Superfund Research Program
Wendell P. Ela
University of Arizona
Department of Chemical & Environmental Engineering
Civil Engineering 306 E
PO Box 210011
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0011
Phone: 520-626-9323
Fax: 520-626-6048
- University of Arizona: Arsenic in Water: Removal Technologies and Residuals Disposal (2005-2010)
- University of Arizona: Role of Mineral Genesis, Dissolution, and Sorption on Arsenic Fate in Contained Waste Sites (2010-2015)
- Guzman HM, Li J, Keshta M, Saez AE, Ela WP. 2016. Release of arsenic from metal oxide sorbents under simulated mature landfill conditions. Chemosphere 151:84-93. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.02.039 PMID:26928334
- Li X, Felix O, Gonzales P, Saez AE, Ela WP. 2016. Reconciling PM10 analyses by different sampling methods for Iron King Mine tailings dust. Rev Environ Health 31(1):37-41. doi:10.1515/reveh-2015-0061 PMID:26820180
- Raghav M, Saez AE, Ela WP. 2016. Understanding abiotic ferrihydrite remineralization by ferrous ions. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 12(6):1945-1956. doi:10.1007/s13762-014-0599-7
- Stovern M, Guzman HM, Rine K, Felix O, King M, Ela WP, Betterton EA, Saez AE. 2016. Windblown dust deposition forecasting and spread of contamination around mine tailings. Atmosphere (Basel) 7(2):16. doi:10.3390/atmos7020016 PMID:29082035 PMCID:PMC5658141
- Gonzales P, Felix O, Alexander C, Lutz E, Ela WP, Saez AE. 2014. Laboratory dust generation and size-dependent characterization of metal and metalloid-contaminated mine tailings deposits. J Hazard Mater 280:619-626. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2014.09.002 PMID:25222928
- Gao X, Root RA, Farrell J, Ela WP, Chorover J. 2013. Effect of silicic acid on arsenate and arsenite retention mechanisms on 6-L ferrihydrite: A spectroscopic and batch adsorption approach. Appl Geochem 38:110-120. doi:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.09.005 PMID:25382933 PMCID:PMC4223807
- Mejia-Zamudio F, Valenzuela-Garcia J, Gomez-Alvarez A, Meza-Figueroa D, Ela WP. 2013. Adsorption of arsenic on pre-treated zeolite at different pH levels. Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability 25(4):280-284. doi:10.3184/095422913X13840126102755
- Raghav M, Shan J, Saez AE, Ela WP. 2013. Scoping candidate minerals for stabilization of arsenic-bearing solid residuals. J Hazard Mater 263Part2:525-532. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2013.10.009 PMID:24231323 PMCID:PMC3984437
- Root RA, Fathordoobadi S, Alday F, Ela WP, Chorover J. 2013. Microscale speciation of arsenic and iron in ferric-based sorbents subjected to simulated landfill conditions. Environ Sci Technol 47(22):12992-13000. doi:10.1021/es402083h PMID:24102155 PMCID:PMC3882129
- Ela WP, Sedlak DL, Barlaz MA, Henry HF, Muir DG, Swackhamer DL, Weber EJ, Arnold RG, Ferguson PL, Field JA, Furlong ET, Giesy JP, Halden RU, Henry T, Hites RA, Hornbuckle KC, Howard PH, Luthy RG, Meyer AK, Saez AE, vom Saal FS, Vulpe CD, Wiesner MR. 2011. Toward identifying the next generation of superfund and hazardous waste site contaminants. Environ Health Perspect 119(1):6-10. doi:10.1289/ehp.1002497 PMID:21205582 PMCID:PMC3018501
- Shan J, Saez AE, Ela WP. 2010. Evaluating the mobility of arsenic in synthetic iron-containing solids using a modified sequential extraction method. J Environ Eng (New York) 136(2):238-245. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000136 PMID:23459695 PMCID:PMC3584346
- Arnold RG, Quanrud DM, Ela WP, Saez AE, Teske S, Tomanek M, Engstrom J, Leung C, Zhang J, Banihani Q. 2008. Fate of polybrominated diphenyl ethers during wastewater treatment/polishing and sludge stabilization/disposal. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1140:394-411. doi:10.1196/annals.1454.012 PMID:18991940
- Mukiibi M, Ela WP, Saez AE. 2008. Effect of ferrous iron on arsenate sorption to amorphous ferric hydroxide. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1140:335-345. doi:10.1196/annals.1454.024 PMID:18991933
- Shaw JK, Fathordoobadi S, Zelinski BJ, Ela WP, Saez AE. 2008. Stabilization of arsenic-bearing solid residuals in polymeric matrices. J Hazard Mater 152(3):1115-1121. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2007.07.106 PMID:17825487
- Ghosh A, Mukiibi M, Saez AE, Ela WP. 2006. Leaching of arsenic from granular ferric hydroxide residuals under mature landfill conditions. Environ Sci Technol 40(19):6070-6075. PMID:17051802
- Ju XM, Hecht M, Galhotra RA, Ela WP, Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Saez AE. 2006. Destruction of gas-phase trichloroethylene in a modified fuel cell. Environ Sci Technol 40(2):612-617. PMID:16468410
- Li H, Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Ela WP, Barbaris B, Grachane C. 2005. Convenient new chemical actinometer based on aqueous acetone, 2-propanol, and carbon tetrachloride. Environ Sci Technol 39(7):2262-2266. PMID:15871262
- Ghosh A, Mukiibi M, Ela WP. 2004. Adequacy of TCLP testing on arsenic: Possible impacts on landfills. In: AHS (Arizona Hydrological Society) Scientific Landfill Symposium, 2004. Tucson, AZ.
