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Person Details: Paul Westerhoff

Superfund Research Program

Paul Westerhoff

Arizona State University
Mail code 3005
PO Box 873005
Tempe, Arizona 85287-3005
Phone: 480-965-2885




  • Farsad A, Marcos-Hernandez M, Sinha S, Westerhoff P. 2023. Sous vide-inspired impregnation of amorphous titanium (hydr)oxide into carbon block point-of-use filters for arsenic removal from water. Environ Sci Technol 57(48):20410-20420. doi:10.1021/acs.est.3c06586 PMID:37948748
  • Farsad A, Niimi K, Ersan MS, Gonzalez-Rodriguez JR, Hristovski KD, Westerhoff P. 2023. Mechanistic study of arsenate adsorption onto different amorphous grades of titanium (hydr)oxides impregnated into a point-of-use activated carbon block. ACS ES&T Eng doi:10.1021/acsestengg.3c00012
  • Reid E, Igou T, Zhao Y, Crittenden JC, Huang C, Westerhoff P, Rittmann BE, Drewes JE, Chen Y. 2023. The minus approach can redefine the standard of practice of drinking water treatment. Environ Sci Technol 57(18):7150-7161. doi:10.1021/acs.est.2c09389 PMID:37074125 PMCID:PMC1017346
  • Wutich A, Thomson P, Jepson W, Stoler J, Cooperman AD, Doss-Gollin J, Jantrania A, Mayer A, Nelson-Nunez J, Walker W, Westerhoff P. 2023. MAD water: Integrating modular, adaptive, and decentralized approaches for water security in the climate change era. WIREs Water doi:10.1002/wat2.1680



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Last Reviewed: October 07, 2024