Superfund Research Program
David A. Kalman
University of Washington
Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Health Sciences Building, F-463
Box 357234
Seattle, Washington 98195-7234
Phone: 206-543-6991
Fax: 206-616-0477
- University of Washington: Human Dosimetry for Assessment of Exposure to Volatile Compounds (1995 - 2006)
Research Briefs
- de la Rosa R, Steinmaus CM, Akers NK, Conde L, Ferreccio Readi C, Kalman DA, Zhang KR, Skibola CF, Smith AH, Zhang L, Smith MT. 2017. Associations between arsenic (+3 oxidation state) methyltransferase (AS3MT) and N-6 adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase 1 (N6AMT1) polymorphisms, arsenic metabolism, and cancer risk in a Chilean population. Environ Mol Mutagen 58(6):411-422. doi:10.1002/em.22104 PMID:28640505 PMCID:PMC5515250
- Kalman DA, Dills RL, Steinmaus CM, Yunus M, Khan A, Prodhan M, Yuan Y, Smith AH. 2014. Occurrence of trivalent monomethyl arsenic and other urinary arsenic species in a highly exposed juvenile population in Bangladesh. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 24:113-120. doi:10.1038/jes.2013.14 PMID:23549402
- Melak D, Ferreccio Readi C, Kalman DA, Parra RL, Acevedo J, Perez L, Cortes S, Smith AH, Yuan Y, Liaw J, Steinmaus CM. 2014. Arsenic methylation and lung and bladder cancer in a case-control study in Northern Chile. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 274(2):225-231. doi:10.1016/j.taap.2013.11.014 PMID:24296302 PMCID:PMC4344188
- Smith AH, Yunus M, Khan A, Ercumen A, Yuan Y, Smith M, Liaw J, Balmes JR, von Ehrenstein OS, Raqib R, Kalman DA, Alam DS, Streatfield PK, Steinmaus CM. 2013. Chronic respiratory symptoms in children following in utero and early life exposure to arsenic in drinking water in Bangladesh. Int J Epidemiol 42(4):1077-1086. doi:10.1093/ije/dyt120 PMID:24062297 PMCID:PMC3781005
- Smith AH, Liaw J, Steinmaus CM, Basu A, Mitra SR, Kalman DA. 2012. Relationship of creatinine and nutrition with arsenic metabolism: Smith et al. Respond. Environ Health Perspect 120(4):a146-a147. doi:10.1289/ehp.1104807R
- Basu A, Mitra SR, Chung JS, Guha-Mazumder DN, Ghosh N, Kalman DA, von Ehrenstein OS, Steinmaus CM, Liaw J, Smith AH. 2011. Creatinine, diet, micronutrients, and arsenic methylation in West Bengal, India. Environ Health Perspect 119(9):1308-1313. doi:10.1289/ehp.1003393 PMID:21652291 PMCID:PMC3230402
- Ren X, Aleshin M, Jo WJ, Kalman DA, Vulpe CD, Smith MT, Zhang L. 2011. Involvement of N-6 adenine-specific DNA methyltransferase 1 (N6AMT1) in arsenic biomethylation and its role in arsenic-induced toxicity. Environ Health Perspect 119:771-777. doi:10.1289/ehp.1002733 PMID:21193388 PMCID:PMC3114810
- Porter KE, Basu A, Hubbard AE, Bates MN, Kalman DA, Rey OA, Smith AH, Smith MT, Steinmaus CM, Skibola CF. 2010. Association of genetic variation in cystathionine-beta-synthase and arsenic metabolism. Environ Res 110(6):580-587. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2010.05.001 PMID:20670920 PMCID:PMC2913479
- Steinmaus CM, Yuan Y, Kalman DA, Rey OA, Skibola CF, Dauphine DC, Basu A, Porter KE, Hubbard AE, Bates MN, Smith MT, Smith AH. 2010. Individual differences in arsenic metabolism and lung cancer in a case-control study in Cordoba, Argentina. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 247(2):138-145. doi:10.1016/j.taap.2010.06.006 PMID:20600216 PMCID:PMC3849353
- Jo WJ, Loguinov AV, Wintz H, Chang M, Smith AH, Vulpe CD, Kalman DA, Zhang L, Smith MT. 2009. Comparative functional genomic analysis identifies distinct and overlapping sets of genes required for resistance to monomethylarsonous acid (MMAIII) and arsenite (AsIII) in yeast. Toxicol Sci 111(2):424-436. doi:10.1093/toxsci/kfp162 PMID:19635755 PMCID:PMC2742584
- George CM, Smith AH, Kalman DA, Steinmaus CM. 2007. Reverse osmosis filter use and high arsenic levels in private well water. Arch Environ Occup Health 61(4):171-5. PMID:17867571