- Ghosh A, Mukiibi M, Ela WP. 2004. Toxics leaching from the residuals of arsenic treatment under landfill conditions. In: Proceedings of the 77th Annual Conference of Arizona Water & Pollution Control Association, 2004. Mesa, AZ.
- He J, Arnold RG, Saez AE, Betterton EA, Ela WP. 2004. Removal of aqueous phase trichloroethylene using membrane air stripping contactors. J Environ Eng (New York) 130(11):1232-1241.
- He J, Ela WP, Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Saez AE. 2004. Reductive dehalogenation of aqueous-phase chlorinated hydrocarbons in an electrochemical reactor. Ind Eng Chem Res 43(25):7965-7974.
- He J, Saez AE, Ela WP. 2004. Destruction of aqueous-phase carbon tetrachloride in an electrochemical reactor with a porous cathode. Ind Eng Chem Res 43(4):913-923.
- Ju XM, Saez AE, Ela WP, Arnold RG, Betterton EA, Wallen M, Candillo K, Barbaris B, Orbay O. 2004. Reductive and oxidative destruction of chlorinated hydrocarbons in gas-phase catalytic reactors: Packed-beds and modified fuel cells. Abstr Pap Am Chem Soc 228:U612.
- Li H, Arnold RG, Betterton EA, Ela WP, Barbaris B. 2004. Comment on "the mechanisms of rate enhancing and quenching of trichloroethene photodecay in the presence of sensitizer and hydrogen sources". Water Res 38(11):2791-2792. PMID:15207610
- Chen G, Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Ela WP. 2003. Electrolytic reduction of trichloroethylene and chloroform at a Pt- or Pd-coated ceramic cathode. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 33(2):161-169.
- Ela WP. 2003. Fate of arsenic on spent sorbents in a landfill environment: specialtion and transport. In: Proceedings of the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, Technology Transfer Seminar, February, 2003. Phoenix, AZ.
- Ela WP, Ghosh A, Mukiibi M. 2003. Arsenic residual disposal: Are we creating job security for environmental engineering?. In: Proceedings of the NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) Superfund Region 9 Conference, October 2003. Berkley, CA.
- Ela WP, Ghosh A, Sierra-Alvarez R, Field JA, Cortinas I. 2003. Leaching of arsenic from water treatment residuals. In: Proceedings of the AWPCA (Arizona Water & Pollution Control Association) 76th Annual Confernece, 2003. Tucson, AZ.
- Ela WP, Sierra-Alvarez R, Field JA, Ghosh A, Cortinas I, de las Casas C. 2003. Laboratory tests on the fate of arsenic in landfills. In: Proceedings of the 2003 Residuals and Biosolids Symposium. Baltimore, MA.
- Ghosh A, Mukiibi M, Ela WP. 2003. Arsenic leaching from landfill disposed water treatment residuals. In: Proceedings of the NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) Superfund Region 9 Conference, October 2003. Berkley, CA.
- Mukiibi M, Ghosh A, Kopplin MJ, Ela WP. 2003. Generation of iron sludge wastes gererated by arsenic removal processes. In: Proceedings of the NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) Superfund Region 9 Conference, October 2003. Berkley, CA.
- Quanrud DM, Arnold RG, Lansey KE, Begay CK, Ela WP, Gandolfi A. 2003. Fate of effluent organic matter during soil aquifer treatment: biodegradability, chlorine reactivity and genotoxicity. J Water Health 1(1):33-44. PMID:15384271
- Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Ela WP, Grachane D, Samorano D, Orbay O, Ju XM, Berry L. 2002. Two new technologies for the treatment of groundwater polluted with halogenated organic solvents. In: Proceedings of the Canadian Chemical Society, 85th Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver. Vancouver, Canada.
- Ghosh A, Ela WP. 2002. Arsenic Leaching from Activated Alumina under Landfill pH Conditions. In: Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Conference and Exposition, American Water Works Association (AWWA). New Orleans, LA.
- Ghosh A, Ela WP. 2002. Leaching of arsenic from the water treatment residuals under ladnfill conditions. In: Proceedings of the 75th Annual Conference of Arizona Water & Pollution Control Association, 2002. Mesa, AZ.
- Ghosh A, Mukiibi M, Vo J, Mishra D, Ela WP. 2002. Leaching of toxics from solid residuals of arsenic treatment under landfill conditions. In: Proceedings of the Superfund Basic Research Program Annual Meeting, November 3-6, 2002. Tucson, AZ.
- Sierra-Alvarez R, Ela WP, de las Casas C, Cortinas I, Field JA. 2002. Microbially-mediated mobilization of arsenic from drinking water treatment residuals in landfills. In: Proceedings of the 75th Annual Conference of Arizona Water & Pollution Control Association, 2002. Mesa, AZ.
- Sierra-Alvarez R, Field JA, Cortinas I, de las Casas C, Feijoo G, Moreira MT, Ela WP. 2002. Microbial reduction and mobilization of arsenate under anaerobic conditions. In: Proceedings of the VII Latin America Workshop and Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion. Merida, Mexico. pp.206-209.
- Sierra-Alvarez R, Field JA, Ela WP, Cortinas I, de las Casas C, Feijoo G, Moreira MT. 2002. Mobilization of arsenate from activated alumina under anaerobic landfill conditions. In: Proceedings of the 17th Annual Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting, American Chemical Society, October 12-15, 2002. Albuquerque, NM.
- Barbaris B, Betterton EA, Arnold RG, Ela WP, Berry L, Ju XM, Kerry KE, Samorano D. 2001. Photo-treatment of perchloroethylene in soil vapor at the Harrison landfill, Tucson, AZ. In: Proceedings of the 2000 Conference on Hazardous Waste Research. Denver, CO. pp.55-68.