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Person Details: Gloria V. Callard

Superfund Research Program

Gloria V. Callard

Boston University
Biology Department
5 Cummington Street
Boston, Massachusetts 02215
Phone: 617-353-8980
Fax: 617-353-6340


Research Briefs



  • Cotter KA, Nacci DE, Champlin D, Yeo AT, Gilmore TD, Callard GV. 2016. Adaptive significance of ERα splice variants in killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) resident in an estrogenic environment. Endocrinology 157(6):2294-2308. doi:10.1210/en.2016-1052 PMID:27070100


  • Cotter KA, Nacci DE, Champlin D, Chuprin J, Callard GV. 2015. Cloning of multiple ERα mRNA variants in killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus), and differential expression by tissue type, stage of reproduction, and estrogen exposure in fish from polluted and unpolluted environments. Aquat Toxicol 159:184-197. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2014.12.012 PMID:25550165 PMCID:PMC4300264


  • Callard GV, Tarrant AM, Novillo-Villajos A, Yacci P, Ciaccia L, Vajda S, Chuang G, Kozakov D, Greytak SR, Sawyer SJ, Hoover CA, Cotter KA. 2011. Evolutionary origins of the estrogen signaling system: Insights from amphioxus. Psychiatr Pol 127:176-188. doi:10.1016/j.jsbmb.2011.03.022 PMID:21514383 PMCID:PMC3179578


  • Greytak SR, Tarrant AM, Nacci DE, Hahn ME, Callard GV. 2010. Estrogen responses in killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) from polluted and unpolluted environments are site- and gene-specific. Aquat Toxicol 99(2):291-299. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2010.05.009 PMID:20570371 PMCID:PMC2907899
  • McCurley A, Callard GV. 2010. Time course analysis of gene expression patterns in zebrafish eye during optic nerve regeneration. J Neurosci 17:13. PMID:20740047 PMCID:PMC2926816



  • Burnett KG, Bain LJ, Baldwin WS, Callard GV, Cohen S, Di Giulio RT, Evans DH, Gomez-Chiarri M, Hahn ME, Hoover CA, Karchner SI, Katoh F, MacLatchy DL, Marshall WS, Meyer JN, Nacci DE, Rees BB, Singer TD, Stegeman JJ, Towle DW, van Veld PA, Vogelbein WK, Whitehead A, Winn RN, Crawford DL, Oleksiak MF. 2007. Fundulus as the premier teleost model in environmental biology: opportunities for new insights using genomics. Comp Biochem Physiol Part D Genomics Proteomics 2(4):257-286. doi:10.1016/j.cbd.2007.09.001 PMID:18071578 PMCID:PMC2128618
  • Engel KB, Callard GV. 2007. Endocrinology of Leydig cells in nonmammalian vertebrates. Chapter 15 in: The Leydig Cell in Health and Disease. Humana Press, pp.207-224.
  • Greytak SR, Callard GV. 2007. Cloning of three estrogen receptors (ER) from killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus): differences in populations from polluted and reference environments. Gen Comp Endocrinol 150(1):174-88. PMID:16962596


  • Sawyer SJ, Gerstner KA, Callard GV. 2006. Development of a real time PCR assay for the differential detection and quantification of cytochrome P450 aromatase isoforms in zebrafish: tissue distribution, sex differences, developmental programming, and estrogen regulation. Gen Comp Endocrinol 147(2):108-117.
  • Sawyer SJ, Gerstner KA, Callard GV. 2006. Real-time PCR analysis of cytochrome P450 aromatase expression in zebrafish: gene specific tissue distribution, sex differences, developmental programming, and estrogen regulation. Gen Comp Endocrinol 147(2):108-17. PMID:16458310
  • Tarrant AM, Greytak SR, Callard GV, Hahn ME. 2006. Estrogen receptor-related receptors in the killifish Fundulus heteroclitus: diversity, expression, and estrogen responsiveness. J Mol Endocrinol 37(1):105-20. PMID:16901928


  • Greytak SR, Champlin D, Callard GV. 2005. Isolation and characterization of two cytochrome P450 aromatase forms in killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus): differential expression in fish from polluted and unpolluted environments. Aquat Toxicol 71(4):371-389. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2004.12.007 PMID:15710484


