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Person Details: Timothy Ford

Superfund Research Program

Timothy Ford

Harvard School of Public Health
665 Huntington Avenue
Environmental Science and Engineering, Room 1-G17
Boston, Massachusetts 02115
Phone: 617-432-3434
Fax: 617-432-3349

Research Briefs

Hazardous Waste Sites

New Bedford Estuary

  • Harvard School of Public Health: Assessment of Contaminant Concentrations and Ecologic Implications



  • Ford T, Jay J, Patel A, Kile ML, Prommasith P, Galloway TS, Sanger RC, Smith KL, Depledge MH. 2005. Use of ecotoxicological tools to evaluate the health of New Bedford Harbor sediments: A microbial biomarker approach. Environ Health Perspect 113(2):186191. PMID:15687056
  • Riederer AM, Shine JP, Danan LM, Ford T. 2005. Concentrations of lead and mercury in multimedia samples from homes near the former Clark Air Base, Philippines. Sci Total Environ 341(1-3):53-69. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2004.09.029 PMID:15833241


  • Egorov A, Frost F, Muller T, Naumova E, Tereschenko A, Ford T. 2004. Serological evidence of Cryptosporidium infections in a Russian city and evaluation of risk factors for infections. Ann Epidemiol 14(2):129-136. PMID:15018886


  • Egorov A, Naumova E, Tereschenko A, Kislitsin V, Ford T. 2003. Daily variations in effluent water turbidity and diarrheal illness in a Russian city. Int J Environ Health Res 13(1):81-94. PMID:12745350
  • Egorov A, Tereschenko A, Altshul LM, Vartiainen T, Samsonov D, LaBrecque B, Maki-Paakkanen J, Drizd N, Ford T. 2003. Exposures to drinking water chlorination by-products in a Russian city. Int J Hyg Environ Health 206(6):539-551. PMID:14626901
  • Ford T, Jay J, Patel A, Promasith P, Galloway TS, Sanger KL, Smith KL, Depledge MH, Kile ML. 2003. Microbial Biomarkers of Contaminant Stress: Their Future as Monitoring Tools. In: Proceedings of the NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) Asilomar Conference on Bioremediation & Biodegradation: Current Advances in Reducing Toxicity, Exposure and Environmental Consequences. Pacific Grove, CA.


  • Egorov A, Ford T, Tereschenko A, Drizd N, Fourman V. 2002. Deterioration of drinking water quality in the distribution system and gastrointestinal morbidity in a Russian city. Int J Environ Health Res 12(3):221-233. doi:10.1080/09603/202/000000989 PMID:12396523
  • Egorov A, Paulauskis JD, Lubov P, Tereschenko A, Drizd N, Ford T. 2002. Contamination of water supplies with Cryptosporidium parvum and Giardia lamblia and diarrheal illness in selected Russian cities. Int J Hyg Environ Health 205(4):281-289. PMID:12068747
  • Galloway TS, Sanger RC, Smith KL, Fillmann G, Readman JW, Ford T, Depledge MH. 2002. Rapid assessment of marine pollution using multiple biomarkers and chemical immunoassays. Environ Sci Technol 36:2219-2226. PMID:12038833
  • Jay J, Ford T. 2002. Heavy metals in water, bioaccumulation and human health implications. In: The Lerma-Chapala Watershed: Evaluation and Management. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, NY.
  • Jay J, Ford T. 2002. Water concentrations, bioaccumulation and human health implications of heavy metals in Lake Chapala. In: The Lerma-Chapala Watershed: Evaluation and Management. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, NY. pp.123-136.
  • Knap A, Dewailly E, Furgal C, Galvin J, Baden DG, Bowen R, Depledge MH, Duguay L, Fleming LE, Ford T, Moser F, Owen R, Suk WA, Unluata U. 2002. Indicators of ocean health and human health: developing a research and monitoring framework. Environ Health Perspect 110(9):839-845. PMID:12204815 PMCID:PMC1240980
  • Levin R, Epstein PR, Ford T, Harrington W, Olson E, Reichart E. 2002. US drinking water challenges in the 21st century. Environ Health Perspect 110:43-52.
  • Mohanty JC, Ford T, Harrington JJ, Lakshmipathy V. 2002. A cross-sectional study of enteric disease risks asociated with water quality and sanitation in Hyderabad City. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology - AQUA 51(5):239-251.


