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Person Details: James E. Trosko

Superfund Research Program

James E. Trosko

Michigan State University
Pediatrics and Human Developmental
246 Food Safety and Toxicology Building
East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1302
Phone: 517-884-2053
Fax: 517-432-6340


Research Briefs




  • Trosko JE, Upham BL. 2010. A paradigm shift is required for the risk assessment of potential human health after exposure to low level chemical exposures - a response to the toxicity testing in the 21st century report. Int J Toxicol 29(4):344-357. doi:10.1177/1091581810371384 PMID:20634539


  • Satoh AY, Trosko JE, Masten S. 2007. Methylene blue dye test for rapid qualitative detection of hydroxyl radicals formed in a Fenton's reaction aqueous solution. Environ Sci Technol 41(8):2881-7. PMID:17533853
  • Tai M, Upham BL, Olson LK, Tsao M, Reed DN, Trosko JE. 2007. Cigarette smoke components inhibited intercellular communication and differentiation in human pancreatic ductal epithelial cells. Int J Cancer 120(9):1855-62. PMID:17266035
  • Upham BL, Guzvic M, Scott J, Carbone JM, Blaha L, Coe C, Li L, Rummel AM, Trosko JE. 2007. Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication and activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase by tumor-promoting organic peroxides and protection by resveratrol. Nutr Cancer 57(1):38-47. PMID:17516861


  • Loch-Caruso R, Upham BL, Harris C, Trosko JE. 2005. Divergent roles for glutathione in lindane-induced acute and delayed-onset inhibition of rat myometrial gap junctions. Toxicol Sci 85(1):694-702. PMID:15716478
  • Luster-Teasley SL, Ganey PE, DiOrio M, Ward JS, Maleczka RE, Trosko JE, Masten S. 2005. Effect of byproducts from the ozonation of pyrene: Biphenyl-2,2 ',6,6 '-tetracarbaldehyde and biphenyl-2,2 ',6,6 '-tetracarboxylic acid on gap junction intercellular communication and neutrophil function. Environ Toxicol Chem 24(3):733-740. PMID:15786580
  • Trosko JE, Upham BL. 2005. The emperor wears no clothes in the field of carcinogen risk assessment: ignored concepts in cancer risk assessment. Mutagenesis 20(2):81-92. PMID:15784692


  • Davila JC, Cezar GG, Thiede M, Strom S, Miki T, Trosko JE. 2004. Use and application of stem cells in toxicology. Toxicol Sci 79(2):214-223. PMID:15014205
  • Linning KD, Tai M, Madhukar BV, Chang C, Reed DN, Ferber S, Trosko JE, Olson LK. 2004. Redox-mediated enrichment of self-renewing adult human pancreatic cells that possess endocrine differentiation potential. Pancreas 29(3):E64-E76. PMID:15367896
  • Moggs JG, Goodman JI, Trosko JE, Roberts RA. 2004. Epigenetics and cancer: implications for drug discovery and safety assessment. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 196(3):422-430. PMID:15094313
  • Nakamura Y, Trosko JE, Chang C, Upham BL. 2004. Psyllium extracts decreased neoplastic phenotypes induced by the Ha-Ras oncogene transfected into a rat liver oval cell line. Cancer Lett 203(1):13-24. PMID:14670613
  • Ogawa T, Hayashi T, Kyoizumi S, Kusunoki Y, Nakachi K, MacPhee DG, Trosko JE, Kataoka K, Yorioka N. 2004. Anisomycin downregulates gap-junctional intercellular communication via the p38 MAP-kinase pathway. Journal of Cell Science 117(10):2087-2096. PMID:15054109
  • Park J, Noh D, Kim S, Kim S, Kong G, Chang C, Lee Y, Trosko JE, Kang K. 2004. Gene expression analysis in SV40-immortalized human breast luminal epithelial cells with stem cell characteristics using a cDNA microarray. Int J Oncol 24(6):1545-1558. PMID:15138599
  • Trosko JE, Chang C, Upham BL, Tai M. 2004. Ignored hallmarks of carcinogenesis: stem cells and cell-cell communication. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1028:192-201. doi:10.1196/annals.1322.023 PMID:15650245


