Superfund Research Program
Julie B. Zimmerman
Yale University
Mason Lab
PO Box 208286
New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8286
Phone: 203-432-9703
- Harvard School of Public Health: Administrative Core (2020-2025)
- Harvard School of Public Health: Designing the Next Generation of Highly Selective Sorbent Materials for Remediation of Target Inorganic Contaminants in Aqueous Systems (2020-2025)
- Leniz-Pizarro F, Rudel HE, Briot N, Zimmerman JB, Bhattacharyya D. 2023. Membrane functionalization approaches toward per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and selected metal ion separations. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 15(37):44224-44237. doi:10.1021/acsami.3c08478 PMID:37688548
- Rudel HE, Zimmerman JB. 2023. Elucidating the role of capping agents in facet-dependent adsorption performance of hematite nanostructures. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 15(29):34829-34837. doi:10.1021/acsami.3c05104 PMID:37441746
- Westerhoff P, Alvarez PJ, Kim J, Li Q, Alabastri A, Halas N, Villagran D, Zimmerman JB, Wong MS. 2021. Utilizing the broad electromagnetic spectrum and unique nanoscale properties for chemical-free water treatment. Curr Opin Chem Eng 33:doi:10.1016/j.coche.2021.100709 PMID:34804780 PMCID:PMC8597955
- Rudel HE, Lane MM, Muhich C, Zimmerman JB. 2020. Toward informed design of nanomaterials: a mechanistic analysis of structure property function relationships for faceted nanoscale metal oxides. ACS Nano 16472-16501. doi:10.1021/acsnano.0c08356
- Steele WB, Kristofco LA, Corrales J, Saari GN, Corcoran EJ, Hill BN, Mills MG, Gallagher EP, Kavanagh TJ, Melnikov F, Zimmerman JB, Voutchkova-Kostal A, Anastas P, Kostal J, Brooks BW. 2020. Toward less hazardous industrial compounds: Coupling quantum mechanical computations, biomarker responses, and behavioral profiles to identify bioactivity of S(N)2 electrophiles in alternative vertebrate models. Chem Res Toxicol 33(2):367-380. doi:10.1021/acs.chemrestox.9b00290 PMID:31789507
- Mills MG, Ramsden R, Ma EY, Corrales J, Kristofco LA, Steele WB, Saari GN, Melnikov F, Kostal J, Kavanagh TJ, Zimmerman JB, Voutchkova-Kostal A, Brooks BW, Coish P, Anastas P, Gallagher EP. 2019. CRISPR-generated Nrf2a loss- and gain-of-function mutants facilitate mechanistic analysis of chemical oxidative stress-mediated toxicity in zebrafish. Chem Res Toxicol doi:10.1021/acs.chemrestox.9b00346
- Steele WB, Kristofco LA, Corrales J, Saari GN, Haddad SP, Gallagher EP, Kavanagh TJ, Kostal J, Zimmerman JB, Voutchkova-Kostal A, Anastas P, Brooks BW. 2018. Comparative behavioral toxicology with two common larval fish models: exploring relationships among modes of action and locomotor responses. Sci Total Environ 640-641:1587-1600. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.402 PMID:30021323