  • Ford T. 2001. Water and international health. Water Conditioning and Purification Magazine (InvitedEditorial).
  • Henrickson SE, Wong T, Allen PD, Ford T, Epstein PR. 2001. Marine swimming-related illness: implications for monitoring and environmental policy. Environ Health Perspect 109(7):645-650. PMID:11485861 PMCID:PMC1240366
  • Lachmayr KL, Paulauskis JD, Patel A, Ford T, Kile ML, Jay J. 2001. Prevalence of arsA, arsB, and arsC in Arsenic-Resistant New Bedford Harbor Bacteria: Implications For Biomarker Development. In: Proceedings of the American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL.
  • Liu C, Jay J, Ford T. 2001. Evaluation of environmental effects on metal transport from capped contaminated sediment under conditions of submarine groundwater discharge. Environ Sci Technol 35:4549-4555. PMID:11757615
  • Liu C, Jay J, Ika R, Shine JP, Ford T. 2001. Capping efficiency for metal-contaminated marine sediment under conditions of submarine groundwater discharge. Environ Sci Technol 35:2334-2340. PMID:11414041
  • Ryan RL, Lachmayr KL, Jay J, Ford T. 2001. Developmental effects of PCBs on the hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria). J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng 36:1571-1578. PMID:11688674


  • Egorov A, Naumova E, Kislitsin V, Tereschenko A, Ford T. 2000. Gastro-intestinal morbidity and daily variations of water quality in the city of Cherepovets, Russia. In: Proceedings of the 128th Annual Meeting of APHA. Boston, MA.
  • Ford T. 2000. Response of marine microbial communities to anthropogenic stress. Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery 7:75-89.
  • Ford T, Ika R, Shine JP, Davalos-Lind L, Lind O. 2000. Trace metal concentrations in Chirostoma sp. from Lake Chapala, Mexico: Elevated concentrations of mercury and public health implications. J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng 35:313-325.
  • Ford T, MacKenzie W. 2000. How safe is our drinking water? (Guest Editorial). Postgraduate Medicine 108(4):
  • Lind O, Davalos-Lind L, Ford T. 2000. Clay and the movement of metals into food fishes. J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng 35(7):1171-1182. doi:10.1080/10934520009377026
  • Liu C, Ika R, Shine JP, Ford T. 2000. Fluxes of heavy metals and capping effectiveness under conditions of groundwater inflow. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 80(supp.49):7.
  • Lung SC, Altshul LM, Ford T, Spengler JD. 2000. Coating effects on the glass adsorption of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners. Chemosphere 41(12):1865-1871. PMID:11061308
  • Lung SC, Yanagisawa Y, Ford T, Spengler JD. 2000. Characteristics of soprtion losses of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) cogeners onto glass surfaces. Chemosphere 41(12):1857-1864. PMID:11061307


  • Sorci J, Paulauskis JD, Ford T. 1999. 16S rRNA Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of bacterial diversity as a biomarker of ecological health in polluted sediments from New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts, USA. Mar Pollut Bull 38(8):663-675. doi:10.1016/S0025-326X(98)90199-0


  • Ford T, Sorci J, Ika R, Shine JP. 1998. Interactions between metals and microbial communities in New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts. Environ Health Perspect 106:1033-1039. PMID:9703489
  • Shine JP, Ika R, Ford T. 1998. Relationship between oxygen consumption and sediment - water fluxes of heavy metals in coastal marine sediments. Journal of Environmental and Toxicologic Chemicals 17:2325-2337.
  • Shine JP, Ryan D, Limon J, Ford T. 1998. Annual cycle of heavy metals in a tropical lake- Lake Chapala, Mexico.
  • Shine JP, Ryan D, Limon J, Ford T. 1998. Annual cycle of heavy metals in a tropical lake- Lake Chapala, Mexico. J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng A33:23-43. doi:10.1080/10934529809376716



  • Ford T, Colwell R. 1996. Global issues in microbiological water quality for the next century. In: Proceedings of American Academy of Microbiology. Washington, DC.


  • Ford T. 1995. Pollutant effects on the microbial ecosystem. Environ Health Perspect 102(supp.12):45-48. PMID:7713033
  • Ford T, Ika R, Shine JP. 1995. Relationship between biological activity and heavy metal fluxes from contaminated marine sediments. In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. Reno, NV. pp.a-51.
  • Ford T, Maki JS, Mitchell R. 1995. Metal-microbe interactions. In: Bioextraction and Biodeterioration of Metals. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom. pp.1-23.
  • Ford T, Ryan D. 1995. Toxic metals in aquatic ecosystems: A microbiological perspective. Environ Health Perspect 103(supp.1):25-28. PMID:7621793
  • Ford T, Shine JP. 1995. Microbial transport of toxic metals. In: Trace Substances, Environment, and Health. Science Reviews, Northwood, United Kingdom. pp.9-20.
  • Shine JP, Ika R, Ford T. 1995. Multivariate statistical examination of spatial and temporal patterns of heavy metal contamination in marine sediments. In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. Reno, NV. pp.a-51.
  • Shine JP, Ika R, Ford T. 1995. Multivariate statistical examination of spatial and temporal patterns of heavy metal contamination in New Bedford Harbor marine sediments. Environ Sci Technol 29:1781-1788. PMID:22176450
  • Sorci J, Paulauskis JD, Ford T. 1995. Microbial interactions with sediment pollutants in New Bedford Harbor, MA. In: Proceedings of the 95th General Meeting of the American Society of Microbiology. Washington, DC.
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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025