  • Hilscherova K, Blankenship AL, Kannan K, Nie M, Williams LL, Coady KK, Upham BL, Trosko JE, Bursian SJ, Giesy JP. 2003. Oxidative stress in laboratory-incubated double-crested cormorant eggs collected from the Great Lakes. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 45(4):533-546. PMID:14708670
  • Hilscherova K, Blankenship AL, Nie M, Coady KK, Upham BL, Trosko JE, Giesy JP. 2003. Oxidative stress in liver and brain of the hatchling chicken (Gallus domesticus) following in ovo injection with TCDD. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol 136(1):29-45. PMID:14522597
  • Holland MS, Griffin LD, Trosko JE, Holland RE. 2003. Ontogeny of bovine mammary gland progenitor cells. In: Proceedings of the Tuskegee University Medical Symposium, March 3-6.
  • Luster-Teasley SL, Yao JJ, Herner HH, Trosko JE, Masten S. 2003. Ozonation of chrysene: evaluation of by-product mixtures and identification of toxic constituents. Environ Sci Technol 36(5):869-876. PMID:11918009
  • Machala M, Blaha L, Vondracek J, Trosko JE, Scott J, Upham BL. 2003. Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication by noncoplanar polychlorinated biphenyls: Inhibitory potencies and screening for potential mode(s) of action. Toxicol Sci 76(1):102-111. PMID:12915713
  • Satoh AY, Trosko JE, Masten S. 2003. Epigenetic toxicity of hydroxylated biphenyls and hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls on normal rat liver epithelial cells. Environ Sci Technol 37(12):2727-2733. PMID:12854712
  • Tai M, Olson LK, Madhukar BV, Linning KD, Van Camp LL, Tsao M, Trosko JE. 2003. Characterization of gap junctional intercellular communication in immortalized human pancreatic ductal epithelial cells with stem cell characteristics. Pancreas 26(1):e18-e26. PMID:12499933
  • Tai M, Reed DN, Chang C, Trosko JE. 2003. Role of pancreatic stem cells in the emergence of pancreatic stellate cells and fibroblast-like cells in chronic pancreatitis. In: Proceedings of Pediatrics and Human Development Research Day Symposium. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.
  • Trosko JE. 2003. Epigenetic toxicant-induced modulation of Cell-cell comunication/pesticides/risk assessment: Different mechanisms but all roads lead to Rome. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium of the American Chemical Society, March 24. New Orleans,, LA.
  • Trosko JE. 2003. Human stem cells as targets for the aging and diseases of aging processes. Med Hypotheses 60(3):439-447. PMID:12581626
  • Trosko JE. 2003. Isolating adult human stem cells and their use in treating various human diseases by their use in screening for potential Chemopreventive agents. In: Proceedings of the First Nagasaki Symposium of International Consortium for Medical Care of Hibasusha and Radiation Life Sciences. Feb. 21-22. Nagasaki, Japan.
  • Trosko JE. 2003. Scientific concepts of human nature and their implications to bioethics in a scientific and technologically-altered world. Journal of International Society of Bioethics 68-83.
  • Trosko JE. 2003. The role of stem cells and gap junctional intercellular communication in carcinogenesis. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 36(1):43-48. PMID:12542974
  • Trosko JE, Chang C. 2003. Hallmarks of Radiation Carcinogenesis: Ignored Concepts. In: Radiation and Humankind. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.31-36.
  • Trosko JE, Chang C. 2003. Isolation and characterization of normal adult human epithelial pluripotent stem cells. Oncol Res 13(6-10):353-357. PMID:12725525
  • Trosko JE, Chang C, Tai M, Upham BL. 2003. The role of stem cells and cell-cell communication in cancer chemoprevention stategies. In: Proceedings of the ICMAA-VII (8th International Conference on mechanisms of anti-mutagenesis and anticarcinogenesis) Oct. 4-8. Pisa, Italy.
  • Upham BL, Koski TR, Rummel AM, Wilson MR, Horvath A, Trosko JE. 2003. Differential roles of 2, 6, and 8 carbon ceramides on the modulation of gap junctional communication and apoptosis during carcinogenesis. Cancer Lett 191(1):27-34. PMID:12609706
  • Upham BL, Rummel AM, Carbone JM, Trosko JE, Ouyang Y, Crawford RB, Kaminski NE. 2003. Cannabinoids inhibit gap junctional intercellular communication and activate ERK in a rat liver epithelial cell line. Int J Cancer 104(1):12-18. doi:10.1002/ijc.10899 PMID:12532414
  • Upham BL, Suzuki J, Chen G, Wang Y, McCabe LR, Chang C, Krutovskikh VA, Yamasaki H, Trosko JE. 2003. Reduced gap junctional intercellular communication and altered biological effects in mouse osteoblast and rat liver oval cell lines transfected with dominant-negative connexin 43. Mol Carcinog 37(4):192-201. PMID:12891628