- Steinmaus CM, Moore LE, Shipp M, Kalman DA, Rey OA, Biggs ML, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Bates MN, Zheng S, Wiencke JK, Smith AH. 2007. Genetic polymorphisms in MTHFR 677 and 1298, GSTM1 and T1, and metabolism of arsenic. J Toxicol Environ Health A 70(2):159-170. doi:10.1080/15287390600755240 PMID:17365577
- von Ehrenstein OS, Poddar S, Yuan Y, Guha-Mazumder DN, Eskenazi B, Basu A, Hira Smith MM, Ghosh N, Lahiri S, Haque R, Ghosh A, Kalman DA, Das S, Smith AH. 2007. Children's intellectual function in relation to arsenic exposure. Epidemiology 18(1):44-51. PMID:17149142
- Johns DO, Daniell WE, Shen D, Kalman DA, Dills RL, Morgan MS. 2006. Ethanol-induced increase in the metabolic clearance of 1,1,1-trichloroethane in human volunteers. Toxicol Sci 92(1):61-70. PMID:16638923
- Steinmaus CM, Bates MN, Yuan Y, Kalman DA, Atallah R, Rey OA, Biggs ML, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Moore LE, Hoang BK, Smith AH. 2006. Arsenic methylation and bladder cancer risk in case-control studies in Argentina and the United States. J Occup Environ Med 48(5):478-488. PMID:16688004
- Steinmaus CM, George CM, Kalman DA, Smith AH. 2006. Evaluation of two new arsenic field test kits capable of detecting arsenic water concentrations close to 10 ug/L. Environ Sci Technol 40(10):3362-3366. PMID:16749706
- von Ehrenstein OS, Guha-Mazumder DN, Hira Smith MM, Ghosh N, Yuan Y, Windham GC, Ghosh A, Haque R, Lahiri S, Kalman DA, Das S, Smith AH. 2006. Pregnancy outcomes, infant mortality, and arsenic in drinking water in West Bengal, India. Am J Epidemiol 163(7):662-669. doi:10.1093/aje/kwj089 PMID:16524957
- Steinmaus CM, Yuan Y, Kalman DA, Atallah R, Smith AH. 2005. Intraindividual variability in arsenic methylation in a US population. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 14(4):919-924. doi:10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-04-0277 PMID:15824164
- Bates MN, Rey OA, Biggs ML, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Moore LE, Kalman DA, Steinmaus CM, Smith AH. 2004. Case-control study of bladder cancer and exposure to arsenic in Argentina. Am J Epidemiol 159:381-389. PMID:14769642
- Haque R, Guha-Mazumder DN, Samanta S, Ghosh N, Kalman DA, Hira Smith MM, Mitra SR, Santra A, Lahiri S, Das S, De BK, Smith AH. 2003. Arsenic in drinking water and skin lesions: dose-response data from West Bengal, India. Epidemiology 14(2):174-182. PMID:12606883
- Moore LE, Smith AH, Eng C, DeVries S, Kalman DA, Bhargava V, Chew K, Ferreccio Readi C, Rey OA, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Biggs ML, Bates MN, Waldman FM. 2003. P53 alterations in bladder tumors from arsenic and tobacco exposed patients. Carcinogenesis 24(11):1785-1791. PMID:12919957
- Chung JS, Kalman DA, Moore LE, Kosnett MJ, Arroyo AP, Beeris M, Guha-Mazumder DN, Hernandez AL, Smith AH. 2002. Family correlations of arsenic methylation patterns in children and parents exposed to high concentrations of arsenic in drinking water. Environ Health Perspect 110(7):729-733. PMID:12117651
- Moore LE, Smith AH, Eng C, Kalman DA, DeVries S, Bhargava V, Chew K, Moore DH, Ferreccio Readi C, Rey OA, Waldman FM. 2002. Arsenic-related chromosomal alterations in bladder cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 94(22):1688-1696. PMID:12441324
- Pierce RH, Chen Y, Dills RL, Morgan MS, Kalman DA. 2002. Toluene metabolites as biological indicators of exposure. Toxicol Lett 129(1-2):65-76. PMID:11879975
- Wilder L, Morgan MS, Kalman DA, Dills RL. 2000. Analysis of factors influencing urinary metabolite concentrations, including adjustment for urinary flow rate and creatinine or dissolved solids. In: Proceedings of the annual American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition. Orlando, FL.