  • Callard GV, Tchoudakova AV, Kishida M, Wood E. 2001. Differential tissue distribution, developmental programming, estrogen regulation and promoter characteristics of cyp19 genes in teleost fish. Psychiatr Pol 79(1-5):305-314. PMID:11850237
  • Kishida M, Callard GV. 2001. Distinct cytochrome P450 aromatase isoforms in zebrafish (Danio rerio) brain and ovary are differentially programmed and estrogen regulated during early development. Endocrinology 142(2):740-750. doi:10.1210/endo.142.2.7928 PMID:11159846
  • Kishida M, McLellan M, Miranda JA, Callard GV. 2001. Estrogen and xenoestrogens upregulate the brain aromatase isoform (P450aromB) and perturb markers of early development in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Comp Biochem Physiol 129(2-3):261-268. PMID:11399458
  • Tchoudakova AV, Kishida M, Wood E, Callard GV. 2001. Promoter characteristics of two cyp19 genes differentially expressed in the brain and ovary of teleost fish. Psychiatr Pol 78(5):427-439. PMID:11738553
  • Zhao J, Mak P, Tchoudakova AV, Callard GV, Chen S. 2001. Different catalytic properties and inhibitor responses of the goldfish brain and ovary aromatatase isozymes. Gen Comp Endocrinol 123(2):180-191. PMID:11482939


  • Betka M, Welenc A, Franks DG, Hahn ME, Callard GV. 2000. Characterization of two aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) mRNA forms in Squalus acanthias and stage-dependent expression during spermatogenesis. Bull Mt Desert Isl Biol Lab Salisb Cove Maine 39:65-67.
  • Callard GV, Wang C. 2000. PCR-Differential display identifies a subset of stage-dependent and cadmium-regulated mitochondrial genes during spermatogenesis. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Hormones & Endocrine Disruptors in Food and Water: Possible Effects on Human Health. Copenhagen, Denmark.


  • Betka M, Callard GV. 1999. Stage-dependent accumulation of cadmium and induction of metallothionein-like binding activity in the testis of the dogfish shark Squalus acanthias. Biol Reprod 60(1):14-22. PMID:9858481
  • Betka M, Welenc A, Hahn ME, Callard GV. 1999. Stage-related distribution of two arylhydrocarbon receptor (AhR) mRNA variants and differential effects of Ah ligands on cell proliferation and death during spermatogenesis in the spiny dogfish shark (Squalus acanthias). In: Proceedings of the 1999 SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxcology and Chemistry) Annual Meeting.
  • Callard GV, Callard IP. 1999. Spermatogenesis in subavian vertebrates. In: Encyclopedia of Reproduction, Vol 4. Academic Press, pp.563-570.
  • Callard GV, McClusky LM, Betka M. 1999. Stage-specific effects of hormones and spermatotoxicants on germ cell proliferation and death: the shark testis model. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Endocrine Disruptors. 5th International Congress Physiology Biochemistry Calgary. Calgary, Canada.
  • Callard GV, Wang C, Sikora R, Betka M. 1999. In vivo effects of cadmium on the estrogen signaling pathway during spermatogenesis. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Estrogens in the Environment. New Orleans, LA.


  • Betka M, Callard GV. 1998. Cloning of an androgen receptor cDNA from Squalus acanthias testis. Bull Mt Desert Isl Biol Lab Salisb Cove Maine 37:111.
  • Betka M, Callard GV. 1998. Negative feedback control of the spermatogenic progression by testicular estrogen synthesis: insights from the shark testis model. APMIS 106(1-6):252-258. doi:10.1111/j.1699-0463.1998.tb01344.x PMID:9524587
  • Callard GV, McClusky LM, Betka M. 1998. Apoptosis as a normal mechanism of growth control and target of toxicant actions during spermatogenesis: insights using the shark testis model. In: New Developments in Marine Biotechnology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.125-128.
  • McClusky LM, Betka M, Callard GV. 1998. Stage-specific actions of cadmium on apoptosis during spermatogenesis. In: Proceedings of the Superfund Basic Research Program (SBRP) Conference, 1998. Boston, MA.


  • Callard GV. 1997. Unconventional models for toxicology research. In: Comprehensive Toxicology, Vol. 10, Reproductive and Endocrine Toxicology. Section I. Male Reproductive Toxicology. Elsevier, NY. pp.235-247.
  • McClusky LM, Betka M, Callard GV. 1997. Preferential accumulation of cadmium and effects on apoptosis during premiotic stages of spermatogenesis. In: Proceedings of the XIVth Testis Workshop: Germ cell development, division, disruption and death. Serono Symposium. Baltimore, MD.
  • McClusky LM, Callard GV. 1997. In situ end-labeling of fragmented DNA in apoptotic germ cells in the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) testis. Bull Mt Desert Isl Biol Lab Salisb Cove Maine 36:106-107.


  • Callard GV. 1996. Endocrinology of Leydig cells in nonmammalian vertebrates. In: The Leydig Cell. Cache River Press, Clearwater, FL. pp.307-332.
  • McClusky LM, Betka M, Miller D, Callard GV. 1996. Analysis of the apoptotic form of programmed cell death (PCD) during spermatogenesis in spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias). Bull Mt Desert Isl Biol Lab Salisb Cove Maine 35:96-97.
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Last Reviewed: December 05, 2024