  • Horvath A, Upham BL, Ganev V, Trosko JE. 2002. Determination of the epigenetic effects of ochratoxin in a human kidney and a rat liver epithelial cell line. Toxicon 40:273-282. PMID:11711124
  • Hu W, Jones PD, Upham BL, Trosko JE, Lau C, Giesy JP. 2002. Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication by perfluorinated compounds in rat liver and dolphin kidney epithelial cell lines in vitro and Sprague-Dawley rats in vivo. Toxicol Sci 68(2):429-436. PMID:12151638
  • Trosko JE. 2002. Up-regulation of cell-cell communication in the prevention/chemotherapy of cancer cells. In: Chemicals in the 21st Century: Chemicals for a sustainable Development, (H.R.H. Prrincess Chulabhorn, ed.,) Trinity Publishing Co., , Thailand. Trinity Publishing Co, Bangkok, Thailand. pp.180-186.
  • Trosko JE, Chang C. 2002. Epigenetic --toxicant induced modulated gap junctional intercellular communication. In: Comprehensive Toxicology: Cellular and Molecular Toxicology. Elserier Publishing, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.409-420.
  • Trosko JE, Chang C, Upham BL. 2002. Modulation of gap junctional communication by 'epigenetic toxicants': A shared mechanism in teratogenesis, carcinogenesis, atherogenesis, immunomodulation, reproductive- and neuro-toxicities. In: Biomarkers of Environmentally Associated Disease: Technologies, Concepts, and Perspectives. CRC Press Company, Boca Raton, FL. pp.445-454.
  • Upham BL, Davis JM, Trosko JE, Schwartz KA. 2002. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with bay-like structures inhibited gap junctional intercellular communication in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes and caused asynchronous beating. Toxicol Sci 00:1410.


  • Herner HA, Trosko JE, Masten S. 2001. The epigenetic toxicity of pyrene and related ozonation byproducts containing an aldehyde functional group. Environ Sci Technol 35(17):3576-3583. PMID:11563667
  • Masten S, Tian M, Upham BL, Trosko JE. 2001. Effect of selected pesticides and their ozonation by-products on gap junctional intercellular communication using rat liver epithelial cell lines. Chemosphere 44(3):457-465. PMID:11459151
  • Ruch RJ, Trosko JE, Madhukar BV. 2001. Inhibition of connexin43 gap junctional intercellular communication by TPA requires ERK activation. J Cell Biochem 83(1):163-169. PMID:11500965
  • Trosko JE. 2001. Commentary: is the concept of "tumor promotion" a useful paradigm?. Mol Carcinog 30(3):131-137. PMID:11301473
  • Trosko JE. 2001. Dietary modulation of gap junctonal communication during the rate limiting step of the initiation/promotion/progression process of carcinogenesis. Mutat Res 483:S7.
  • Trosko JE. 2001. Gap junctional intercellular communication: A 'Biological Rosetta Stone' concept for understanding 'Epigenetic' toxicology. In: Proceedings of the Asian Society of Toxicology.
  • Trosko JE. 2001. Modulation of gap junctional communication by 'epigenetic' toxicants: A shared mechanism in teratogenesis, atherogenesis, carcinogenesis, reproductive-, immuno- and neuro-toxicities. In: Arctic Development, Pollution and Biomarkers of Human Health. Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Trosko JE. 2001. Up-regulation of cell-cell communication in the chemoprevention/chemotherapy of cancer cells. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Princess Chulabhorn International Science Congress, Chemicals in the 21st Century.
  • Trosko JE, Kwan K, Upham BL, Halgren R, Zacharewski TR, Chang C. 2001. Stem cell biology in toxicology. Toxicol Sci 60:150.
  • Upham BL, Rummel AM, Carbone JM, Trosko JE, Ouyang Y, Kaminski NE. 2001. Cannabinoids inhibited gap junctional intercellular communication and activated extracellular receptor kinase in a rat liver epithelial cell line. Toxicol Sci 60:750.
  • Upham BL, Trosko JE, Hirose I, Hasegawa R, Kanno J, Inoue T, Sai K. 2001. Structure-activity relationships of perfluorinated fatty acids on gap junctional intercellular communication and MAPK using in vivo and in vitro model systems. Toxicol Sci 60:746.


