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Person Details: Phanourios Tamamis

Superfund Research Program

Phanourios Tamamis

Texas A&M University
3122 TAMU
College Station, Texas 77843-3255
Phone: 979-862-1610





  • Hearon S, Orr AA, Moyer H, Wang M, Tamamis P, Phillips TD. 2022. Montmorillonite clay-based sorbents decrease the bioavailability of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from soil and their translocation to plants. Environ Res 205:doi:10.1016/j.envres.2021.112433 PMID:34875259 PMCID:PMC8760172
  • Rivenbark K, Wang M, Lilly K, Tamamis P, Phillips TD. 2022. Development and characterization of chlorophyll-amended montmorillonite clays for the adsorption and detoxification of benzene. Water Res 221:doi:10.1016/j.watres.2022.118788


  • Orr AA, Wang M, Beykal B, Ganesh HS, Hearon S, Pistikopoulos EN, Phillips TD, Tamamis P. 2021. Combining experimental isotherms, minimalistic simulations, and a model to understand and predict chemical adsorption onto montmorillonite clays. ACS Omega 6(22):14090-14103. doi:10.1021/acsomega.1c00481 PMID:34124432 PMCID:PMC8190805
  • Wang M, Orr AA, Jakubowski JM, Bird KE, Casey CM, Hearon S, Tamamis P, Phillips TD. 2021. Enhanced adsorption of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) by edible, nutrient-amended montmorillonite clays. Water Res 188:116534. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2020.116534 PMID:33125992 PMCID:PMC7725962


  • Orr AA, He S, Wang M, Goodall A, Hearon S, Phillips TD, Tamamis P. 2020. Insights into the interactions of bisphenol and phthalate compounds with unamended and carnitine-amended montmorillonite clays. Computers & Chemical Engineering 143:107063. doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2020.107063


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Last Reviewed: January 30, 2025