. 2003. A review of the state of the technology. In: MTBE Remediation Handbook. Amherst Scientific Publishers,


  • Shang TQ, Newman LA, Gordon MP. 2002. Fate of trichloroethylene and carbon tetrachloride in terrestrial plants. In: Phytoremediation: Transformation and Control of Contaminants, Chapter 11. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ.


  • Doty SL, Shang TQ, Wilson AM, Tangen J, Westergreen AD, Newman LA, Strand SE, Gordon MP. 2000. Enhanced metabolism of halogenated hydrocarbons in transgenic plants containing mammalian cytochrome P450 2E1. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 97(12):6287-6291. PMID:10841534


  • Newman LA, Wang X, Muiznieks IA, Ekuan G, Ruszaj M, Cortellucci R, Domroes D, Karscig G, Newman T, Crampton RS, Hashmonay RA, Yost MG, Heilman PE, Duffy J, Gordon MP, Strand SE. 1999. Remediation of trichloroethylene in an artificial aquifer with trees: a controlled field study. Environ Sci Technol 33(13):2257-2265.


  • Gordon MP, Choe N, Duffy J, Ekuan G, Heilman PE, Muiznieks IA, Ruszaj M, Shurtleff BB, Strand SE, Wilmoth J, Newman LA. 1998. Phytoremediation of trichloroethylene with hybrid poplars. Environ Health Perspect 106(Suppl.4):1001-1004. PMID:9703485
  • Newman LA, Bod C, Choe N, Crampton RS, Cortellucci R, Domroes D, Doty SL, Duffy J, Ekuan G, Fogel D, Hashmonay RA, Heilman PE, Martin D, Muiznieks IA, Newman T, Ruszaj M, Shang TQ, Shurtleff BB, Stanley S, Strand SE, Wang X, Wilmoth J, Yost MG, Gordon MP. 1998. Phytoremediation of trichloroethylene and carbon tetrachloride: Results from bench to field. In: Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Research. Kansas City, MO.


  • Gordon MP, Choe N, Duffy J, Ekuan G, Heilman PE, Muiznieks IA, Newman LA, Ruszaj M, Shurtleff BB, Strand SE, Wilmoth J. 1997. Phytoremediation of Trichloroethylene with Hybrid Poplars. In: Phytoremediation of Soil and Water Contamination: ACE Symposium Series 664. American Chemical Society, pp.177-185.
  • Gordon MP, Strand SE, Choe N, Doty SL, Duffy J, Gordon E, Heilman PE, Martin D, Muiznieks A, Ruszaj M, Shang TQ, Shang B, Shurtleff BB, Stanley S, Wilmoth J, Newman LA. 1997. Phytoremediation of chlorinated solvents: Poplars remove chlorinated solvents from an aquifer in field trials. In: Proceedings of the IBC (International Business Communications ) Second Annual Conference on Phytoremediation.
  • Newman LA, Strand SE, Choe N, Duffy J, Ekuan G, Ruszaj M, Shurtleff BB, Wilmoth J, Heilman PE, Gordon MP. 1997. Uptake and biotransformation of trichloroethylene by hybrid poplars. Environ Sci Technol 31(4):1062-1067.
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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025