  • Sai K, Kanno J, Hasegawa R, Trosko JE, Inoue T. 2000. Prevention of the down-regulation of gap junctional intercellular communication by green tea in the liver of mice fed pentachlorophenol. Carcinogenesis 21:1671-1676. PMID:10964098
  • Trosko JE, Chang C, Wilson MR, Upham BL, Hayashi T, Wade M. 2000. Gap junctions and the regulation of cellular functions of stem cells during development and differentiation. Methods 20(2):245-264. PMID:10671317


  • Ghoshal S, Weber WJ, Rummel AM, Trosko JE, Upham BL. 1999. Epigenetic toxicity of a mixture of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on gap junctional intercellular communication before and after biodegradation. Environ Sci Technol 33:1044-1050.
  • Rummel AM, Trosko JE, Wilson MR, Upham BL. 1999. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with bay-like regions inhibited gap junctional intercellular communication and stimulated MAPK activity. Toxicol Sci 49:232-240. PMID:10416268


  • Trosko JE, Chang C, Upham BL, Wilson MR. 1998. Epigenetic toxicology as toxicant-induced changes in intracellular signalling leading to altered gap junctional intercellular communication. Toxicol Lett 102-103:71-78. PMID:10022235
  • Trosko JE, Ruch RJ. 1998. Cell-cell communication in carcinogenesis. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed) 3:d208-d236. PMID:9458335
  • Upham BL, DeoCampo ND, Wurl B, Trosko JE. 1998. Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication by perfluorinated fatty acids dependent on the chain length of the fluorinated tail. Int J Cancer 78:491-495. PMID:9797139
  • Upham BL, Weis LM, Trosko JE. 1998. Modulated gap junctional intercellular communication as a biomarker of PAH epigenetic toxicity: structure-function relationship. Environ Health Perspect 106:975-984. PMID:9703481
  • Weis LM, Rummel AM, Masten S, Trosko JE, Upham BL. 1998. Bay or bay-like regions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were potent inhibitors of gap junction intercellular communication. Environ Health Perspect 106(1):17-22.


  • Madhukar BV, Trosko JE. 1997. The causes of cancer: implications for prevention and treatment. Indian Journal of Pediatrics 64:131-141. PMID:10771828
  • Upham BL, Boddy B, Xing X, Trosko JE, Masten S. 1997. Non-genotoxic effects of selected pesticides and their disinfection by-products on gap junctional intercellular communication. Ozone: Science & Engineering 19(4):351-369.
  • Upham BL, Kang K, Cho H, Trosko JE. 1997. Hydrogen peroxide inhibits gap junctional intercellular communication in glutathione sufficient but not glutathione deficient cells. Carcinogenesis 18(1):37-42. PMID:9054587


  • Hayashi T, Hasler CM, Oh SY, Madhukar BV, Chang C, Trosko JE. 1996. Characterization of an in vitro human kidney epithelial system to study gap junctional intercellular communication. In Vitr Mol Toxicol 9:3-17.
  • Kang K, Wilson MR, Hayashi T, Chang C, Trosko JE. 1996. Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication in normal human breast epithelial cells after treatment with pesticides, PCBs, and PBBs, alone or in mixtures. Environ Health Perspect 104(2):192-200. PMID:8820588 PMCID:PMC1469268
  • Madhukar BV, de Feijter-Rupp H, Trosko JE. 1996. Pulse treatment with tumor promoter TPA delays the onset of desensitization response and prolongs the inhibitory effect on gap junctional intercellular communication of a rat liver epithelial cell line WB F-344. Cancer Lett 106:117-123. PMID:8827055
  • Nomata K, Kang K, Hayashi T, Matesic D, Lockwood L, Chang C, Trosko JE. 1996. Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication in heptachlor- and heptachlor epoxide-treated normal human breast epithelial cells. Cell Biol Toxicol 12(2):69-78. PMID:8738476
  • Trosko JE. 1996. Role of low-level ionizing radiation in multi-step carcinogenic process. Health Phys 70(6):812-822. PMID:8635905
  • Trosko JE, Chang C, Madhukar BV, Dupont E. 1996. Intercellular communication: A paradigm for the interpretation of the initiation/promotion/ progression model of carcinogenesis. In: Chemical Induction of Cancer: Modulation and Combination Effects. Birkhauser Publisher, Boston, MA. pp.3.17-3.29.
  • Upham BL, Boddy B, Xing X, Trosko JE, Masten S. 1996. Non-genotoxic effects of selected pesticides and their disinfection by-products on gap junctional intercellular communication. In: Proceedings of the IOA (International Ozone Association) Pan American Conference: Applications and Optimization of Ozone for Potable Water Treatment, Sept. 8-11. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
  • Upham BL, Weis LM, Rummel AM, Masten S, Trosko JE. 1996. The effects of anthracene and methylated anthracenes on gap junctional intercellular communication in rat liver epithelial cells. Fundam Appl Toxicol 34(2):260-264. PMID:8954755


  • Upham BL, Yao JJ, Trosko JE, Masten S. 1995. Determination of the efficacy of ozone treatment systems using a gap junction intercellular communication bioassay. Environ Sci Technol 29:2923-2928. PMID:22148197
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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025