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Person Details: Harold F. Hemond

Superfund Research Program

Harold F. Hemond

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave, Bldg. 48-311
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
Phone: 617-253-1637
Fax: 617-258-8850


Research Briefs

Hazardous Waste Sites


  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Developing In Situ, Real-time Sensors for Toxicants at Superfund Sites, to Protect Public Health and Optimize Cleanup

Loring Air Force Base

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Developing In Situ, Real-time Sensors for Toxicants at Superfund Sites, to Protect Public Health and Optimize Cleanup

Olin Chemical

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Developing In Situ, Real-time Sensors for Toxicants at Superfund Sites, to Protect Public Health and Optimize Cleanup

Wells G&H

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Developing In Situ, Real-time Sensors for Toxicants at Superfund Sites, to Protect Public Health and Optimize Cleanup



  • Hu IH, Hemond HF. 2022. Benthic fluxes of fluorescent dissolved organic material, salt, and heat measured by multiple-sensor aquatic eddy covariance. Sensors (Basel) 22(22):8984. doi:10.3390/s22228984 PMID:36433578


  • Segev T, Harvey AP, Ajmani A, Johnson C, Longfellow W, Vandiver KM, Hemond HF. 2021. A case study in participatory science with mutual capacity building between university and tribal researchers to investigate drinking water quality in rural Maine. Environ Res 192:doi:10.1016/j.envres.2020.110460 PMID:33217437 PMCID:PMC7787195



  • Hu I, Hemond HF. 2019. Sensing volume and bandwidth characteristics of a multi-function sensor for eddy correlation measurements of benthic flux. Oceans 2019 Mts/ IEEE Seattle doi:10.23919/OCEANS40490.2019.8962789



  • Knauer K, Behra R, Hemond HF. 1999. Toxicity of inorganic and methylated arsenic to algal communities from lakes along an arsenic contamination gradient. Aquat Toxicol 46(3-4):221-230.
  • Tay ST, Hemond HF, Polz MF, Cavanaugh CM, Krumholz LR. 1999. Importance of Xanthobacter autotrophicus in toluene biodegradation within a contaminated stream. Syst Appl Microbiol 22(1):113-118. doi:10.1016/S0723-2020(99)80034-4 PMID:10188284


  • Kim H, Hemond HF. 1998. Natural discharge of volatile organic compounds from contaminated aquifer to surface waters. J Environ Eng (New York) 124(8):744-751. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9372(1998)124:8(744)
  • Tay ST, Hemond HF, Polz MF, Cavanaugh CM, DeJesus I, Krumholz LR. 1998. Two new Mycobacterium strains and their role in toluene degradation in a contaminated stream. Appl Environ Microbiol 64(5):1715-1720. PMID:9572941 PMCID:PMC106220
  • Zeeb PJ, Hemond HF. 1998. Hydrologic response of a wetland to changing moisture conditions: modeling effects of soil heterogeneity. Climatic Change 40:211-227.


  • Ahmann D, Krumholz LR, Hemond HF, Lovley DR, Morel FM. 1997. Microbial mobilization of arsenic from sediments of the Aberjona Watershed. Environ Sci Technol 31:2923-2930.
  • Moore MV, Pace ML, Mather JR, Murdoch PS, Howarth RW, Folt CL, Chen CY, Hemond HF, Flebbe PA, Driscoll CT. 1997. Potential effects of climate change on freshwater ecosystems of the New England/Mid-Atlantic region. Hydrological Processes 11:925-947.
  • Rogers CE, Tomita AV, Trowbridge PR, Gone J, Chen J, Zeeb PJ, Hemond HF, Thilly WG, Olmez I, Durant JL. 1997. Hair analysis does not support hypothesized arsenic and chromium exposure from drinking water in Woburn, Massachusetts. Environ Health Perspect 105(10):1090-1097. PMID:9349834
  • Zeeb PJ, Hemond HF, Germaine J. 1997. Design and performance of a portable piezocone driver for high resolution profiling of wetland sediments. Geotechnical Testing Journal 20(2):191-198.


  • Cohen BA, Krumholz LR, Kim H, Hemond HF. 1995. In Situ biodegradation of toluene in a contaminated stream. 2. Laboratory studies. Environ Sci Technol 29(1):117-125. PMID:22200209
  • Durant JL, Chen J, Hemond HF, Thilly WG. 1995. Elevated incidence of childhood leukemia in Woburn, Massachusetts: NIEHS Superfund Basic Research Program Search for Causes. Environ Health Perspect 103(Suppl.6):93-98. PMID:8549500
  • Kim H, Hemond HF, Krumholz LR, Cohen BA. 1995. In situ biodegradation of toluene in a contaminated stream. 1. Field studies. Environ Sci Technol 29(1):108-116. PMID:22200208
  • Mason RP, Morel FM, Hemond HF. 1995. The role of microorganisms in elemental mercury formation in natural waters. Water Air Soil Pollut 80(1-4):775-787. doi:10.1007/BF01189729
  • Spliethoff HM, Mason RP, Hemond HF. 1995. Interannual variability in the speciation and mobility of arsenic in a dimictic lake. Environ Sci Technol 29(8):2157-2161. doi:10.1021/es00008a041 PMID:22191370
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Last Reviewed: December 05, 2024