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Person Details: Dr. Roger Bales

Superfund Research Program

Dr. Roger Bales

PO Box 210011
JW Harshbarger 202C
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0011
Phone: 520-621-7113
Fax: 520-621-1422




  • Henry EJ, Smith JE, Warrick AW, Bales R. 1999. Surfactant induced flow through unsaturated porous media. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 80(17):S118.
  • Jewett DG, Logan BE, Arnold RG, Bales R. 1999. Transport of Pseudomonas fluroescens strain P17 through porous media as a function of water content. J Contam Hydrol 36(1,2):73-89.


  • Jewett DG, Logan BE, Arnold RG, Bales R. 1996. Bacterial transport through unsaturated quartz sand and the effects of ionic strength and surfactant addition. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 77(46):F210.


  • Gross MJ, Albinger O, Jewett DG, Logan BE, Bales R, Arnold RG. 1995. Measurement of bacterial collision efficiencies in porous media. Water Res 29(4):1151-1158.
  • Jewett DG, Hilbert TA, Logan BE, Arnold RG, Bales R. 1995. Bacterial transport in columns and filters: Influence of ionic strength and pH on collision efficiency. Water Res 29(7):1673-1680.
  • Jewett DG, Logan BE, Arnold RG, Bales R. 1995. Bacterial transport through variably saturated quartz sand columns. In: Proceedings of the Geological Society of America, 108th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. pp.A103.
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Last Reviewed: October 07, 2024