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Person Details: Dr. P. Barry Ryan

Superfund Research Program

Dr. P. Barry Ryan

Emory University School of Public Health
Department of Environmental & Occupational Health
Rollins School of Public Health
1518-002-1AA, Grace C Rollins Bldg 264
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Phone: 404-727-3826
Fax: 404-727-8744




  • Barr DB, Landsittel D, Nishioka M, Thomas K, Curwin B, Raymer J, Donnelly KC, McCauley L, Ryan PB. 2006. A survey of laboratory and statistical issues related to farmworker exposure studies. Environ Health Perspect 114(6):961-968. PMID:16760001


  • Hoppin JA, Aro A, Hu H, Ryan PB. 2000. Measurement variability associated with KXRF bone lead measurement in young adults. Environ Health Perspect 108(3):239-242. PMID:10706530 PMCID:PMC1637955


  • Elreedy S, Kreiger N, Ryan PB, Sparrow D, Weiss ST, Hu H. 1999. Relations between individual and neighborhood-based measures of socioeconomic position and bone lead concentrations among community-exposed men: The Normative Aging Study. Am J Epidemiol 150(2):129-141. PMID:10412957


  • Hauser R, Elreedy S, Ryan PB, Christiani DC. 1998. Urine vanadium concentrations in workers overhauling an oil-fired boiler. Am J Ind Med 33:55-61. PMID:9408529


  • Hoppin JA, Aro A, Hu H, Ryan PB. 1997. In vivo bone lead measurements in suburban teenagers. Pediatrics 100:365-370.
  • Hoppin JA, Elreedy S, Ryan PB. 1997. Validation of a self-administered lead exposure questionnaire among suburban teenagers. Environ Res 74:1-10. PMID:9339208


  • Hoppin JA, Aro A, Williams PL, Hu H, Ryan PB. 1995. Validation of K-XRF bone lead measurements in young adults. Environ Health Perspect 103:78-83. PMID:7628429
  • Hoppin JA, Elreedy S, Ryan PB. 1995. Validation of a self-administered questionnaire to predict lead exposure to teenagers in a suburban community. Epidemiology 6:S22.
  • Hoppin JA, Ryan PB. 1995. Biological markers issues for environmental exposure assessment. Epidemiology 6:S29.
  • Ryan PB, Elreedy S, Burke TA. 1995. Investigations in environmental equity: young adults and lead exposure in a community setting. Epidemiology 6:S78.
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Last Reviewed: December 05, 2024