- Luderer U, Morgan MS, Brodkin CA, Kalman DA, Faustman EM. 1999. Reproductive endocrine effects of acute toluene exposure in men and women. Occup Environ Med 56(10):657-666. PMID:10658543
- Vicini P, Pierce CH, Dills RL, Morgan MS, Kalman DA. 1999. Individual prior information in a physiological model of 2H8-toluene kinetics: an empirical Bayes estimation strategy. Risk Anal 19(6):1127-1134. PMID:10765452
- Pierce CH, Dills RL, Morgan MS, Vicini P, Kalman DA. 1998. Biological monitoring of controlled toluene exposure. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 71:433-444. PMID:9826075
- Biggs ML, Kalman DA, Moore LE, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Smith MT, Smith AH. 1997. Relationship of urinary arsenic to intake estimates and a biomarker of effect, bladder cell micronuclei. Mutat Res Rev Mutat Res 386:185-195. PMID:9219557
- Dills RL, Bellamy GM, Kalman DA. 1997. Quantitation of o-, m-, and p-cresol and deuterated analogs in human urine by gas chromatography with electron capture detection. Journal of Chromatographic Science 703:105-113. doi:10.1016/S0378-4347(97)00407-6 PMID:9448067
- Moore LE, Smith AH, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Biggs ML, Kalman DA, Smith MT. 1997. Decrease in bladder cell micronucleus prevalance after intervention to lower the concentration of arsenic in drinking water. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 6(12):1051-1056. PMID:9419402
- Moore LE, Smith AH, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Biggs ML, Kalman DA, Smith MT. 1997. Micronuclei in exfoliated bladder cells among individuals chronically exposed to arsenic in drinking water. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 6(1):31-36. PMID:8993795
- Pierce CH, Dills RL, Lewandowski TA, Morgan MS, Wessels MA, Shen D, Kalman DA. 1997. Estimation of background exposure to toluene using a physiologically-based kinetic model. J Occup Health 39(2):130-137.
- Hopenhayn-Rich C, Biggs ML, Kalman DA, Moore LE, Smith AH. 1996. Arsenic methylation patterns before and after change from high to lower arsenic concentrations in drinking water. Environ Health Perspect 104(11):1200-1207. PMID:8959409
- Moore LE, Smith AH, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Biggs ML, Warner M, Kalman DA, Smith MT. 1996. Increased micronuclei found in two populations environmentally exposed to arsenic. Clin Chem 41(12):1915-1917.
- Moore LE, Warner M, Smith AH, Kalman DA, Smith MT. 1996. Use of the fluorescent micronucleus assay to detect the clastogenic effects of radiation and arsenic in human exfoliated epithelial cells. Environ Mol Mutagen 27:176-184. PMID:8625953
- Pierce CH, Dills RL, Morgan MS, Nothstein GL, Shen D, Kalman DA. 1996. Interindividual differences in 2H8-toluene toxicokinetics assessed by a semi-empirical physiologically-based model. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 139(1):49-61.
- Pierce CH, Dills RL, Silvey GW, Kalman DA. 1996. Partition coefficients between human blood or adipose tissue and air for aromatic solvents. Scand J Work Environ Health 22(2):112-118. PMID:8738889
- Smith AH, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Biggs ML, Moore LE, Kalman DA, Oyanguren C, Marchetti C. 1996. Marcadores biologicas de exposicion y efecto relacionados con el contenido arsenical del agua de beber en el Desierto de Atacama. In: Proceedings of Las Segundas Jornadas de Arcenicismo Laboral y Ambiental, Nov.22-25, Antofagasta, Chile. 1996. Antofagasta, Chile.
- Smith AH, Biggs ML, Hopenhayn-Rich C, Kalman DA. 1995. Arsenic risk assessment [letter]. Environ Health Perspect 103:13-15. PMID:7628413