Superfund Research Program
Walter J. Weber
University of Michigan
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-2099
Phone: 734-763-2274
Fax: 734-936-4391
- Michigan State University: Factors Controlling the Environmental Mobility, Microbial Transformation and Toxicity of Mixed Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids and Exposed Soils/Sediments (1995 - 2006)
- Michigan State University: The Bioavailability, Dissolution and Sorption of Insoluble Mixtures (NAPLs) in Subsurface Systems (1995 - 2006)
Hazardous Waste Sites
Allied Paper, Inc./Portage Creek/Kalamazoo
- Michigan State University: Factors Controlling the Environmental Mobility, Microbial Transformation and Toxicity of Mixed Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids and Exposed Soils/Sediments
Pointe Mouillee confined disposal facility
- Michigan State University: Factors Controlling the Environmental Mobility, Microbial Transformation and Toxicity of Mixed Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids and Exposed Soils/Sediments
Saginaw River Drum
- Michigan State University: Factors Controlling the Environmental Mobility, Microbial Transformation and Toxicity of Mixed Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids and Exposed Soils/Sediments
Scouter Pond
- Michigan State University: Factors Controlling the Environmental Mobility, Microbial Transformation and Toxicity of Mixed Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids and Exposed Soils/Sediments
- Huang QG, Weber WJ. 2004. Interactions of soil-derived dissolved organic matter with phenol in peroxidase-catalyzed oxidative coupling reactions. Environ Sci Technol 38(1):338-344. PMID:14740756
- Huang QG, Weber WJ. 2004. Peroxidase-catalyzed coupling of phenol in the presence of model inorganic and organic solid phases. Environ Sci Technol 38(19):5238-5245. PMID:15506223
- Huang QG, Weber WJ. 2003. Reactive Inclusion of phenanthrene in the Oxidative Coupling Reactions of Phenol: Implications for Irreversible Sequestration via Humification. In: Proceedings of the 226th ACS (American Chemical Society) National Meeting - Fall 2003. New York, NY.
- Tang J, Weber WJ. 2003. Engineered Natural Organic Sorbents: Characterization of Their Properties and Sorption/desorption Behaviors. In: Proceedings of the 226th ACS (American Chemical Society) National Meeting - Fall 2003. New York, NY.
- Weber WJ. 2003. Organic Contaminant Bioavailability in Groundwater and Subsurface Systems. In: Proceedings of the Water Purification and Reuse, Engineering Conferences International, June 9-13. Potsdam, Germany.
- Weber WJ, Huang QG. 2003. Inclusion of persistent organic pollutants in humification processes: Direct chemical incorporation of phenanthrene via oxidative coupling. Environ Sci Technol 37(18):4221-4227. PMID:14524456
- Weber WJ, Kim S, Johnson MD. 2002. Distributed reactivity model for sorption by soils and sediments 15 High-concentration co-contaminant effects on phenanthrene sorption and desorption. Environ Sci Technol 36(16):3625-3634. PMID:12214658
- Gullick RW, Weber WJ. 2001. Evaluation of shale and organoclays as sorbent additives for low-permeability containment barriers. Environ Sci Technol 35(7):1523-1530. PMID:11348096
- Johnson MD, Weber WJ. 2001. Rapid prediction of long-term rates of contaminant desorption from soil and sediments. Environ Sci Technol 35:427-433. PMID:11347621
- Mukherji S, Weber WJ. 2001. Mass transfer effects on microbial uptake of napthalene from complex NAPLs. Biotechnol Bioeng 75(1):130-140. PMID:11536135
- Lueking AD, Huang WL, Soderstrom-Schwarz S, Kim M, Weber WJ. 2000. Relationship of soil organic matter characteristics to organic contaminant sequestration and bioavailability. J Environ Qual 29:317-323.
- Prak DL, Abriola LM, Weber WJ, Bocskay KA, Pennell KD. 2000. Solubilization rates of n-alkanes in micellar solutions of nonionic surfactants. Environ Sci Technol 34(3):476-482. doi:10.1021/es9903431
- Abriola LM, Pennell KD, Weber WJ, Lang JR, Wilkins MD. 1999. Persistence and interphase mass transfer of organic contaminants in the unsaturated zone: Experimental observations and mathematical modeling. In: Vadose Zone Hydrology; Cutting Across Disciplines. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. pp.210-234.
- Ghoshal S, Weber WJ, Rummel AM, Trosko JE, Upham BL. 1999. Epigenetic toxicity of a mixture of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on gap junctional intercellular communication before and after biodegradation. Environ Sci Technol 33:1044-1050.
- Peters CA, Mukherji S, Weber WJ. 1999. UNIFAC modeling of multicomponent nonaqueous phase liquids containing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Environ Toxicol Chem 18:426-429.
- Weber WJ, Mukherji S, Peters CA. 1998. Aqueous dissolution of the constituents of composite non-aqueous phase liquid contaminants. In: Soil and Aquifer Pollution. Springer-Verlag Publishers, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Mukherji S, Peters CA, Weber WJ. 1997. Mass transfer of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from complex DNAPL mixtures. Environ Sci Technol 31(2):416-423.
- Peters CA, Mukherji S, Knightes CD, Weber WJ. 1997. Phase stability of multicomponent NAPLs containing PAHs. Environ Sci Technol 31(9):2540-2546.
- Weber WJ, Mukherji S, Peters CA. 1996. Aqueous Dissolution of the Constituents of Composite Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid Contaminants. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop: Soils and Aquifer Pollution (Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid Contamination and Reclamation). Haifa, Israel.