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Person Details: Ellen B. Gold

Superfund Research Program

Ellen B. Gold

University of California-Davis
Department of Public Health Sciences: MED
106 TB 169
One Shields Avenue
Davis, California 95616
Phone: 530-752-2446
Fax: 530-752-3239


Hazardous Waste Sites

Aerojet General Corp.

  • University of California-Davis: Epidemiology Studies



  • Gold EB, Blount BC, Rasor MO, Lee JS, Alwis U, Srivastav A, Kim K. 2013. Thyroid hormones and thyroid disease in relation to perchlorate dose and residence near a Superfund site. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 23:399-408. doi:10.1038/jes.2012.90 PMID:22968349 PMCID:PMC3907373


  • Kassam A, Overstreet JW, Snow-Harter C, De Souza MJ, Gold EB, Lasley BL. 1996. Identification of anovulation and transient luteal function using a urinary pregnanediol-3-glucuronide ratio algorithm. Environ Health Perspect 104(4):408-413. PMID:8732951


  • Eskenazi B, Gold EB, Lasley BL, Samuels S, Hammond SK, Wight S, Rasor MO, Hines CJ, Schenker MB. 1995. Prospective monitoring of early fetal loss and clinical spontaneous abortion among female semiconductor workers. Am J Ind Med 28(6):833-846. PMID:8588567
  • Eskenazi B, Gold EB, Samuels S, Wight S, Lasley BL, Hammond SK, Rasor MO, Schenker MB. 1995. Prospective assessment of fecundability of female semiconductor workers. Am J Ind Med 28(6):817-831. PMID:8588566
  • Gold EB, Eskenazi B, Hammond SK, Lasley BL, Samuels S, Rasor MO, Hines CJ, Overstreet JW, Schenker MB. 1995. Prospectively assessed menstrual cycle characteristics in female wafer-fabrication and nonfabrication semiconductor employees. Am J Ind Med 28(6):799-815. PMID:8588565
  • Gold EB, Eskenazi B, Lasley BL, Samuels S, Rasor MO, Overstreet JW, Schenker MB. 1995. Epidemiologic methods for prospective assessment of menstrual cycle and reproductive characteristics in female semiconductor workers. Am J Ind Med 28(6):783-797. PMID:8588564
  • Lasley BL, Lohstroh PN, Kuo A, Gold EB, Eskenazi B, Samuels S, Stewart DR, Overstreet JW. 1995. Laboratory methods for evaluating early pregnancy loss in an industry-based population. Am J Ind Med 28(6):771-781. PMID:8588563
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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025